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④多以商学院( 或管理学院) 为依托。
许多创业教育项目都是发端于商学院( 管理学院) 或以商学院( 管理学院) 为依托的。1983年美国奥斯汀德州大学举办首届大学生创业计划竞赛, 这项竞赛又被称为商业计划竞赛。其内容是鼓励一些大学生以一无所有的创业者的身份, 就某一项具有市场前景的新产品或新服务做出具有可行性的计划报告, 向风险投资家游说, 从而取得投资并创办公司。后来, 麻省理工学院、斯坦福大学等许多大学都相继举办这类竞赛, 并逐渐形成每年举办一次的制度, 不久又波及世界其他许多国家的大学。在麻省理工学院, 从1990年开始, 每年都有几家新企业从大赛中诞生, 并有相当数量的项目被附近的高新技术企业以上百万美元买走; 由创业计划直接孵化出来的企业, 有的短短几年就成长为年营业额达数十亿美元的大公司。美国表现最优秀的50家高新技术公司有46%出于麻省理工学院的创业计划大赛。从创业竞赛中孵化出一批企业, 只是它的一种直接成果, 更为重要的是, 这种竞赛活动实质上是对学生进行创业教育的一种好形式, 非常有助于学生毕业后自行创业。实际情况也说明了这一点。而之所以会出现商学院在创业教育中唱重头戏的情况, 可能与商学院的师资优势、学生兴趣以及一般存在创业投资专业有关。
澳大利亚高校, 专、本科水平的创业教育已有四五十年的历史了, 研究生水平的创业教育也在十几年前就已开始。澳大利亚的创业教育主要是以开办小企业为目标, 立“小企业创业机构”, 并开发符合职教特点的创业课程,一般是在职业教育与培训中进行, 主要由技术和继续教育( TAFE) 学院来完成。澳大利亚创业教育采取分层次的模块化课程结构。在基础阶段, 学生对创业教育的几个通用模块进行学习。在了解自己、明确目标之后, 根据自己的特点, 选学有针对性的内容。不同地区、不同专业的学生可以选学不同学时要求的模块。教学方法主要是采用案例研究, 教师通过大量的案例启发学生, 引导学生分析个人情况和创业条件, 分析市场,设计出创业方案。
印度和我国的大学创业教育有些类似, 都是主要为了解决就业问题。一方面培养大学生的创业技能, 一方面提升大学生综合素质和就业能力。印度大学创业教育主要依靠课堂教学。有超过100 所的印度大学开设相关的创业课程。它们多直接采用国外的原版教材, 任课教师自编教材也主要是由专家论文构成。印度大学承担创业课程的教师主要是访问教授。他们可以是其他大学的教授, 也可是企业界人士, 这样有助于选拔有实践经验的高质量教师。印度的经济发展具有明显的家族企业特点, 一些大学的创业教育便迎合这种需求。如, Norse Monee 管理学院开设了为期两年的家族企业管理项目, 旨在帮助学生做好技能、知识和精神上的准备, 以便经营其家族企业。
在美国-大学生创业并取得成功是屡见不鲜的。大学辍学创业而成功的比尔• 盖茨自不必说,像戴尔计算机公司的创始人戴尔,雅虎的创始人杨致远,早期浏览器(Netscape)的发明者之一马克•安德列森等IT名人,也都是在念大学期间创业,并获得巨大成功的/从哲学的高度来说,任何事业的成败与否,取决于该事业的主客观条件。盖茨们的成功亦是如此。这里所谓的主观条件是指人的观念和自身素质等因素,这里的客观条件是指包括经济体制.政策环境和文化氛围等因素。从主观条件来讲-美国大学生主要有以下凸显之处: 展开
许多创业教育项目都是发端于商学院( 管理学院) 或以商学院( 管理学院) 为依托的。1983年美国奥斯汀德州大学举办首届大学生创业计划竞赛, 这项竞赛又被称为商业计划竞赛。其内容是鼓励一些大学生以一无所有的创业者的身份, 就某一项具有市场前景的新产品或新服务做出具有可行性的计划报告, 向风险投资家游说, 从而取得投资并创办公司。后来, 麻省理工学院、斯坦福大学等许多大学都相继举办这类竞赛, 并逐渐形成每年举办一次的制度, 不久又波及世界其他许多国家的大学。在麻省理工学院, 从1990年开始, 每年都有几家新企业从大赛中诞生, 并有相当数量的项目被附近的高新技术企业以上百万美元买走; 由创业计划直接孵化出来的企业, 有的短短几年就成长为年营业额达数十亿美元的大公司。美国表现最优秀的50家高新技术公司有46%出于麻省理工学院的创业计划大赛。从创业竞赛中孵化出一批企业, 只是它的一种直接成果, 更为重要的是, 这种竞赛活动实质上是对学生进行创业教育的一种好形式, 非常有助于学生毕业后自行创业。实际情况也说明了这一点。而之所以会出现商学院在创业教育中唱重头戏的情况, 可能与商学院的师资优势、学生兴趣以及一般存在创业投资专业有关。
