高分悬赏 中译英 100
2.0 范围
3.0 职责
3.1 品管部的职责
3.1.1 品管部主管负责异常情况时报告的发出
3.2 生产部的职责
3.2.1 生产部门负责异常情况的处理措施
3.3 总经理助理的职责
3.3.1 负责报告的审批意见
4.0 程序
4.1 利器的控制
4.1.1 禁止员工私自带任何利器上班
4.1.2 部门代码:
注塑部:ZS 丝印部:SY 装配部:ZP
工程板房:GZ 品管部:PG
4.1.3 利器编码的规定:
水口刀:SKD 剪钳:JQ 剪刀:JD 镊子:NZ
尖咀钳:JZQ 十字批:SZP 一字批:SZP 水口剪:SKJ
例:剪钳 ZSJQ001
ZS JQ 001
代表部门〈例:注塑部 〉
4.1.4 生产工场每日上班发放利器时,由生产部各组长负责发放及做好《利器发放记
4.1.5 禁止使用可折断的利器,使用中利器必须固定绑于工作台边,以免利器松脱而混
4.1.6 QC负责在拉上巡查刀片情况,如发现有刀片折断的情况时,须即时隔离该时段的产品进行检查,以确保不会有折断的刀片掉入产品中,在生产中途遗失利器时应立即通知组长或主管,并发出《事故异常处理报告》,追查遗失利器的原因,如果寻不到遗失利器,必须将所有的产品全部返工查找,直到找到为止;
4.2 玻璃破碎或硬胶破裂控制;
4.2.1 当在设备〈例:注塑机、移印机、吸塑机、超声机等机器旁出现玻璃或硬胶破裂时,周围的员工应立即关机停止工作,及时上报部门主管寻求解决办法,主管在接到汇报后应立即到现场处理,视情况严重性给予某个范围(所属范围3米或5米处)完全清理,在完全清理干净后,才可放行正常生产,生产前后产品应该由QC检查,确保没有问题时给予放行;
4.2.2 生产线上出现玻璃破碎或硬胶破裂时,正在工作员工要立即停止一切工作,并通知组长停拉,同时组长需上报部门主管,并将怀疑〈所属范围3米可5米处〉受污染的产品与其它分开来逐个进行检查及清理,直到完全清理干净后,合格的放入生产线包装,全过程将同主管统一安排处理及QC验证合格后方可开始继续作业;
4.3 物料区出现玻璃破碎或硬胶破裂时,停止一切的进出物料并隔离标识,然后将怀疑〈所 属范围3米或5米处〉受污染的物料逐个进行检查和清理,清理干净后,才可按正常状态运作;
4.4 以上采取的行动必须经部门主管认可方可执行,必要时通知总经理或总经理助理,当 玻璃破碎或硬胶破裂发生在两个或以上部门时,所涉及部门的主管应互相协调处理妥善,部门之间发生冲突时,由总经理助理统一安排;
4.5 组长必须做好领取数量记录发给员工利器,下班时一定要原数收回,并存放于车间利器 箱内,如收回数量有多或有少现象时,组长必须负责查清原因。
4.6 附件
分数不多,但也不是那么容易赚的。拜托非职业的闪一边去!谢谢! 展开
2.0 范围
3.0 职责
3.1 品管部的职责
3.1.1 品管部主管负责异常情况时报告的发出
3.2 生产部的职责
3.2.1 生产部门负责异常情况的处理措施
3.3 总经理助理的职责
3.3.1 负责报告的审批意见
4.0 程序
4.1 利器的控制
4.1.1 禁止员工私自带任何利器上班
4.1.2 部门代码:
注塑部:ZS 丝印部:SY 装配部:ZP
工程板房:GZ 品管部:PG
4.1.3 利器编码的规定:
水口刀:SKD 剪钳:JQ 剪刀:JD 镊子:NZ
尖咀钳:JZQ 十字批:SZP 一字批:SZP 水口剪:SKJ
例:剪钳 ZSJQ001
ZS JQ 001
代表部门〈例:注塑部 〉
4.1.4 生产工场每日上班发放利器时,由生产部各组长负责发放及做好《利器发放记
4.1.5 禁止使用可折断的利器,使用中利器必须固定绑于工作台边,以免利器松脱而混
4.1.6 QC负责在拉上巡查刀片情况,如发现有刀片折断的情况时,须即时隔离该时段的产品进行检查,以确保不会有折断的刀片掉入产品中,在生产中途遗失利器时应立即通知组长或主管,并发出《事故异常处理报告》,追查遗失利器的原因,如果寻不到遗失利器,必须将所有的产品全部返工查找,直到找到为止;
4.2 玻璃破碎或硬胶破裂控制;
4.2.1 当在设备〈例:注塑机、移印机、吸塑机、超声机等机器旁出现玻璃或硬胶破裂时,周围的员工应立即关机停止工作,及时上报部门主管寻求解决办法,主管在接到汇报后应立即到现场处理,视情况严重性给予某个范围(所属范围3米或5米处)完全清理,在完全清理干净后,才可放行正常生产,生产前后产品应该由QC检查,确保没有问题时给予放行;
4.2.2 生产线上出现玻璃破碎或硬胶破裂时,正在工作员工要立即停止一切工作,并通知组长停拉,同时组长需上报部门主管,并将怀疑〈所属范围3米可5米处〉受污染的产品与其它分开来逐个进行检查及清理,直到完全清理干净后,合格的放入生产线包装,全过程将同主管统一安排处理及QC验证合格后方可开始继续作业;
4.3 物料区出现玻璃破碎或硬胶破裂时,停止一切的进出物料并隔离标识,然后将怀疑〈所 属范围3米或5米处〉受污染的物料逐个进行检查和清理,清理干净后,才可按正常状态运作;
4.4 以上采取的行动必须经部门主管认可方可执行,必要时通知总经理或总经理助理,当 玻璃破碎或硬胶破裂发生在两个或以上部门时,所涉及部门的主管应互相协调处理妥善,部门之间发生冲突时,由总经理助理统一安排;
4.5 组长必须做好领取数量记录发给员工利器,下班时一定要原数收回,并存放于车间利器 箱内,如收回数量有多或有少现象时,组长必须负责查清原因。
4.6 附件
分数不多,但也不是那么容易赚的。拜托非职业的闪一边去!谢谢! 展开
Third-order quality management system documents
Glass tool use and control guidelines
Plant facilities for all machines and equipment, and broken glass, to control all products in the production process or after the weapon damage broken glass mixed with products from the weapon to ensure that the customers of the injury;
2.0 Scope
This procedure applies to the factory in the production process will lead to broken glass or sharp object into the damaged products, applicable to production lines, materials and machines, such as regional facilities;
3.0 functions
Quality control functions of the Department 3.1
3.1.1 Quality Control Department is responsible for anomalies in the report issued by the
3.2 Production responsibilities
3.2.1 Production department is responsible for measures to deal with unusual situations
3.3 The responsibilities of the Assistant General Manager
3.3.1 is responsible for approving the report of the views of
