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对大学生自主创业的系列看法一.发展大学生自主创也的必要性大学生自主创业就是改变就业观念,利用自己的知识,才能和技术以自筹资金、技术八股,寻求合作等方式创立新的就业岗位,即... 对大学生自主创业的系列看法
1. 大学生自主创业能缓解大学生就业压力,是国家和谐发展。
2. 大学生自主创业是带动全民创业的需要。新一轮全民创业的时代背景已发生了很大变化,当今的创业必须在知识、技能、科技、资金等要素支撑下才能成功。
3. 大学生自主创业是推动高校创业教育改革与发展的需要。
关于创业的定义很多。理论界对创业的解释主要通过创业的属性和特征定义创业。 由于创业相对于许多领域而言是一个处于发展期的概念,不同的学者从各自不同的领域(经济、管理、心理等)入手研究创业,因而给出的定义不尽相同。在此介绍一些比较有代表性的定义:
美国教育部在20世纪80年代初就以解决社会失业问题为最初出发点开始倡导创业教育。发展至今, 美国已成为世界上实行创业教育最成功的国家[11]。他们的创业教育特点具体如下:
美国是鼓励创业精神的典型代表。很多美国人认为就业是自己需要雇主, 自己在就业方面是被动的。创业教育则要使学生将被动的就业观念转变为主动的创业, 创业教育鼓励学生将创业作为自己职业的选择。美国在经济发展过程中, 深深体会到企业家精神不可忽视, 因而社会舆论十分推崇创业的企业家精神。相应地, 它们的创业教育也注重企业家精神的培养。
名为小企业, 实则为美国社会发展做出了重大贡献。首先表现在为社会提供了新的就业岗位。美国小企业协会资料表明: 美国共有2200万小企业, 它们实质上提供1987-1992年以来美国社会所有的新工作岗位, 雇佣了社会53%的劳动力。其次是产品的发明。据统计, 美国无论是高新技术产品还是一般的民用产品, 其新品种中的三分之二,均由小企业发明。第三是向政府提交了税金。
这些组织包括教师组织和学生组织, 分有不同的层级, 如全国级、州级、地方级等等。它们进行或支持创业教育教学材料与教学方法开发、教学信息交流等工作。这些组织吸引着大量的教师和学生, 能够有力地促进创业教育在美国的发展。与此同时, 美国的创业教育发展取得了部分社会机构的资金支持, 这些机构提供经费以赞助创业教育竞赛、奖励接受创业教育的优秀学生、开发创业教育课程等等。而且美国风险投资行业发达, 为创业者解决了资金短缺的“瓶颈”。
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On a series of college students view their own businesses
1. The development of university students also need to create their own
College students is their own businesses to change the employment concept, the use of their knowledge, skills and technology to self-financing, technical stereotyped, such as seeking to create new jobs, that is, the existing jobs do graduates of the competitors, but for themselves and for society to create more employment opportunities. The concept of college students made their own businesses and there is a wide range of reasons.
1. Students can start their own college students to ease the employment pressure, the harmonious development of the country.
2. Students start their own business is the need to mobilize all members. Start a new round of the background of the times the people have been great changes in today's business must be in the knowledge, skills, technology, capital and other elements of the support to succeed.
3. Students start their own entrepreneurial colleges and universities to promote educational reform and development.
4. College students start their own business is the need to achieve self-worth.
2. With regard to the definition of entrepreneurship
Many on the definition of entrepreneurship. Theoretical explanation of the business primarily through the business definition of the attributes and characteristics of entrepreneurship. Because the market vis-à-vis a number of areas is a period in the development of the concept of different scholars from different fields (economics, management, psychology, etc.) to start research venture, which given the definition of different. In this introduction some of the more typical definition:
Schumpeterian view that the function of entrepreneurs is innovation, innovation and free market economy can overcome the inherent contradictions of the continuation.
American scientist Peter Drucker believes that management is a business organization, and the need for the work of systemic organization. Only those who can create some new and different things, and can be value-creating entrepreneurial activity.
III. In today's world the form of entrepreneurship education
1, the Entrepreneurship Education in American Colleges and Universities
U.S. Department of Education in the 20th century, early 80's to solve the social problem of unemployment for the beginning of the initial starting point for entrepreneurship education advocacy. Development so far, the United States has become the world's most successful implementation of entrepreneurship education in the country [11]. Their specific characteristics of entrepreneurship education as follows:
① focus on entrepreneurship and the changing concept of student employment.
The United States is to encourage the typical representative of the entrepreneurial spirit. Many Americans believe that employment is the need of employers, their employment is passive. Entrepreneurship education to students to the concept of passive into active employment entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education to encourage students to entrepreneurship as their career choice. The United States in the course of economic development, have gained a better understanding of entrepreneurship can not be ignored, thus a very high regard for public opinion business entrepreneurship. Accordingly, they focus on entrepreneurship education entrepreneurship training.
② focusing on the development of small businesses make a fuss about.
Called small enterprises, social development for the United States actually made a significant contribution. First of all, to provide the community in new jobs. The United States Small Business Association data show that: a total of 22 million U.S. small businesses, which in essence, the United States since 1987-1992 to provide all of the new jobs, employing 53% of the labor community. Followed by the invention of products. According to statistics, the U.S. high-tech products, whether civilian or a general product of two-thirds of new varieties by the invention of small businesses. The third is submitted to the Government taxes.
③ social organizations and active participation of social capital.
These include teachers and student organizations, at different levels, such as the national level, state level, local level and so on. Them or support entrepreneurship education and teaching methods and teaching materials development, information exchange, such as the work of teaching. These organizations to attract a large number of teachers and students can effectively promote entrepreneurship education in the United States. At the same time, pioneering the development of education in the United States has made some financial support for social institutions, these organizations provide funding for entrepreneurship education to sponsor contests, incentives to accept the best students of entrepreneurship education, the development of entrepreneurship education courses and so on. U.S. venture capital industry and well-developed
For the entrepreneur to solve the shortage of funds "bottleneck."