澳大利亚高校, 专、本科水平的创业教育已有四五十年的历史了, 研究生水平的创业教育也在十几年前就已开始。澳大利亚的创业教育主要是以开办小企业为目标, 立“小企业创业机构”, 并开发符合职教特点的创业课程,一般是在职业教育与培训中进行, 主要由技术和继续教育( TAFE) 学院来完成。澳大利亚创业教育采取分层次的模块化课程结构。在基础阶段, 学生对创业教育的几个通用模块进行学习。在了解自己、明确目标之后, 根据自己的特点, 选学有针对性的内容。不同地区、不同专业的学生可以选学不同学时要求的模块。教学方法主要是采用案例研究, 教师通过大量的案例启发学生, 引导学生分析个人情况和创业条件, 分析市场,设计出创业方案。
印度和我国的大学创业教育有些类似, 都是主要为了解决就业问题。一方面培养大学生的创业技能, 一方面提升大学生综合素质和就业能力。印度大学创业教育主要依靠课堂教学。有超过100 所的印度大学开设相关的创业课程。它们多直接采用国外的原版教材, 任课教师自编教材也主要是由专家论文构成。印度大学承担创业课程的教师主要是访问教授。他们可以是其他大学的教授, 也可是企业界人士, 这样有助于选拔有实践经验的高质量教师。印度的经济发展具有明显的家族企业特点, 一些大学的创业教育便迎合这种需求。如, Norse Monee 管理学院开设了为期两年的家族企业管理项目, 旨在帮助学生做好技能、知识和精神上的准备, 以便经营其家族企业。
在美国-大学生创业并取得成功是屡见不鲜的。大学辍学创业而成功的比尔• 盖茨自不必说,像戴尔计算机公司的创始人戴尔,雅虎的创始人杨致远,早期浏览器(Netscape)的发明者之一马克•安德列森等IT名人,也都是在念大学期间创业,并获得巨大成功的/从哲学的高度来说,任何事业的成败与否,取决于该事业的主客观条件。盖茨们的成功亦是如此。这里所谓的主观条件是指人的观念和自身素质等因素,这里的客观条件是指包括经济体制.政策环境和文化氛围等因素。从主观条件来讲-美国大学生主要有以下凸显之处: 展开
④多以商学院( 或管理学院) 为依托。
许多创业教育项目都是发端于商学院( 管理学院) 或以商学院( 管理学院) 为依托的。1983年美国奥斯汀德州大学举办首届大学生创业计划竞赛, 这项竞赛又被称为商业计划竞赛。其内容是鼓励一些大学生以一无所有的创业者的身份, 就某一项具有市场前景的新产品或新服务做出具有可行性的计划报告, 向风险投资家游说, 从而取得投资并创办公司。后来, 麻省理工学院、斯坦福大学等许多大学都相继举办这类竞赛, 并逐渐形成每年举办一次的制度, 不久又波及世界其他许多国家的大学。在麻省理工学院, 从1990年开始, 每年都有几家新企业从大赛中诞生, 并有相当数量的项目被附近的高新技术企业以上百万美元买走; 由创业计划直接孵化出来的企业, 有的短短几年就成长为年营业额达数十亿美元的大公司。美国表现最优秀的50家高新技术公司有46%出于麻省理工学院的创业计划大赛。从创业竞赛中孵化出一批企业, 只是它的一种直接成果, 更为重要的是, 这种竞赛活动实质上是对学生进行创业教育的一种好形式, 非常有助于学生毕业后自行创业。实际情况也说明了这一点。而之所以会出现商学院在创业教育中唱重头戏的情况, 可能与商学院的师资优势、学生兴趣以及一般存在创业投资专业有关。
澳大利亚高校, 专、本科水平的创业教育已有四五十年的历史了, 研究生水平的创业教育也在十几年前就已开始。澳大利亚的创业教育主要是以开办小企业为目标, 立“小企业创业机构”, 并开发符合职教特点的创业课程,一般是在职业教育与培训中进行, 主要由技术和继续教育( TAFE) 学院来完成。澳大利亚创业教育采取分层次的模块化课程结构。在基础阶段, 学生对创业教育的几个通用模块进行学习。在了解自己、明确目标之后, 根据自己的特点, 选学有针对性的内容。不同地区、不同专业的学生可以选学不同学时要求的模块。教学方法主要是采用案例研究, 教师通过大量的案例启发学生, 引导学生分析个人情况和创业条件, 分析市场,设计出创业方案。
印度和我国的大学创业教育有些类似, 都是主要为了解决就业问题。一方面培养大学生的创业技能, 一方面提升大学生综合素质和就业能力。印度大学创业教育主要依靠课堂教学。有超过100 所的印度大学开设相关的创业课
④ more to business school (or School of Management) as the base.
