
本人急求初一首字母填空(苏教版的),最好有点难度,但是不能超范围!拜托啦,还有几天就期末考试了!(最好有答案)如果可以的话,再找一些有点难度的完形填空,阅读理解(不能超范... 本人急求初一首字母填空(苏教版的),最好有点难度,但是不能超范围!拜托啦,还有几天就期末考试了!(最好有答案)
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2009-06-07 · TA获得超过577个赞
1.In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring.After an hour black c( ) come and then it rains.
When you go to England,you will see that some English people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat on s( ) mornings,but you should not laugh at them,If you don't take an umbrella or a raincoat ,you will regret l( ) in the day.
Cloudy shining late

2.Then come and work for us as a r________.
I am Bill. I amE_________ I come to C_____ with my parents. They work in a university (大学)and I study in a m______ school. We stay in a house near the university but it is far from(远离)my school. I get up at six in the m_____+___ and then have some b______ and m______ for breakfast. I go to school by bike. The first lesson b_______ at eight, so I must get there at seven forty-five. In China, l______ of people go to work by bike and you can see bikes h____and t_____. China is a “Country of Bike.”

3.Let me tell you something a________ my little doy snoopy. Snoopy is an A_________ d________. He looks very lovely. He has t______ small eyes. Two big ears. F______ short legs and a s_______ tail. Now he can p_________ many games. If I say” Go to s______>” he g______ to his bed and lies down. If I say “P_____ basketball!” He goes to catch a ball and put it into a basket. If I say:” Please d________ for us !” the he dance to the music.

4.one day Mr Black was going to change a().He was standing on a () .He wife ()him to be careful .He said,"Don't worry.Lt's quite safe."() his wife said it was dangerous."Look out!"she cried.Just (),the light burst and he ()off
light 或:light-bulb chair told But then fell

5.Tom is seven years old.He is a very c( ) and naughty boy.He likes playing football very much.Sometimes he plays it in the house.
Look!He is playing football in the street now.He kicks it too h( ).The football breakes the window of a house and f( ) in the room.
When he sees woman,he says,"my father is going ti come and f( )your window soon"
1. cute,clever 很聪明 2. hard 用力地踢 3. falls 落入室内 4. fix 安装,修理

6.Do you have a pet?Are you i_______ intaking care of animals ?Girls and boys who like animals may want to study to be anmials doctors.They are often call"vets”.Many of them work in animal hospitals. Other may work on farms or at a z_______.Some study animal diseases and try to find ways to keep the the animals from getting i_______.They do studies in medicine.

7. when she gets a good-looking Maths teacher,she begins to w___ harder on her Maths . Her diary s_____ that she loves him. But when her mother reads, they have a f_____. Then they don't talk to each other for a long time,

8.I am a student,living in Harbin,a n___ city in Cina. I ofen t___ myself English by attending the online classes.In my free time, I like t___ with my frinds online.Sometimes I also search the Internet for some useful i___.It is much cheaper and quicker.It s___ me much money and time.I can see the latest news w___ going outside to buy newspapers.It t___ me a short time to read today's news online. When I learn something about a city that I like to t___ to, I only need to click.If I want to know how to c___ meals or f___ dogs, there are a few articles about them online. The Internet helps me a lot.
northern teach talking information saves without takes travel cook feed

9.anksgiving Day is a (25)h_____ in the U.S.A.It is celebrated every year on the (26)f_____ Thursday of November.Usually,family members and friends get (27)t_____ for a turkey dinner.People (28)s____ driver their cars to distant places for a family reunion.Many people also take Friday (29)o_____ and make it a long weekend wacation,(30)b_____ most Americans do not work Saturday or Sunday

10. just beginning to eat when the telephone r_____.I put down ny knife and fork and went over to a____ it.By the time l got back to the table, my tea had got cold.lfinshed my supper and began drinking my cold tea.Suddenly there was a l____knock on the door.l gave me such a surprise that l dropped the cup on the f____.But when l opened the door,l couldn't find a______outside
rang answer little floor anyone

11.you have a pet?Are you i_______ intaking care of animals ?Girls and boys who like animals may want to study to be anmials doctors.They are often call"vets”.Many of them work in animal hospitals. Other may work on farms or at a z_______.Some study animal diseases and try to find ways to keep the theanimals from getting i_______.They do studies in medicine f_______ animals,
12.nie Mouse is the perfect girl-next-dool. She stands for the ideal females with her k_______ and caring style. She moves ,s_______ and acts with g______manners.
kind,speaks ,good

13.ery )few minutes the Englishman would come out of his room and repeat his request.After a half-hour the s(ilent ) servant decided to ask the Englishman w(hether) he was doing with the water."N(o ),"the Englishman answered imperturbably,"It's simple that my room is on fire."

14.y people like to w(atch) TV.Watching TV is one of the most important a(ll) of the day.TV brings the o( ) world to people's home.Some people say the world is s( ) than before because of TV
watch ctivities utside maller

15.ice is sinking.In 2040 Venice will be u(nder ) water.
The Adriatic Sea will c(over ) the city.The Venetians love their city and they want to s(tay) there.So they want to s(eparate ) Venice from the sea.How?they can b(uild ) some strong huge walls and gates in the sea.The gate will close to keep too much water overflow .In this way,Venice won't s(ink)

16.ny people like to r(ead) the Guinness Book of World Records.and some people want to be in it! h(ow) do people get their names in the bool?They do something new and different.such as making the world's l( ) cake with more than 54000 eggs.For m(ore) people .it is interesting and exciting to make world records.But who eats the cake?While some people are making world records,o(thers) don't have much food to e(at) .Hunger is a serious p( ) in the United states around the world.