回答者: 17xxx - 经理 四级 2009-6-11 18:46
On a series of college students view their own businesses
1. The development of university students also need to create their own
College students is their own businesses to change the employment concept, the use of their knowledge, skills and technology to self-financing, technical stereotyped, such as seeking to create new jobs, that is, the existing jobs do graduates of the competitors, but for themselves and for society to create more employment opportunities. The concept of college students made their own businesses and there is a wide range of reasons.
1. Students can start their own college students to ease the employment pressure, the harmonious development of the country.
2. Students start their own business is the need to mobilize all members. Start a new round of the background of the times the people have been great changes in today's business must be in the knowledge, skills, technology, capital and other elements of the support to succeed.
3. Students start their own entrepreneurial colleges and universities to promote educational reform and development.
4. College students start their own business is the need to achieve self-worth.
2. With regard to the definition of entrepreneurship
Many on the definition of entrepreneurship. Theoretical explanation of the business primarily through the business definition of the attributes and characteristics of entrepreneurship. Because the market vis-à-vis a number of areas is a period in the development of the concept of different scholars from different fields (economics, management, psychology, etc.) to start research venture, which given the definition of different. In this introduction some of the more typical definition:
Schumpeterian view that the function of entrepreneurs is innovation, innovation and free market economy can overcome the inherent contradictions of the continuation.
American scientist Peter Drucker believes that management is a business organization, and the need for the work of systemic organization. Only those who can create some new and different things, and can be value-creating entrepreneurial activity.
III. In today's world the form of entrepreneurship education
1, the Entrepreneurship Education in American Colleges and Universities
U.S. Department of Education in the 20th century, early 80's to solve the social problem of unemployment for the beginning of the initial starting point for entrepreneurship education advocacy. Development so far, the United States has become the world's most successful implementation of entrepreneurship education in the country [11]. Their specific characteristics of entrepreneurship education as follows:
① focus on entrepreneurship and the changing concept of student employment.
The United States is to encourage the typical representative of the entrepreneurial spirit. Many Americans believe that employment is the need of employers, their employment is passive. Entrepreneurship education to students to the concept of passive into active employment entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education to encourage students to entrepreneurship as their career choice. The United States in the course of economic development, have gained a better understanding of entrepreneurship can not be ignored, thus a very high regard for public opinion business entrepreneurship. Accordingly, they focus on entrepreneurship education entrepreneurship training.
② focusing on the development of small businesses make a fuss about.
Called small enterprises, social development for the United States actually made a significant contribution. First of all, to provide the community in new jobs. The United States Small Business Association data show that: a total of 22 million U.S. small businesses, which in essence, the United States since 1987-1992 to provide all of the new jobs, employing 53% of the labor community. Followed by the invention of products. According to statistics, the U.S. high-tech products, whether civilian or a general product of two-thirds of new varieties by the invention of small businesses. The third is submitted to the Government taxes.
③ social organizations and active participation of social capital.
These include teachers and student organizations, at different levels, such as the national level, state level, local level and so on. Them or support entrepreneurship education and teaching methods and teaching materials development, information exchange, such as the work of teaching. These organizations to attract a large number of teachers and students can effectively promote entrepreneurship education in the United States. At the same time, pioneering the development of education in the United States has made some financial support for social institutions, these organizations provide funding for entrepreneurship education to sponsor contests, incentives to accept the best students of entrepreneurship education, the development of entrepreneurship education courses and so on. And the U.S. venture capital industry developed for the entrepreneur to solve the shortage of funds "bottleneck."