Entrepreneurship education in many projects are started in the Business School (Management School) or School of Business (Management School) is based. The United States in 1983 at the University of Texas at Austin students organized the first business plan competition, the competition is also known as business plan competitions. Its content is to encourage some students to have nothing in his capacity as entrepreneurs, in respect of a particular market prospects for new products or new services to make the plan feasible, to persuade venture capitalists to obtain investment and founder of the company. Later, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University and many other universities have been holding this kind of competition, and gradually formed an annual event of the system, soon spread to other parts of the world universities in many countries. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, since 1990, every year several new businesses born from competition, and a considerable number of items to be near the high-tech enterprises bought more than one million U.S. dollars; by the business plan by the direct incubation of enterprises, Some just a few years to grow into an annual turnover of billions of dollars in large companies. The United States the best performance of 50 high-tech companies for 46 percent of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Business Plan Competition. Start the race from the hatching of a number of enterprises, but it's a direct result, more importantly, the contest is essentially entrepreneurship education students form a good, very helpful to students after graduation entrepreneurship. The actual situation also illustrates this point. Reason for the business school in entrepreneurship education in the case of a major singing may be related to the Business School faculty strengths, student interest, as well as the existence of venture capital in general profession.
2, of entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities in Australia [13]
Australian universities, specifically, the level of undergraduate business education has a history of四五十年, post-graduate level entrepreneurship education also began more than ten years ago. Entrepreneurship Education in Australia is the main objective of the establishment of small businesses, legislative "bodies start small businesses", and the development of vocational education in line with the characteristics of entrepreneurship courses, generally in vocational education and training carried out mainly by technical and further education (TAFE) College to complete. Australian business education courses at different levels of the modular structure. In the basic stage, students of entrepreneurship education to study a number of generic modules. In the understanding of their own, clearly defined objectives, in accordance with its own characteristics, the study targeted content. Different regions and professional school students can choose different modules required hours. Teaching methods is the use of case studies, a large number of cases of teachers inspire students to guide students to analyze the individual situation and business conditions, analyze the market, design a business program.
3, College of Entrepreneurship Education in India [12]
India and the University of entrepreneurship education in our country is somewhat similar, are mainly to solve the unemployment problem. On the one hand, foster the entrepreneurial skills of university students, on the one hand to enhance the overall quality of students and job-related skills. University of Entrepreneurship Education in India rely mainly on classroom teaching. There are more than 100 universities in India-related business courses
许多创业教育项目都是发端于商学院( 管理学院) 或以商学院( 管理学院) 为依托的。1983年美国奥斯汀德州大学举办首届大学生创业计划竞赛, 这项竞赛又被称为商业计划竞赛。其内容是鼓励一些大学生以一无所有的创业者的身份, 就某一项具有市场前景的新产品或新服务做出具有可行性的计划报告, 向风险投资家游说, 从而取得投资并创办公司。后来, 麻省理工学院、斯坦福大学等许多大学都相继举办这类竞赛, 并逐渐形成每年举办一次的制度, 不久又波及世界其他许多国家的大学。在麻省理工学院, 从1990年开始, 每年都有几家新企业从大赛中诞生, 并有相当数量的项目被附近的高新技术企业以上百万美元买走; 由创业计划直接孵化出来的企业, 有的短短几年就成长为年营业额达数十亿美元的大公司。美国表现最优秀的50家高新技术公司有46%出于麻省理工学院的创业计划大赛。从创业竞赛中孵化出一批企业, 只是它的一种直接成果, 更为重要的是, 这种竞赛活动实质上是对学生进行创业教育的一种好形式, 非常有助于学生毕业后自行创业。实际情况也说明了这一点。而之所以会出现商学院在创业教育中唱重头戏的情况, 可能与商学院的师资优势、学生兴趣以及一般存在创业投资专业有关。
澳大利亚高校, 专、本科水平的创业教育已有四五十年的历史了, 研究生水平的创业教育也在十几年前就已开始。澳大利亚的创业教育主要是以开办小企业为目标, 立“小企业创业机构”, 并开发符合职教特点的创业课程,一般是在职业教育与培训中进行, 主要由技术和继续教育( TAFE) 学院来完成。澳大利亚创业教育采取分层次的模块化课程结构。在基础阶段, 学生对创业教育的几个通用模块进行学习。在了解自己、明确目标之后, 根据自己的特点, 选学有针对性的内容。不同地区、不同专业的学生可以选学不同学时要求的模块。教学方法主要是采用案例研究, 教师通过大量的案例启发学生, 引导学生分析个人情况和创业条件, 分析市场,设计出创业方案。
印度和我国的大学创业教育有些类似, 都是主要为了解决就业问题。一方面培养大学生的创业技能, 一方面提升大学生综合素质和就业能力。印度大学创业教育主要依靠课堂教学。有超过100 所的印度大学开设相关的创业课
④ more to business school (or School of Management) as the base.
