设 计质量和尝试是否达到国家规定、功能是否满足使用要求,仅关系到建设项目一次性投资的满足使用要求,不仅关系到建设项目一次性投资的多少,而且在建成交付 使用后影响项目的经济效益。国外专家指出,虽然设计费用占工程总投资的比例很小,不到1%,但它对工程造价的影响程度达到75%。很显然,搞好工程设计阶 段的造价控制是有效控制工程造价的关键,重施工、轻设计的观念必须克服,控制工程费用应从设计抓起。因此,建设单位在审查设计单位的设计时,要重视设计方 案的优化,利用各种指标对厂区总平面图设计、工业建筑的空间平面设计进行分析比较,这两方面的设计不仅对工程造价产生重大影响,而且对施工及投产后的生 产、经营都有重大影响。在选择工艺技术方案时,应从我国的实际出发,以提高投资效益为前提,积极而稳妥地采用先进的技术方案和成熟的新技术、新工艺。一般 来说,先进的技术方案劳动生产率高、产品质量好,但是所需的投资较大,因此,要认真进行经济分析,根据我国国情和企业的经济实力,确定先进适用、经济合 理、切实可行的工艺技术方案。在工业建设项目中,设备投资约占建设投资的40%-50%,在设备设计与造型过程中应尽量采用标准化、通用化和系列化生产的 设备,尽量立足国内,对于需要进口的设备应注意与工艺流程相适应和与有关设备配套,不要重复引进。
控 制工程造价,在设计过程中采用限额设计。所谓限额设计就是按照批准的可行性研究报告的投资估算控制初步设计,按照批准的初步设计总概算控制技术设计和施工 图设计,同时各专业在保证达到使用功能的前提下,按分配的投资限额控制设计,严格控制不合理变更,保证总投资额不被突破。分解投资和工程量是实行限额设计 的有效途径和主要方法,它是将上阶段设计审定的投资额和工程量先分解到各个专业,然后再分解到各单位工程和各分部工程,通过层层分解,实现对投资限额的控 制和管理,也同时实现了对设计规范、设计标准、工程数量、与概预算指标等各方面的控制。初步设计阶段应按照批准的可行性研究阶段的投资估算进行限额设计,控制概算不超过投资估算,主要是对工程是和设备、材质的控制。为此,初步设计阶段 的限额设计工程量应以可行性研究阶段审定的设计工程量和设备、材质标准为依据,对可行性研究阶段不易确定的某些工程量,可参照设计和通用设计或类似已建工 程的实物工程量确定。在初步设计限额中,各专业设计人员要增强工程造价意识,严格按照限额设计所分解的投资额和控制工程量以及保证使用功能的条件下进行设 计,力求将工程造价和工程量控制在限额内。为鼓励、促进将工程造价和工程量控制在限额内。为鼓励、促进设计人员做好设计方案选择,要把竞争机制引入设计 中,实行设计招标,促进设计人员增强竞争意识,增加危机感和紧迫感,克服和杜绝方案比选中的片面性和局限性以及经验主义。 展开
设 计质量和尝试是否达到国家规定、功能是否满足使用要求,仅关系到建设项目一次性投资的满足使用要求,不仅关系到建设项目一次性投资的多少,而且在建成交付 使用后影响项目的经济效益。国外专家指出,虽然设计费用占工程总投资的比例很小,不到1%,但它对工程造价的影响程度达到75%。很显然,搞好工程设计阶 段的造价控制是有效控制工程造价的关键,重施工、轻设计的观念必须克服,控制工程费用应从设计抓起。因此,建设单位在审查设计单位的设计时,要重视设计方 案的优化,利用各种指标对厂区总平面图设计、工业建筑的空间平面设计进行分析比较,这两方面的设计不仅对工程造价产生重大影响,而且对施工及投产后的生 产、经营都有重大影响。在选择工艺技术方案时,应从我国的实际出发,以提高投资效益为前提,积极而稳妥地采用先进的技术方案和成熟的新技术、新工艺。一般 来说,先进的技术方案劳动生产率高、产品质量好,但是所需的投资较大,因此,要认真进行经济分析,根据我国国情和企业的经济实力,确定先进适用、经济合 理、切实可行的工艺技术方案。在工业建设项目中,设备投资约占建设投资的40%-50%,在设备设计与造型过程中应尽量采用标准化、通用化和系列化生产的 设备,尽量立足国内,对于需要进口的设备应注意与工艺流程相适应和与有关设备配套,不要重复引进。
控 制工程造价,在设计过程中采用限额设计。所谓限额设计就是按照批准的可行性研究报告的投资估算控制初步设计,按照批准的初步设计总概算控制技术设计和施工 图设计,同时各专业在保证达到使用功能的前提下,按分配的投资限额控制设计,严格控制不合理变更,保证总投资额不被突破。分解投资和工程量是实行限额设计 的有效途径和主要方法,它是将上阶段设计审定的投资额和工程量先分解到各个专业,然后再分解到各单位工程和各分部工程,通过层层分解,实现对投资限额的控 制和管理,也同时实现了对设计规范、设计标准、工程数量、与概预算指标等各方面的控制。初步设计阶段应按照批准的可行性研究阶段的投资估算进行限额设计,控制概算不超过投资估算,主要是对工程是和设备、材质的控制。为此,初步设计阶段 的限额设计工程量应以可行性研究阶段审定的设计工程量和设备、材质标准为依据,对可行性研究阶段不易确定的某些工程量,可参照设计和通用设计或类似已建工 程的实物工程量确定。在初步设计限额中,各专业设计人员要增强工程造价意识,严格按照限额设计所分解的投资额和控制工程量以及保证使用功能的条件下进行设 计,力求将工程造价和工程量控制在限额内。为鼓励、促进将工程造价和工程量控制在限额内。为鼓励、促进设计人员做好设计方案选择,要把竞争机制引入设计 中,实行设计招标,促进设计人员增强竞争意识,增加危机感和紧迫感,克服和杜绝方案比选中的片面性和局限性以及经验主义。 展开
The design phase of project cost control