回答者: 我的天地0543 - 魔法师 四级 2009-6-11 18:56
On a series of college students view their own businesses

1. The development of university students also need to create their own

College students is their own businesses to change the employment concept, the use of their knowledge, skills and technology to self-financing, technical stereotyped, such as seeking to create new jobs, that is, the existing jobs do graduates of the competitors, but for themselves and for society to create more employment opportunities. The concept of college students made their own businesses and there is a wide range of reasons.

1. Students can start their own college students to ease the employment pressure, the harmonious development of the country.

2. Students start their own business is the need to mobilize all members. Start a new round of the background of the times the people have been great changes in today's business must be in the knowledge, skills, technology, capital and other elements of the support to succeed.

3. Students start their own entrepreneurial colleges and universities to promote educational reform and development.

4. College students start their own business is the need to achieve self-worth.

2. With regard to the definition of entrepreneurship

Many on the definition of entrepreneurship. Theoretical explanation of the business primarily through the business definition of the attributes and characteristics of entrepreneurship. Because the market vis-à-vis a number of areas is a period in the development of the concept of different scholars from different fields (economics, management, psychology, etc.) to start research venture, which given the definition of different. In this introduction some of the more typical definition:

Schumpeterian view that the function of entrepreneurs is innovation, innovation and free market economy can overcome the inherent contradictions of the continuation.

American scientist Peter Drucker believes that management is a business organization, and the need for the work of systemic organization. Only those who can create some new and different things, and can be value-creating entrepreneurial activity.

III. In today's world the form of entrepreneurship education

1, the Entrepreneurship Education in American Colleges and Universities

U.S. Department of Education in the 20th century, early 80's to solve the social problem of unemployment for the beginning of the initial starting point for entrepreneurship education advocacy. Development so far, the United States has become the world's most successful implementation of entrepreneurship education in the country [11]. Their specific characteristics of entrepreneurship education as follows:

① focus on entrepreneurship and the changing concept of student employment.

The United States is to encourage the typical representative of the entrepreneurial spirit. Many Americans believe that employment is the need of employers, their employment is passive. Entrepreneurship education to students to the concept of passive into active employment entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education to encourage students to entrepreneurship as their career choice. The United States in the course of economic development, have gained a better understanding of entrepreneurship can not be ignored, thus a very high regard for public opinion business entrepreneurship. Accordingly, they focus on entrepreneurship education entrepreneurship training.