4.0 Procedure
4.1 tool of control
4.1.1 Prohibition of private employees to work without any tool
4.1.2 Sector Code:
Injection Molding Department: ZS Printing Department: SY Assembly Department: ZP
Project board room: GZ Quality Control Department: PG
Encoding tool 4.1.3 provides that:
Shuikou knife: SKD clipper: JQ scissors: JD tweezers: NZ
Tsim Sha Tsui clamp: JZQ Cross awarded: SZP the word approved: SZP Shuikou shear: SKJ
For example: ZSJQ001 clipper
ZS JQ 001
On behalf of a sharp object ID <example: 001 ... ... ...>
On behalf of departments <cases: Injection Department>
On behalf of a sharp object name <example: clipper>
4.1.4 payment of the production of weapons to go to work every day workshop, by the production of the head of the Department responsible for issuing and do a good job, "issued a sharp object in mind
Recorded in Form "by the plant QC is responsible for overseeing the issuance of the class gap and the accuracy of the number of recovered weapons;
4.1.5 Prohibition of the Use of the weapon can be broken, use a sharp object to be fixed up in the table edge to prevent loosening and mixing tool
Goods, the movement may be tied or buttoned at the wrist;
4.1.6 QC inspections blade in one way or another, such as found in the case of a broken blade must be an immediate separation of the product during that period should be examined to ensure that there is no broken blade into the products, half-way in the production lost when a sharp object shall immediately notify the team leader or supervisor, and the issue of "exception handling accident reports," tool to trace the causes of loss, if the weapon is missing寻不到must be reworking all of the products to find, until you find the date;
4.2 or硬胶broken glass control;
4.2.1 When equipment <cases: injection molding machines, printing machines, packing machines, ultrasonic machines and other machines appear next to glass or硬胶broke down, around the shutdown of the staff should immediately stop work and timely reporting of department heads to find a solution approach, in charge of receiving the report to the scene immediately after the treatment, depending on the seriousness of the situation to give a range (3 meters premises or 5 m) fully cleared, cleared in full before the release of normal production, the production of products before and after QC checks should be to ensure that when there is no problem with the release;
4.2.2 broken glass production line, or there硬胶broke down, is the work of employees who need to immediately stop all work and notify the head of the stop gap, to be submitted at the same time head of the department heads, and doubt <3 meters belong to the scope of 5 meters Office > of contaminated products and other by separate check and clean-up, until completely cleared after Add to qualified production line packaging, the entire process will be arranged with the director of processing and QC certified before the beginning of the continuing operation;
4.3 materials area or硬胶glass broke down, stop all access to materials and isolation of the logo, and then doubt <3 meters premises or 5 meters> materials contaminated by inspection and cleaning, clean up before the normal state of operation;