Engineering design of construction projects is to conduct a comprehensive planning and specific intent to describe the process of implementation is the soul of the construction, dealing with technology and the critical link in economic relations, is to determine and control the key stages of project cost.
1, optimized design, the effective control of project cost.
Design quality and to try whether the state, functions are used to meet requirements related to construction projects only a one-time investment to meet the application requirements, not only construction projects related to the number of one-time investment, and after completion of delivery of the impact of the economic benefits of the project. Foreign experts pointed out that although the design of the project costs represent a small proportion of total investment, less than 1%, but its impact on the level of project cost 75 %. It is clear that the project design stage to do a good job of cost control is cost effective control of the key, re-construction, light design concept must be overcome to control the cost of the project design should start. Therefore, the construction units and design units in the review of the design, attention should be paid to design optimization, the use of various indicators of the overall plan of the factory, industrial building design analysis of space compared to the design of these two aspects of the project cost, not only have a significant impact, and after the construction and operation of the production, management has a significant impact. In the choice of process technology options, from the reality of our country in order to improve investment returns for the premise of a positive and safe use of advanced technology programs and mature new technologies and new techniques. In general, the advanced technology program of high labor productivity, product quality, but large investments required, therefore, has to carry out economic analysis, according to China's national conditions and the economic strength of enterprises, to determine the application of advanced, economical, practical technology program. In industrial construction projects, investment in equipment construction investment accounting for about 40% - 50 %, In the device design and modeling process should be standardized as far as possible, and serialization of generic production equipment, as far as possible based on domestic and imported equipment for the need to pay attention to and processes should be adapted and with the equipment, do not repeat the introduction.