17.n I was lost in London , it had one of the thickest fogs in years . You could h_____ see your hand in front of your face . Cars and buses ran very slowly with their lights in , and their horns made big n_____ .When evening fell , it got even w____ . All traffic came to a s_____ . Since I had an important meeting on the other side of the city , I wanted to walk .

Minutes later I was lost . Then I heard a young w_____ voice coming out of the fog . "I think you are lost.Can I help you?"I could not see her , but I was very glad to find another person out in the fog . I told her w_____ I wanted to go and she said she knew very well how to get there .

As I f_____ her through the dark streets , I wondered how she found her way so e_____ . "I know this part of London quite well ,"she answered.

"But in s____ a fog it's difficult to see anything ."I said .

"With the fog or without the fog , it m_____ no difference to me . Yous see , I am blind ."She answered .
hardly noise worse stop woman's where followed easily such makes

18.ritain,cars,buses and bikes must keep to the l(eft) side of the street.If a person wants to c(ross) a street,he must stop and either look at t(raffic) lights or look at both ways of the street.And i( ) of looking left first,as we do in China ,they look right first.
To go round in London,visitors must l( ) to use buses and underground trains.
instead learn

19.n the bee flies out to look for flowers,it m( ) go to places very far,but if n( ) loses its way.When the rain comes down,the bee will hide in some little hole in a wall or among the l( ) of a tree,When the sun comes out again,it will f( ) home.
may never leaves fly

t's Jim's bedroom.It's b(ig) and clean.We can see a picture on the wall.We can see a k( ) on the o( ) wall.Jim's bed is b( ) the wall.
1,kite 2,other 3,behind

20.y has been living in Xi'an with her parents s_____ two years ago. Her father is an Englishman. Her mother c_____ from America. Her fanther works in a school a_____ a teacher, so does her mother. She knows Chinese history a l_____. Two t_____ years ago someJapanese came to China learn Chinese c_____. They were welcomed by the Tang Emperor in China'an.She likes Xi'an very much b_____ it's an old city with a very colorful h_____. She said she w_____ be here for the Olympic Game i_____ 2008.

Mary has been living in Xi'an with her parents since two years ago. Her father is an Englishman. Her mother comes from America. Her fanther works in a school as a teacher, so does her mother. She knows Chinese history a lot. Two thousand years ago someJapanese came to China learn Chinese culture. They were welcomed by the Tang Emperor in China'an.She likes Xi'an very much because it's an old city with a very colorful history. She said she would be here for the Olympic Game in 2008.

21.n likes to k_____ his hair very long. Some of his friends thought that it looked like a girl’s hair, but they never made jokes about it because John was a big, strong young man , and he did not think about his hair f______ .
John always went to the barber’s twice a month to have his hair cut and washed , and one day the barber said to him , “Now why don’t you let me cut most of this hair o______ and make your head t______ ? Nobody would recognize you if I did that , I’m sure.”
John said n______ for a second , and then he said , “Perhaps you are right , but I’m sure that nobody would recognize you if you did that to my hair.

22.en you go somewhere by bus in HongKomg,you have to be careful,too. Always (remember) the trafic keeps to the left.Have a look(firstly) ,or you may go the (wrong) way.In HongKong,there are a lot of big buses (with) two floors,you'd better sit on the second floor,From there youcan watch the cityvery well.

23. was ten years old,and he was a lazy boy,he didn't like doing a(1) work ,He had to go to school,of course,but he didn't study hard there and tried to do as little work as possible.His father and mother were b(2) doctors and they hoped that their son would become o(3)too,when he grew up,But one day,Tom said to his mother,"When I f(4) school,I want to b(e) a dustman.""Adustman?" his mother asked,she was very surprised."That's not a very pleasant job,why do you want to become a dustman?" "because I I would o(8) have to work one day a week." Tom answered at once."Only one day a week?" His mother said,"What do you m(9) ?and how do you know ?""well",tom replayied ,"I know that the dustmen who come to our house on Thursday ,beacuse I only see t(10) on that day"
1 any 2 both 3 one 4 finish 5 become/be 8 only 9 mean 10 them

24.ly was four years old and he was a bery bad boy.Every day after lunch his mother took him to his bedroom and put him on his bed to rest for an hour,but Billy n____slept and usually he made a lot of n_____and got off his bed every f____minutes.
One afternoon,Bliiy's mother put him on his bed and then went to her bedroom to do some sewing.After ten minutes,she heard a noise so she went to Billy's room,he wasn't there,but his trousers were lying on his bed.
She looked in the other rooms u_____,but he was not there e_____,so she went to the t_____of the stairs and shouted down a_____."Are you running about down there w____your trousere?"
"No,madam,"answere a man's v_____."I have brought your vegetables and I am w____my trousers."
never noise few upstairs either top aloud without voice with
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