Entrepreneurship education in many projects are started in the Business School (Management School) or School of Business (Management School) is based. The United States in 1983 at the University of Texas at Austin students organized the first business plan competition, the competition is also known as business plan competitions. Its content is to encourage some students to have nothing in his capacity as entrepreneurs, in respect of a particular market prospects for new products or new services to make the plan feasible, to persuade venture capitalists to obtain investment and founder of the company. Later, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University and many other universities have been holding this kind of competition, and gradually formed an annual event of the system, soon spread to other parts of the world universities in many countries. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, since 1990, every year several new businesses born from competition, and a considerable number of items to be near the high-tech enterprises bought more than one million U.S. dollars; by the business plan by the direct incubation of enterprises, Some just a few years to grow into an annual turnover of billions of dollars in large companies. The United States the best performance of 50 high-tech companies for 46 percent of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Business Plan Competition. Start the race from the hatching of a number of enterprises, but it's a direct result, more importantly, the contest is essentially entrepreneurship education students form a good, very helpful to students after graduation entrepreneurship. The actual situation also illustrates this point. Reason for the business school in entrepreneurship education in the case of a major singing may be related to the Business School faculty strengths, student interest, as well as the existence of venture capital in general profession.
2, of entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities in Australia [13]
Australian universities, specifically, the level of undergraduate business education has a history of四五十年, post-graduate level entrepreneurship education also began more than ten years ago. Entrepreneurship Education in Australia is the main objective of the establishment of small businesses, legislative "bodies start small businesses", and the development of vocational education in line with the characteristics of entrepreneurship courses, generally in vocational education and training carried out mainly by technical and further education (TAFE) College to complete. Australian business education courses at different levels of the modular structure. In the basic stage, students of entrepreneurship education to study a number of generic modules. In the understanding of their own, clearly defined objectives, in accordance with its own characteristics, the study targeted content. Different regions and professional school students can choose different modules required hours. Teaching methods is the use of case studies, a large number of cases of teachers inspire students to guide students to analyze the individual situation and business conditions, analyze the market, design a business program.
3, College of Entrepreneurship Education in India [12]
India and the University of entrepreneurship education in our country is somewhat similar, are mainly to solve the unemployment problem. On the one hand, foster the entrepreneurial skills of university students, on the one hand to enhance the overall quality of students and job-related skills. University of Entrepreneurship Education in India rely mainly on classroom teaching. There are more than 100 universities in India-related business courses
More than 4 in school (or management institute) as the backing.
Many business education program was started in business management institute) or (with business management institute (based). University of Texas at Austin, 1983, American university held its first business plan competition, the competition is also called the business plan competition. Its content is to encourage students to have nothing at all, just the identity of entrepreneurs with a market prospect of new product or service to make feasible project report, venture capitalists, lobbying to invest and established company. Later, MIT, Stanford university, many universities have held this kind of competition, and gradually formed a held once a year again soon spread to the system, and many other countries in the world. At MIT, since 1990, every year there are several new enterprise from the contest, and a considerable number was near the project is high-tech enterprise by hundreds of millions of dollars to buy, Business plan directly by the enterprise, some hatched a few years for the annual turnover amounted to grow big companies billions of dollars. The United States is the most outstanding 50 high-tech company was 46% of MIT's business plan competition. From the business competition of enterprise, is hatched a direct result, more important is, this contest is essentially to students education undertaking a good form, very helps students after graduation to start your own business. Actual circumstance also illustrates this point. But the business education undertaking will appear in the grand may sing with the school teachers, students and the general interest superiority existing venture investment professionals.