4.4 The above action must be approved by the department heads to implement, if necessary, to inform the general manager or assistant general manager, when the glass broken or硬胶rupture occurred in two or more departments, the heads of departments involved should be properly co-ordinated to deal with , when there is a conflict between departments, arranged by the Assistant General Manager;
4.5 head to receive the number of records must be distributed to staff weapon must be the original work a few hours to recover and kept in the workshop tool box, such as how to recover or have less number of phenomena, the leader must be responsible for further investigation.
Annex 4.6
1. "Tool release log"
2. "Accident report exception handling"
Glass tool use and control guidelines
Plant facilities for all machines and equipment, and broken glass, to control all products in the production process or after the weapon damage broken glass mixed with products from the weapon to ensure that the customers of the injury;
2.0 Scope
This procedure applies to the factory in the production process will lead to broken glass or sharp object into the damaged products, applicable to production lines, materials and machines, such as regional facilities;
3.0 functions
Quality control functions of the Department 3.1
3.1.1 Quality Control Department is responsible for anomalies in the report issued by the
3.2 Production responsibilities
3.2.1 Production department is responsible for measures to deal with unusual situations
3.3 The responsibilities of the Assistant General Manager
3.3.1 is responsible for approving the report of the views of
4.0 Procedure
4.1 tool of control
4.1.1 Prohibition of private employees to work without any tool
4.1.2 Sector Code:
Injection Molding Department: ZS Printing Department: SY Assembly Department: ZP
Project board room: GZ Quality Control Department: PG
Encoding tool 4.1.3 provides that:
Shuikou knife: SKD clipper: JQ scissors: JD tweezers: NZ
Tsim Sha Tsui clamp: JZQ Cross awarded: SZP the word approved: SZP Shuikou shear: SKJ
For example: ZSJQ001 clipper
ZS JQ 001
On behalf of a sharp object ID <example: 001 ... ... ...>
On behalf of departments <cases: Injection Department>
On behalf of a sharp object name <example: clipper>
4.1.4 payment of the production of weapons to go to work every day workshop, by the production of the head of the Department responsible for issuing and do a good job, "issued a sharp object in mind
Recorded in Form "by the plant QC is responsible for overseeing the issuance of the class gap and the accuracy of the number of recovered weapons;
4.1.5 Prohibition of the Use of the weapon can be broken, use a sharp object to be fixed up in the table edge to prevent loosening and mixing tool
Goods, the movement may be tied or buttoned at the wrist;
4.1.6 QC inspections blade in one way or another, such as found in the case of a broken blade must be an immediate separation of the product during that period should be examined to ensure that there is no broken blade into the products, half-way in the production lost when a sharp object shall immediately notify the team leader or supervisor, and the issue of "exception handling accident reports," tool to trace the causes of loss, if the weapon is missing寻不到must be reworking all of the products to find, until you find the date;