② focusing on the development of small businesses make a fuss about.

Called small enterprises, social development for the United States actually made a significant contribution. First of all, to provide the community in new jobs. The United States Small Business Association data show that: a total of 22 million U.S. small businesses, which in essence, the United States since 1987-1992 to provide all of the new jobs, employing 53% of the labor community. Followed by the invention of products. According to statistics, the U.S. high-tech products, whether civilian or a general product of two-thirds of new varieties by the invention of small businesses. The third is submitted to the Government taxes.

③ social organizations and active participation of social capital.

These include teachers and student organizations, at different levels, such as the national level, state level, local level and so on. Them or support entrepreneurship education and teaching methods and teaching materials development, information exchange, such as the work of teaching. These organizations to attract a large number of teachers and students can effectively promote entrepreneurship education in the United States. At the same time, pioneering the development of education in the United States has made some financial support for social institutions, these organizations provide funding for entrepreneurship education to sponsor contests, incentives to accept the best students of entrepreneurship education, the development of entrepreneurship education courses and so on. And the U.S. venture capital industry developed for the entrepreneur to solve the shortage of funds "bottleneck."

回答者: w532151449 - 千总 四级 2009-6-11 18:59

参考资料: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/101087782.html?si=2

2009-06-11 · TA获得超过260个赞
On a series of college students view their own businesses
1. The development of university students also need to create their own
College students is their own businesses to change the employment concept, the use of their knowledge, skills and technology to self-financing, technical stereotyped, such as seeking to create new jobs, that is, the existing jobs do graduates of the competitors, but for themselves and for society to create more employment opportunities. The concept of college students made their own businesses and there is a wide range of reasons.
1. Students can start their own college students to ease the employment pressure, the harmonious development of the country.
2. Students start their own business is the need to mobilize all members. Start a new round of the background of the times the people have been great changes in today's business must be in the knowledge, skills, technology, capital and other elements of the support to succeed.
3. Students start their own entrepreneurial colleges and universities to promote educational reform and development.
4. College students start their own business is the need to achieve self-worth.
2. With regard to the definition of entrepreneurship
Many on the definition of entrepreneurship. Theoretical explanation of the business primarily through the business definition of the attributes and characteristics of entrepreneurship. Because the market vis-à-vis a number of areas is a period in the development of the concept of different scholars from different fields (economics, management, psychology, etc.) to start research venture, which given the definition of different. In this introduction some of the more typical definition:
Schumpeterian view that the function of entrepreneurs is innovation, innovation and free market economy can overcome the inherent contradictions of the continuation.
American scientist Peter Drucker believes that management is a business organization, and the need for the work of systemic organization. Only those who can create some new and different things, and can be value-creating entrepreneurial activity.
III. In today's world the form of entrepreneurship education
1, the Entrepreneurship Education in American Colleges and Universities
U.S. Department of Education in the 20th century, early 80's to solve the social problem of unemployment for the beginning of the initial starting point for entrepreneurship education advocacy. Development so far, the United States has become the world's most successful implementation of entrepreneurship education in the country [11]. Their specific characteristics of entrepreneurship education as follows:
① focus on entrepreneurship and the changing concept of student employment.
The United States is to encourage the typical representative of the entrepreneurial spirit. Many Americans believe that employment is the need of employers, their employment is passive. Entrepreneurship education to students to the concept of passive into active employment entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education to encourage students to entrepreneurship as their career choice. The United States in the course of economic development, have gained a better understanding of entrepreneurship can not be ignored, thus a very high regard for public opinion business entrepreneurship. Accordingly, they focus on entrepreneurship education entrepreneurship training.
② focusing on the development of small businesses make a fuss about.
Called small enterprises, social development for the United States actually made a significant contribution. First of all, to provide the community in new jobs. The United States Small Business Association data show that: a total of 22 million U.S. small businesses, which in essence, the United States since 1987-1992 to provide all of the new jobs, employing 53% of the labor community. Followed by the invention of products. According to statistics, the U.S. high-tech products, whether civilian or a general product of two-thirds of new varieties by the invention of small businesses. The third is submitted to the Government taxes.
③ social organizations and active participation of social capital.