2, the Australian universities education undertaking [13]
Australian universities and business education undergraduate level, has four or five years of history, the graduate education undertaking in the level of a decade ago began. Australia's business education is mainly for the target, establish small entrepreneurial institutions "small", and the development of vocational education with the business course in vocational education, and training is mainly by technology, education and continue to TAFE (college). Australian education undertaking to hierarchical modularity course structure. In the basis of entrepreneurship education stage, students learn several generic module. In understanding, clear objectives, according to its own characteristics, learns targeted content. Different regions, different students can choose different hours required module. Teaching method is mainly adopts case study, teachers inspire students through a lot of cases, guides the student individual situation analysis and conditions, market analysis, design business plan.
3 the entrepreneurial education college, India [12]
India and China's university education undertaking is somewhat similar, mainly for solving the employment problem. On one hand, training students' business skills on promotion of college students' integrated qualities and employment ability. India's university education undertaking mainly rely on classroom teaching. More than 100 Indian universities have related business courses. They are directly by foreign teachers textbooks, teaching effectiveness and is mainly composed of experts papers. India's teachers college undertakes business course is mainly visit professor. They can be other university professor, but walks, such conducing to select have practical experience of high quality teachers. India's economy has obvious characteristics of family enterprises, some university education and cater to the business needs. If Monee Norse, opened a two-year college of management of the family enterprise management project, which aims to help students to make good skills, knowledge and mental preparation, so that the family business.
Four American students, self-employed status to
In the United States - students and success is common. University school of business success and Bill Gates, founder of dell computer like yahoo, dell's founder, Yang, early browser (Netscape), Andre co-inventor of mark, such as IT is also famous in college, and during the most successful/from philosophy height, the success or failure of any business depends on the cause of subjective and objective conditions. Gates' success is also so. Here the so-called objective conditions is the concept of quality and the factors such as the objective conditions, including economic system refers to the environment and culture atmosphere. Policy factors. Tell from the subjective conditions of college students in the United States - highlighted basically has the following
More than 4 in school (or management institute) as the backing.
Many business education program was started in business management institute) or (with business management institute (based). University of Texas at Austin, 1983, American university held its first business plan competition, the competition is also called the business plan competition. Its content is to encourage students to have nothing at all, just the identity of entrepreneurs with a market prospect of new product or service to make feasible project report, venture capitalists, lobbying to invest and established company. Later, MIT, Stanford university, many universities have held this kind of competition, and gradually formed a held once a year again soon spread to the system, and many other countries in the world. At MIT, since 1990, every year there are several new enterprise from the contest, and a considerable number was near the project is high-tech enterprise by hundreds of millions of dollars to buy, Business plan directly by the enterprise, some hatched a few years for the annual turnover amounted to grow big companies billions of dollars. The United States is the most outstanding 50 high-tech company was 46% of MIT's business plan competition. From the business competition of enterprise, is hatched a direct result, more important is, this contest is essentially to students education undertaking a good form, very helps students after graduation to start your own business. Actual circumstance also illustrates this point. But the business education undertaking will appear in the grand may sing with the school teachers, students and the general interest superiority existing venture investment professionals.
2, the Australian universities education undertaking [13]
Australian universities and business education undergraduate level, has four or five years of history, the graduate education undertaking in the level of a decade ago began. Australia's business education is mainly for the target, establish small entrepreneurial institutions "small", and the development of vocational education with the business course in vocational education, and training is mainly by technology, education and continue to TAFE (college). Australian education undertaking to hierarchical modularity course structure. In the basis of entrepreneurship education stage, students learn several generic module. In understanding, clear objectives, according to its own characteristics, learns targeted content. Different regions, different students can choose different hours required module. Teaching method is mainly adopts case study, teachers inspire students through a lot of cases, guides the student individual situation analysis and conditions, market analysis, design business plan.
3 the entrepreneurial education college, India [12]
India and China's university education undertaking is somewhat similar, mainly for solving the employment problem. On one hand, training students' business skills on promotion of college students' integrated qualities and employment ability. India's university education undertaking mainly rely on classroom teaching. More than 100 Indian universities have related business courses. They are directly by foreign teachers textbooks, teaching effectiveness and is mainly composed of experts papers. India's teachers college undertakes business course is mainly visit professor. They can be other university professor, but walks, such conducing to select have practical experience of high quality teachers. India's economy has obvious characteristics of family enterprises, some university education and cater to the business needs. If Monee Norse, opened a two-year college of management of the family enterprise management project, which aims to help students to make good skills, knowledge and mental preparation, so that the family business.