4.2 or硬胶broken glass control;
4.2.1 When equipment <cases: injection molding machines, printing machines, packing machines, ultrasonic machines and other machines appear next to glass or硬胶broke down, around the shutdown of the staff should immediately stop work and timely reporting of department heads to find a solution approach, in charge of receiving the report to the scene immediately after the treatment, depending on the seriousness of the situation to give a range (3 meters premises or 5 m) fully cleared, cleared in full before the release of normal production, the production of products before and after QC checks should be to ensure that when there is no problem with the release;
4.2.2 broken glass production line, or there硬胶broke down, is the work of employees who need to immediately stop all work and notify the head of the stop gap, to be submitted at the same time head of the department heads, and doubt <3 meters belong to the scope of 5 meters Office > of contaminated products and other by separate check and clean-up, until completely cleared after Add to qualified production line packaging, the entire process will be arranged with the director of processing and QC certified before the beginning of the continuing operation;
4.3 materials area or硬胶glass broke down, stop all access to materials and isolation of the logo, and then doubt <3 meters premises or 5 meters> materials contaminated by inspection and cleaning, clean up before the normal state of operation;
4.4 The above action must be approved by the department heads to implement, if necessary, to inform the general manager or assistant general manager, when the glass broken or硬胶rupture occurred in two or more departments, the heads of departments involved should be properly co-ordinated to deal with , when there is a conflict between departments, arranged by the Assistant General Manager;
4.5 head to receive the number of records must be distributed to staff weapon must be the original work a few hours to recover and kept in the workshop tool box, such as how to recover or have less number of phenomena, the leader must be responsible for further investigation.
Annex 4.6
1. "Tool release log"
2. "Accident report exception handling"
2.0 范围
3.0 职责
3.1 品管部的职责
3.1.1 品管部主管负责异常情况时报告的发出
3.2 生产部的职责
3.2.1 生产部门负责异常情况的处理措施
3.3 总经理助理的职责
3.3.1 负责报告的审批意见
4.0 程序
4.1 利器的控制
4.1.1 禁止员工私自带任何利器上班
4.1.2 部门代码:
注塑部:ZS 丝印部:SY 装配部:ZP
工程板房:GZ 品管部:PG
4.1.3 利器编码的规定:
水口刀:SKD 剪钳:JQ 剪刀:JD 镊子:NZ
尖咀钳:JZQ 十字批:SZP 一字批:SZP 水口剪:SKJ
例:剪钳 ZSJQ001
ZS JQ 001
代表部门〈例:注塑部 〉
4.1.4 生产工场每日上班发放利器时,由生产部各组长负责发放及做好《利器发放记
4.1.5 禁止使用可折断的利器,使用中利器必须固定绑于工作台边,以免利器松脱而混
4.1.6 QC负责在拉上巡查刀片情况,如发现有刀片折断的情况时,须即时隔离该时段的产品进行检查,以确保不会有折断的刀片掉入产品中,在生产中途遗失利器时应立即通知组长或主管,并发出《事故异常处理报告》,追查遗失利器的原因,如果寻不到遗失利器,必须将所有的产品全部返工查找,直到找到为止;
4.2 玻璃破碎或硬胶破裂控制;
4.2.1 当在设备〈例:注塑机、移印机、吸塑机、超声机等机器旁出现玻璃或硬胶破裂时,周围的员工应立即关机停止工作,及时上报部门主管寻求解决办法,主管在接到汇报后应立即到现场处理,视情况严重性
Third-order quality management system documents
Glass tool use and control guidelines
Plant facilities for all machines and equipment, and broken glass, to control all products in the production process or after the weapon damage broken glass mixed with products from the weapon to ensure that the customers of the injury;
2.0 Scope