These include teachers and student organizations, at different levels, such as the national level, state level, local level and so on. Them or support entrepreneurship education and teaching methods and teaching materials development, information exchange, such as the work of teaching. These organizations to attract a large number of teachers and students can effectively promote entrepreneurship education in the United States. At the same time, pioneering the development of education in the United States has made some financial support for social institutions, these organizations provide funding for entrepreneurship education to sponsor contests, incentives to accept the best students of entrepreneurship education, the development of entrepreneurship education courses and so on. And the U.S. venture capital industry developed for the entrepreneur to solve the shortage of funds "bottleneck."
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2009-06-11 · TA获得超过365个赞
On a series of college students view their own businesses
1. The development of university students also need to create their own
College students is their own businesses to change the employment concept, the use of their knowledge, skills and technology to self-financing, technical stereotyped, such as seeking to create new jobs, that is, the existing jobs do graduates of the competitors, but for themselves and for society to create more employment opportunities. The concept of college students made their own businesses and there is a wide range of reasons.
1. Students can start their own college students to ease the employment pressure, the harmonious development of the country.
2. Students start their own business is the need to mobilize all members. Start a new round of the background of the times the people have been great changes in today's business must be in the knowledge, skills, technology, capital and other elements of the support to succeed.
3. Students start their own entrepreneurial colleges and universities to promote educational reform and development.
4. College students start their own business is the need to achieve self-worth.
2. With regard to the definition of entrepreneurship
Many on the definition of entrepreneurship. Theoretical explanation of the business primarily through the business definition of the attributes and characteristics of entrepreneurship. Because the market vis-à-vis a number of areas is a period in the development of the concept of different scholars from different fields (economics, management, psychology, etc.) to start research venture, which given the definition of different. In this introduction some of the more typical definition:
Schumpeterian view that the function of entrepreneurs is innovation, innovation and free market economy can overcome the inherent contradictions of the continuation.
American scientist Peter Drucker believes that management is a business organization, and the need for the work of systemic organization. Only those who can create some new and different things, and can be value-creating entrepreneurial activity.
III. In today's world the form of entrepreneurship education
1, the Entrepreneurship Education in American Colleges and Universities
U.S. Department of Education in the 20th century, early 80's to solve the social problem of unemployment for the beginning of the initial starting point for entrepreneurship education advocacy. Development so far, the United States has become the world's most successful implementation of entrepreneurship education in the country [11]. Their specific characteristics of entrepreneurship education as follows:
① focus on entrepreneurship and the changing concept of student employment.
The United States is to encourage the typical representative of the entrepreneurial spirit. Many Americans believe that employment is the need of employers, their employment is passive. Entrepreneurship education to students to the concept of passive into active employment entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education to encourage students to entrepreneurship as their career choice. The United States in the course of economic development, have gained a better understanding of entrepreneurship can not be ignored, thus a very high regard for public opinion business entrepreneurship. Accordingly, they focus on entrepreneurship education entrepreneurship training.
② focusing on the development of small businesses make a fuss about.
Called small enterprises, social development for the United States actually made a significant contribution. First of all, to provide the community in new jobs. The United States Small Business Association data show that: a total of 22 million U.S. small businesses, which in essence, the United States since 1987-1992 to provide all of the new jobs, employing 53% of the labor community. Followed by the invention of products. According to statistics, the U.S. high-tech products, whether civilian or a general product of two-thirds of new varieties by the invention of small businesses. The third is submitted to the Government taxes.
③ social organizations and active participation of social capital.
These include teachers and student organizations, at different levels, such as the national level, state level, local level and so on. Them or support entrepreneurship education and teaching methods and teaching materials development, information exchange, such as the work of teaching. These organizations to attract a large number of teachers and students can effectively promote entrepreneurship education in the United States. At the same time, pioneering the development of education in the United States has made some financial support for social institutions, these organizations provide funding for entrepreneurship education to sponsor contests, incentives to accept the best students of entrepreneurship education, the development of entrepreneurship education courses and so on. U.S. venture capital industry and well-developed
For the entrepreneur to solve the shortage of funds "bottleneck."
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2009-06-11 · TA获得超过776个赞
On a series of college students view their own businesses