Four American students, self-employed status to
In the United States - students and success is common. University school of business success and Bill Gates, founder of dell computer like yahoo, dell's founder, Yang, early browser (Netscape), Andre co-inventor of mark, such as IT is also famous in college, and during the most successful/from philosophy height, the success or failure of any business depends on the cause of subjective and objective conditions. Gates' success is also so. Here the so-called objective conditions is the concept of quality and the factors such as the objective conditions, including economic system refers to the environment and culture atmosphere. Policy factors. Tell from the subjective conditions of college students in the United States - highlighted basically has the following
More than 4 in school (or management institute) as the backing.
Many business education program was started in business management institute) or (with business management institute (based). University of Texas at Austin, 1983, American university held its first business plan competition, the competition is also called the business plan competition. Its content is to encourage students to have nothing at all, just the identity of entrepreneurs with a market prospect of new product or service to make feasible project report, venture capitalists, lobbying to invest and established company. Later, MIT, Stanford university, many universities have held this kind of competition, and gradually formed a held once a year again soon spread to the system, and many other countries in the world. At MIT, since 1990, every year there are several new enterprise from the contest, and a considerable number was near the project is high-tech enterprise by hundreds of millions of dollars to buy, Business plan directly by the enterprise, some hatched a few years for the annual turnover amounted to grow big companies billions of dollars. The United States is the most outstanding 50 high-tech company was 46% of MIT's business plan competition. From the business competition of enterprise, is hatched a direct result, more important is, this contest is essentially to students education undertaking a good form, very helps students after graduation to start your own business. Actual circumstance also illustrates this point. But the business education undertaking will appear in the grand may sing with the school teachers, students and the general interest superiority existing venture investment professionals.
2, the Australian universities education undertaking [13]
Australian universities and business education undergraduate level, has four or five years of history, the graduate education undertaking in the level of a decade ago began. Australia's business education is mainly for the target, establish small entrepreneurial institutions "small", and the development of vocational education with the business course in vocational education, and training is mainly by technology, education and continue to TAFE (college). Australian education undertaking to hierarchical modularity course structure. In the basis of entrepreneurship education stage, students learn several generic module. In understanding, clear objectives, according to its own characteristics, learns targeted content. Different regions, different students can choose different hours required module. Teaching method is mainly adopts case study, teachers inspire students through a lot of cases, guides the student individual situation analysis and conditions, market analysis, design business plan.
3 the entrepreneurial education college, India [12]
India and China's university education undertaking is somewhat similar, mainly for solving the employment problem. On one hand, training students' business skills on promotion of college students' integrated qualities and employment ability. India's university education undertaking mainly rely on classroom teaching. More than 100 Indian universities have related business courses. They are directly by foreign teachers textbooks, teaching effectiveness and is mainly composed of experts papers. India's teachers college undertakes business course is mainly visit professor. They can be other university professor, but walks, such conducing to select have practical experience of high quality teachers. India's economy has obvious characteristics of family enterprises, some university education and cater to the business needs. If Monee Norse, opened a two-year college of management of the family enterprise management project, which aims to help students to make good skills, knowledge and mental preparation, so that the family business.
Four American students, self-employed status to
In the United States - students and success is common. University school of business success and Bill Gates, founder of dell computer like yahoo, dell's founder, Yang, early browser (Netscape), Andre co-inventor of mark, such as IT is also famous in college, and during the most successful/from philosophy height, the success or failure of any business depends on the cause of subjective and objective conditions. Gates' success is also so. Here the so-called objective conditions is the concept of quality and the factors such as the objective conditions, including economic system refers to the environment and culture atmosphere. Policy factors. Tell from the subjective conditions of college students in the United States - highlighted basically has the following:
Many business education program was started in business management institute) or (with business management institute (based). University of Texas at Austin, 1983, American university held its first business plan competition, the competition is also called the business plan competition. Its content is to encourage students to have nothing at all, just the identity of entrepreneurs with a market prospect of new product or service to make feasible project report, venture capitalists, lobbying to invest and established company. Later, MIT, Stanford university, many universities have held this kind of competition, and gradually formed a held once a year again soon spread to the system, and many other countries in the world. At MIT, since 1990, every year there are several new enterprise from the contest, and a considerable number was near the project is high-tech enterprise by hundreds of millions of dollars to buy, Business plan directly by the enterprise, some hatched a few years for the annual turnover amounted to grow big companies billions of dollars. The United States is the most outstanding 50 high-tech company was 46% of MIT's business plan competition. From the business competition of enterprise, is hatched a direct result, more important is, this contest is essentially to students education undertaking a good form, very helps students after graduation to start your own business. Actual circumstance also illustrates this point. But the business education undertaking will appear in the grand may sing with the school teachers, students and the general interest superiority existing venture investment professionals.