This procedure applies to the factory in the production process will lead to broken glass or sharp object into the damaged products, applicable to production lines, materials and machines, such as regional facilities;
3.0 functions
Quality control functions of the Department 3.1
3.1.1 Quality Control Department is responsible for anomalies in the report issued by the
3.2 Production responsibilities
3.2.1 Production department is responsible for measures to deal with unusual situations
3.3 The responsibilities of the Assistant General Manager
3.3.1 is responsible for approving the report of the views of
4.0 Procedure
4.1 tool of control
4.1.1 Prohibition of private employees to work without any tool
4.1.2 Sector Code:
Injection Molding Department: ZS Printing Department: SY Assembly Department: ZP
Project board room: GZ Quality Control Department: PG
Encoding tool 4.1.3 provides that:
Shuikou knife: SKD clipper: JQ scissors: JD tweezers: NZ
Tsim Sha Tsui clamp: JZQ Cross awarded: SZP the word approved: SZP Shuikou shear: SKJ
For example: ZSJQ001 clipper
ZS JQ 001
On behalf of a sharp object ID <example: 001 ... ... ...>
On behalf of departments <cases: Injection Department>
On behalf of a sharp object name <example: clipper>
4.1.4 payment of the production of weapons to go to work every day workshop, by the production of the head of the Department responsible for issuing and do a good job, "issued a sharp object in mind
Recorded in Form "by the plant QC is responsible for overseeing the issuance of the class gap and the accuracy of the number of recovered weapons;
4.1.5 Prohibition of the Use of the weapon can be broken, use a sharp object to be fixed up in the table edge to prevent loosening and mixing tool
Goods, the movement may be tied or buttoned at the wrist;
4.1.6 QC inspections blade in one way or another, such as found in the case of a broken blade must be an immediate separation of the product during that period should be examined to ensure that there is no broken blade into the products, half-way in the production lost when a sharp object shall immediately notify the team leader or supervisor, and the issue of "exception handling accident reports," tool to trace the causes of loss, if the weapon is missing寻不到must be reworking all of the products to find, until you find the date;
4.2 orbroken glass control;
4.2.1 When equipment <cases: injection molding machines, printing machines, packing machines, ultrasonic machines and other machines appear next to glass orbroke down, around the shutdown of the staff should immediately stop work and timely reporting of department heads to find a solution approach, in charge of receiving the report to the scene immediately after the treatment, depending on the seriousness of the situation
2.0 范围
3.0 职责
3.1 品管部的职责
3.1.1 品管部主管负责异常情况时报告的发出
3.2 生产部的职责
3.2.1 生产部门负责异常情况的处理措施
3.3 总经理助理的职责
3.3.1 负责报告的审批意见
4.0 程序
4.1 利器的控制
4.1.1 禁止员工私自带任何利器上班
4.1.2 部门代码:
注塑部:ZS 丝印部:SY 装配部:ZP
工程板房:GZ 品管部:PG
4.1.3 利器编码的规定:
水口刀:SKD 剪钳:JQ 剪刀:JD 镊子:NZ
尖咀钳:JZQ 十字批:SZP 一字批:SZP 水口剪:SKJ
例:剪钳 ZSJQ001
ZS JQ 001
代表部门〈例:注塑部 〉
4.1.4 生产工场每日上班发放利器时,由生产部各组长负责发放及做好《利器发放记
4.1.5 禁止使用可折断的利器,使用中利器必须固定绑于工作台边,以免利器松脱而混
4.1.6 QC负责在拉上巡查刀片情况,如发现有刀片折断的情况时,须即时隔离该时段的产品进行检查,以确保不会有折断的刀片掉入产品中,在生产中途遗失利器时应立即通知组长或主管,并发出《事故异常处理报告》,追查遗失利器的原因,如果寻不到遗失利器,必须将所有的产品全部返工查找,直到找到为止;