1. The development of university students also need to create their own

College students is their own businesses to change the employment concept, the use of their knowledge, skills and technology to self-financing, technical stereotyped, such as seeking to create new jobs, that is, the existing jobs do graduates of the competitors, but for themselves and for society to create more employment opportunities. The concept of college students made their own businesses and there is a wide range of reasons.

1. Students can start their own college students to ease the employment pressure, the harmonious development of the country.

2. Students start their own business is the need to mobilize all members. Start a new round of the background of the times the people have been great changes in today's business must be in the knowledge, skills, technology, capital and other elements of the support to succeed.

3. Students start their own entrepreneurial colleges and universities to promote educational reform and development.

4. College students start their own business is the need to achieve self-worth.

2. With regard to the definition of entrepreneurship

Many on the definition of entrepreneurship. Theoretical explanation of the business primarily through the business definition of the attributes and characteristics of entrepreneurship. Because the market vis-à-vis a number of areas is a period in the development of the concept of different scholars from different fields (economics, management, psychology, etc.) to start research venture, which given the definition of different. In this introduction some of the more typical definition:

   Schumpeterian view that the function of entrepreneurs is innovation, innovation and free market economy can overcome the inherent contradictions of the continuation.

   American scientist Peter Drucker believes that management is a business organization, and the need for the work of systemic organization. Only those who can create some new and different things, and can be value-creating entrepreneurial activity.

III. In today's world the form of entrepreneurship education

1, the Entrepreneurship Education in American Colleges and Universities

   U.S. Department of Education in the 20th century, early 80's to solve the social problem of unemployment for the beginning of the initial starting point for entrepreneurship education advocacy. Development so far, the United States has become the world's most successful implementation of entrepreneurship education in the country [11]. Their specific characteristics of entrepreneurship education as follows:

   ① focus on entrepreneurship and the changing concept of student employment.

   The United States is to encourage the typical representative of the entrepreneurial spirit. Many Americans believe that employment is the need of employers, their employment is passive. Entrepreneurship education to students to the concept of passive into active employment entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education to encourage students to entrepreneurship as their career choice. The United States in the course of economic development, have gained a better understanding of entrepreneurship can not be ignored, thus a very high regard for public opinion business entrepreneurship. Accordingly, they focus on entrepreneurship education entrepreneurship training.

   ② focusing on the development of small businesses make a fuss about.

   Called small enterprises, social development for the United States actually made a significant contribution. First of all, to provide the community in new jobs. The United States Small Business Association data show that: a total of 22 million U.S. small businesses, which in essence, the United States since 1987-1992 to provide all of the new jobs, employing 53% of the labor community. Followed by the invention of products. According to statistics, the U.S. high-tech products, whether civilian or a general product of two-thirds of new varieties by the invention of small businesses. The third is submitted to the Government taxes.

   ③ social organizations and active participation of social capital.

   These include teachers and student organizations, at different levels, such as the national level, state level, local level and so on. Them or support entrepreneurship education and teaching methods and teaching materials development, information exchange, such as the work of teaching. These organizations to attract a large number of teachers and students can effectively promote entrepreneurship education in the United States. At the same time, pioneering the development of education in the United States has made some financial support for social institutions, these organizations provide funding for entrepreneurship education to sponsor contests, incentives to accept the best students of entrepreneurship education, the development of entrepreneurship education courses and so on. And the U.S. venture capital industry developed for the entrepreneur to solve the shortage of funds "bottleneck."
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