2, the Australian universities education undertaking [13]
Australian universities and business education undergraduate level, has four or five years of history, the graduate education undertaking in the level of a decade ago began. Australia's business education is mainly for the target, establish small entrepreneurial institutions "small", and the development of vocational education with the business course in vocational education, and training is mainly by technology, education and continue to TAFE (college). Australian education undertaking to hierarchical modularity course structure. In the basis of entrepreneurship education stage, students learn several generic module. In understanding, clear objectives, according to its own characteristics, learns targeted content. Different regions, different students can choose different hours required module. Teaching method is mainly adopts case study, teachers inspire students through a lot of cases, guides the student individual situation analysis and conditions, market analysis, design business plan.
3 the entrepreneurial education college, India [12]
India and China's university education undertaking is somewhat similar, mainly for solving the employment problem. On one hand, training students' business skills on promotion of college students' integrated qualities and employment ability. India's university education undertaking mainly rely on classroom teaching. More than 100 Indian universities have related business courses. They are directly by foreign teachers textbooks, teaching effectiveness and is mainly composed of experts papers. India's teachers college undertakes business course is mainly visit professor. They can be other university professor, but walks, such conducing to select have practical experience of high quality teachers. India's economy has obvious characteristics of family enterprises, some university education and cater to the business needs. If Monee Norse, opened a two-year college of management of the family enterprise management project, which aims to help students to make good skills, knowledge and mental preparation, so that the family business.
Four American students, self-employed status to
In the United States - students and success is common. University school of business success and Bill Gates, founder of dell computer like yahoo, dell's founder, Yang, early browser (Netscape), Andre co-inventor of mark, such as IT is also famous in college, and during the most successful/from philosophy height, the success or failure of any business depends on the cause of subjective and objective conditions. Gates' success is also so. Here the so-called objective conditions is the concept of quality and the factors such as the objective conditions, including economic system refers to the environment and culture atmosphere. Policy factors. Tell from the subjective conditions of college students in the United States - highlighted basically has the following:
④ more to business school (or School of Management) as the base.
Entrepreneurship education in many projects are started in the Business School (Management School) or School of Business (Management School) is based. The United States in 1983 at the University of Texas at Austin students organized the first business plan competition, the competition is also known as business plan competitions. Its content is to encourage some students to have nothing in his capacity as entrepreneurs, in respect of a particular market prospects for new products or new services to make the plan feasible, to persuade venture capitalists to obtain investment and founder of the company. Later, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University and many other universities have been holding this kind of competition, and gradually formed an annual event of the system, soon spread to other parts of the world universities in many countries. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, since 1990, every year several new businesses born from competition, and a considerable number of items to be near the high-tech enterprises bought more than one million U.S. dollars; by the business plan by the direct incubation of enterprises, Some just a few years to grow into an annual turnover of billions of dollars in large companies. The United States the best performance of 50 high-tech companies for 46 percent of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Business Plan Competition. Start the race from the hatching of a number of enterprises, but it's a direct result, more importantly, the contest is essentially entrepreneurship education students form a good, very helpful to students after graduation entrepreneurship. The actual situation also illustrates this point. Reason for the business school in entrepreneurship education in the case of a major singing may be related to the Business School faculty strengths, student interest, as well as the existence of venture capital in general profession.
2, of entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities in Australia [13]
Australian universities, specifically, the level of undergraduate business education has a history of四五十年, post-graduate level entrepreneurship education also began more than ten years ago. Entrepreneurship Education in Australia is the main objective of the establishment of small businesses, legislative "bodies start small businesses", and the development of vocational education in line with the characteristics of entrepreneurship courses, generally in vocational education and training carried out mainly by technical and further education (TAFE) College to complete. Australian business education courses at different levels of the modular structure. In the basic stage, students of entrepreneurship education to study a number of generic modules. In the understanding of their own, clearly defined objectives, in accordance with its own characteristics, the study targeted content. Different regions and professional school students can choose different modules required hours. Teaching methods is the use of case studies, a large number of cases of teachers inspire students to guide students to analyze the individual situation and business conditions, analyze the market, design a business program.
3, College of Entrepreneurship Education in India [12]
India and the University of entrepreneurship education in our country is somewhat similar, are mainly to solve the unemployment problem. On the one hand, foster the entrepreneurial skills of university students, on the one hand to enhance the overall quality of students and job-related skills. University of Entrepreneurship Education in India rely mainly on classroom teaching. There are more than 100 universities in India-related business courses. They direct the use of more than the original foreign materials, teacher materials are mainly constituted by the expert papers. India's commitment to entrepreneurship courses university teachers is a visiting professor. They can be a professor at other universities, but also business people, so that practical experience will help select high-quality teachers. India's economic development has obvious characteristics of the family business, a number of university entrepreneurship education is to meet this demand. Such as, Norse Monee School of Management set up a two-year family business management project, designed to help students do a good job skills, knowledge and mental preparation in order to run their family business.