4.2 玻璃破碎或硬胶破裂控制;
4.2.1 当在设备〈例:注塑机、移印机、吸塑机、超声机等机器旁出现玻璃或硬胶破裂时,周围的员工应立即关机停止工作,及时上报部门主管寻求解决办法,主管在接到汇报后应立即到现场处理,视情况严重性
Third-order quality management system documents
Glass tool use and control guidelines
Plant facilities for all machines and equipment, and broken glass, to control all products in the production process or after the weapon damage broken glass mixed with products from the weapon to ensure that the customers of the injury;
2.0 Scope
This procedure applies to the factory in the production process will lead to broken glass or sharp object into the damaged products, applicable to production lines, materials and machines, such as regional facilities;
3.0 functions
Quality control functions of the Department 3.1
3.1.1 Quality Control Department is responsible for anomalies in the report issued by the
3.2 Production responsibilities
3.2.1 Production department is responsible for measures to deal with unusual situations
3.3 The responsibilities of the Assistant General Manager
3.3.1 is responsible for approving the report of the views of
4.0 Procedure
4.1 tool of control
4.1.1 Prohibition of private employees to work without any tool
4.1.2 Sector Code:
Injection Molding Department: ZS Printing Department: SY Assembly Department: ZP
Project board room: GZ Quality Control Department: PG
Encoding tool 4.1.3 provides that:
Shuikou knife: SKD clipper: JQ scissors: JD tweezers: NZ
Tsim Sha Tsui clamp: JZQ Cross awarded: SZP the word approved: SZP Shuikou shear: SKJ
For example: ZSJQ001 clipper
ZS JQ 001
On behalf of a sharp object ID <example: 001 ... ... ...>
On behalf of departments <cases: Injection Department>
On behalf of a sharp object name <example: clipper>
4.1.4 payment of the production of weapons to go to work every day workshop, by the production of the head of the Department responsible for issuing and do a good job, "issued a sharp object in mind
Recorded in Form "by the plant QC is responsible for overseeing the issuance of the class gap and the accuracy of the number of recovered weapons;
4.1.5 Prohibition of the Use of the weapon can be broken, use a sharp object to be fixed up in the table edge to prevent loosening and mixing tool
Goods, the movement may be tied or buttoned at the wrist;
4.1.6 QC inspections blade in one way or another, such as found in the case of a broken blade must be an immediate separation of the product during that period should be examined to ensure that there is no broken blade into the products, half-way in the production lost when a sharp object shall immediately notify the team leader or supervisor, and the issue of "exception handling accident reports," tool to trace the causes of loss, if the weapon is missing寻不到must be reworking all of the products to find, until you find the date;
4.2 orbroken glass control;
4.2.1 When equipment <cases: injection molding machines, printing machines, packing machines, ultrasonic machines and other machines appear next to glass orbroke down, around the shutdown of the staff should immediately stop work and timely reporting of department heads to find a solution approach, in charge of receiving the report to the scene immediately after the treatment, depending on the seriousness of the situation