2, the implementation of limits on the design of the project
Cost control process, used in the design limit of the design process. The so-called limit is in accordance with the approved design of the study can estimate the investment in the preliminary design of the control, in accordance with the approved budget for the preliminary design of the total control of the technical design and design of facilities, at the same time to achieve certification of professions in the premise of the use of functional according to the allocation of investment limit for control design, and strictly control unreasonable changes, permits will not be a total investment of a breakthrough. Decomposition process is the investment and is an effective way to limit the design and the main method, which is on the stage of the design and validation of the investment volume of the first decomposition process to the various professions, and then break down into various units and the way Division-way, pass decomposition levels, limits on investment to achieve the control and management, but also at the same time on the design specifications, design standards, process the number of indicators and over all aspects of budget control. The preliminary design stage should be in accordance with the approved feasibility study stage to estimate the investment limit of the design, control of non-super investment budget estimate, mainly on the way it is and equipment, materials control. To this end, the preliminary design phase of the design process limits the amount should be able to study the design stage of the validation process and equipment, material criteria, studies can be difficult to set a stage more Way traffic, be guided by the design and universal design, or similar kind of way-way volume. Quota at the preliminary design, the various professional designers cost way to enhance the awareness, in strict accordance with the decomposition of the limit design and control of the investment process permits the use of volume and function under design, seeks to process cost and process control in the limit. In order to encourage, to process cost and process control in the limit. In order to encourage the designer to do a good job in the design of choice to fight the introduction of the design of the mechanism, it is the design of the tender, designers struggle to enhance awareness and increase a sense of crisis and urgency of a sense of overcoming and Du selected than the one-sidedness and limitations, and Transcendentalism.
Engineering design of construction projects is to conduct a comprehensive planning and specific intent to describe the process of implementation is the soul of the construction, dealing with technology and the critical link in economic relations, is to determine and control the key stages of project cost.
1, optimized design, the effective control of project cost.
Design quality and to try whether the state, functions are used to meet requirements related to construction projects only a one-time investment to meet the application requirements, not only construction projects related to the number of one-time investment, and after completion of delivery of the impact of the economic benefits of the project. Foreign experts pointed out that although the design of the project costs represent a small proportion of total investment, less than 1%, but its impact on the level of project cost 75 %. It is clear that the project design stage to do a good job of cost control is cost effective control of the key, re-construction, light design concept must be overcome to control the cost of the project design should start. Therefore, the construction units and design units in the review of the design, attention should be paid to design optimization, the use of various indicators of the overall plan of the factory, industrial building design analysis of space compared to the design of these two aspects of the project cost, not only have a significant impact, and after the construction and operation of the production, management has a significant impact. In the choice of process technology options, from the reality of our country in order to improve investment returns for the premise of a positive and safe use of advanced technology programs and mature new technologies and new techniques. In general, the advanced technology program of high labor productivity, product quality, but large investments required, therefore, has to carry out economic analysis, according to China's national conditions and the economic strength of enterprises, to determine the application of advanced, economical, practical technology program. In industrial construction projects, investment in equipment construction investment accounting for about 40% - 50 %, In the device design and modeling process should be standardized as far as possible, and serialization of generic production equipment, as far as possible based on domestic and imported equipment for the need to pay attention to and processes should be adapted and with the equipment, do not repeat the introduction.
2, the implementation of limits on the design of the project
Cost control process, used in the design limit of the design process. The so-called limit is in accordance with the approved design of the study can estimate the investment in the preliminary design of the control, in accordance with the approved budget for the preliminary design of the total control of the technical design and design of facilities, at the same time to achieve certification of professions in the premise of the use of functional according to the allocation of investment limit for control design, and strictly control unreasonable changes, permits will not be a total investment of a breakthrough. Decomposition process is the investment and is an effective way to limit the design and the main method, which is on the stage of the design and validation of the investment volume of the first decomposition process to the various professions, and then break down into various units and the way Division-way, pass decomposition levels, limits on investment to achieve the control and management, but also at the same time on the design specifications, design standards, process the number of indicators and over all aspects of budget control. The preliminary design stage should be in accordance with the approved feasibility study stage to estimate the investment limit of the design, control of non-super investment budget estimate, mainly on the way it is and equipment, materials control. To this end, the preliminary design phase of the design process limits the amount should be able to study the design stage of the validation process and equipment, material criteria, studies can be difficult to set a stage more Way traffic, be guided by the design and universal design, or similar kind of way-way volume. Quota at the preliminary design, the various professional designers cost way to enhance the awareness, in strict accordance with the decomposition of the limit design and control of the investment process permits the use of volume and function under design, seeks to process cost and process control in the limit. In order to encourage, to process cost and process control in the limit. In order to encourage the designer to do a good job in the design of choice to fight the introduction of the design of the mechanism, it is the design of the tender, designers struggle to enhance awareness and increase a sense of crisis and urgency of a sense of overcoming and Du selected than the one-sidedness and limitations, and Transcendentalism.