Fourth, the United States the status of university students would like their own businesses
In the United States - students start their own business and the success is not uncommon. University drop-out and successful entrepreneurs, Bill Gates since • Needless to say, as the founder of Dell Computer Corporation Dell, Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang, early browser (Netscape), one of the inventor of the Mark • IT Andre-sen, such as celebrities, they are in college to study entrepreneurship and success of the / from the height of philosophy, the success or failure of any cause, depends on the cause of the subjective and objective conditions. The same thing applies to the success of Gates. The so-called subjective conditions here refers to people's ideas and their own quality and other factors, here refers to the objective conditions, including economic system. The policy environment and cultural atmosphere and so on. Speaking from a subjective conditions - mainly in the following U.S. college students of the highlights:
Entrepreneurship education in many projects are started in the Business School (Management School) or School of Business (Management School) is based. The United States in 1983 at the University of Texas at Austin students organized the first business plan competition, the competition is also known as business plan competitions. Its content is to encourage some students to have nothing in his capacity as entrepreneurs, in respect of a particular market prospects for new products or new services to make the plan feasible, to persuade venture capitalists to obtain investment and founder of the company. Later, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University and many other universities have been holding this kind of competition, and gradually formed an annual event of the system, soon spread to other parts of the world universities in many countries. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, since 1990, every year several new businesses born from competition, and a considerable number of items to be near the high-tech enterprises bought more than one million U.S. dollars; by the business plan by the direct incubation of enterprises, Some just a few years to grow into an annual turnover of billions of dollars in large companies. The United States the best performance of 50 high-tech companies for 46 percent of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Business Plan Competition. Start the race from the hatching of a number of enterprises, but it's a direct result, more importantly, the contest is essentially entrepreneurship education students form a good, very helpful to students after graduation entrepreneurship. The actual situation also illustrates this point. Reason for the business school in entrepreneurship education in the case of a major singing may be related to the Business School faculty strengths, student interest, as well as the existence of venture capital in general profession.
2, of entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities in Australia [13]
Australian universities, specifically, the level of undergraduate business education has a history of四五十年, post-graduate level entrepreneurship education also began more than ten years ago. Entrepreneurship Education in Australia is the main objective of the establishment of small businesses, legislative "bodies start small businesses", and the development of vocational education in line with the characteristics of entrepreneurship courses, generally in vocational education and training carried out mainly by technical and further education (TAFE) College to complete. Australian business education courses at different levels of the modular structure. In the basic stage, students of entrepreneurship education to study a number of generic modules. In the understanding of their own, clearly defined objectives, in accordance with its own characteristics, the study targeted content. Different regions and professional school students can choose different modules required hours. Teaching methods is the use of case studies, a large number of cases of teachers inspire students to guide students to analyze the individual situation and business conditions, analyze the market, design a business program.
3, College of Entrepreneurship Education in India [12]
India and the University of entrepreneurship education in our country is somewhat similar, are mainly to solve the unemployment problem. On the one hand, foster the entrepreneurial skills of university students, on the one hand to enhance the overall quality of students and job-related skills. University of Entrepreneurship Education in India rely mainly on classroom teaching. There are more than 100 universities in India-related business courses. They direct the use of more than the original foreign materials, teacher materials are mainly constituted by the expert papers. India's commitment to entrepreneurship courses university teachers is a visiting professor. They can be a professor at other universities, but also business people, so that practical experience will help select high-quality teachers. India's economic development has obvious characteristics of the family business, a number of university entrepreneurship education is to meet this demand. Such as, Norse Monee School of Management set up a two-year family business management project, designed to help students do a good job skills, knowledge and mental preparation in order to run their family business.
Fourth, the United States the status of university students would like their own businesses
In the United States - students start their own business and the success is not uncommon. University drop-out and successful entrepreneurs, Bill Gates since • Needless to say, as the founder of Dell Computer Corporation Dell, Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang, early browser (Netscape), one of the inventor of the Mark • IT Andre-sen, such as celebrities, they are in college to study entrepreneurship and success of the / from the height of philosophy, the success or failure of any cause, depends on the cause of the subjective and objective conditions. The same thing applies to the success of Gates. The so-called subjective conditions here refers to people's ideas and their own quality and other factors, here refers to the objective conditions, including economic system. The policy environment and cultural atmosphere and so on. Speaking from a subjective conditions - mainly in the following U.S. college students of the highlights: