用英语翻译一份病历,急用。我给高分 80
15床 杨立英 男性 56岁 主诉:劳累后胸闷。气短一年余,加重半月。
初步诊断:1.风湿性心脏病 二尖瓣关闭不全 2.心律失常 心房纤颤 3. 心功能Ⅲ级
1.心脏彩超: AO 36mm PA 36mm
LA 46mm LV 75mm
RA 49mm RV 18mm
EF 51.50%
3.心电图:心房纤颤; 左室肥厚劳损。
4.其他检查:ESR 3mm/h ASO阴性
动脉血气分析:氧分压77.6mmHg 氧饱和96.2%
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初步诊断:1.风湿性心脏病 二尖瓣关闭不全 2.心律失常 心房纤颤 3. 心功能Ⅲ级
1.心脏彩超: AO 36mm PA 36mm
LA 46mm LV 75mm
RA 49mm RV 18mm
EF 51.50%
3.心电图:心房纤颤; 左室肥厚劳损。
4.其他检查:ESR 3mm/h ASO阴性
动脉血气分析:氧分压77.6mmHg 氧饱和96.2%
拿软件翻译的请勿留言,这是要给外国的专家看的,希望高手帮一把,谢谢!!! 展开
YANG Li-ying, 15 male 56-year-old chief complaint: chest after exertion. Shortness of breath more than a year, adding a half months.
Is history: The patient 10 months ago due to fatigue after the chest tightness, shortness of breath, with not lying, hold up at night, no dizziness, headache, no cough, sputum, hemoptysis, attendance at a local hospital, diagnosed with atrial fibrillation flutter, symptomatic treatment can alleviate. Symptoms after more than tired, rest can be eased. Half months, the symptoms increase, accompanied by edema of both lower extremities. In order to come to our hospital for further treatment.
Since the incidence of patients since the spirit can be, diet, sleep less, become normal, body weight decreased.
Past history: denied hepatitis, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases history of allergy to deny history, deny the history of surgical trauma, denied diabetes, high blood pressure history.
Richard Body: Sleep may be the spirit of eating, breathing lungs sound clear and dry and wet did not hear the sound of Hello, heart rate 86 times / min, atrial fibrillation in heart rate, and the apical systolic murmur could be heard, soft flat stomach, liver, and liver in肋下horizontal reach of about 3 refers to refers to both lower extremities with mild edema Au.
Initial diagnosis: 1. Rheumatic heart disease mitral insufficiency 2. Arrhythmia atrial fibrillation 3. Cardiac function grade Ⅲ
Supplementary examination:
1. The heart of color: AO 36mm PA 36mm
LA 46mm LV 75mm
RA 49mm RV 18mm
EF 51.50%
Diagnostic tips: the expansion of the left ventricular; right atrial enlargement; severe mitral valve insufficiency; moderate tricuspid valve insufficiency; calcified aortic valve with mild incompetence.
2. Coronary angiography: no abnormal coronary angiography, no abnormal ascending aorta.
3. ECG: atrial fibrillation; left ventricular hypertrophy strain.
4. Other tests: ESR 3mm / h ASO-negative
Arterial blood gas analysis: partial pressure of oxygen 96.2% oxygen saturation 77.6mmHg
Is history: The patient 10 months ago due to fatigue after the chest tightness, shortness of breath, with not lying, hold up at night, no dizziness, headache, no cough, sputum, hemoptysis, attendance at a local hospital, diagnosed with atrial fibrillation flutter, symptomatic treatment can alleviate. Symptoms after more than tired, rest can be eased. Half months, the symptoms increase, accompanied by edema of both lower extremities. In order to come to our hospital for further treatment.
Since the incidence of patients since the spirit can be, diet, sleep less, become normal, body weight decreased.
Past history: denied hepatitis, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases history of allergy to deny history, deny the history of surgical trauma, denied diabetes, high blood pressure history.
Richard Body: Sleep may be the spirit of eating, breathing lungs sound clear and dry and wet did not hear the sound of Hello, heart rate 86 times / min, atrial fibrillation in heart rate, and the apical systolic murmur could be heard, soft flat stomach, liver, and liver in肋下horizontal reach of about 3 refers to refers to both lower extremities with mild edema Au.
Initial diagnosis: 1. Rheumatic heart disease mitral insufficiency 2. Arrhythmia atrial fibrillation 3. Cardiac function grade Ⅲ
Supplementary examination:
1. The heart of color: AO 36mm PA 36mm
LA 46mm LV 75mm
RA 49mm RV 18mm
EF 51.50%
Diagnostic tips: the expansion of the left ventricular; right atrial enlargement; severe mitral valve insufficiency; moderate tricuspid valve insufficiency; calcified aortic valve with mild incompetence.
2. Coronary angiography: no abnormal coronary angiography, no abnormal ascending aorta.
3. ECG: atrial fibrillation; left ventricular hypertrophy strain.
4. Other tests: ESR 3mm / h ASO-negative
Arterial blood gas analysis: partial pressure of oxygen 96.2% oxygen saturation 77.6mmHg
你应该去各著名医科高校的学校网站、论坛,找研究生或者教授 求助。
你应该去各著名医科高校的学校网站、论坛,找研究生或者教授 求助。
Body: the spirit of sleep can double lung, diet, not breath sounds and smells of heart sound, then dry 86 times/points, atrial fibrillation, cardiac apex of heart can smell and systolic murmurs, abdominal plain soft, liver, liver from 3 sides can reach the point, double concave means lower mild edema.
Preliminary diagnosis: 1.the rheumatic heart disease mitral valve insufficency 2 arrhythmia atrial fibrillation (3) Ⅲ cardiac function
Auxiliary examination:
1 the heart 36mm PA PA: 36mm AO
LA 46mm 75mm LV
RA 49mm RV 18mm
EF 51.50%
Hint: left heart expand diagnosis, Right room expand, Mitral regurgitation severe, Tricuspid regurgitation moderate, Aortic valve calcification with mild closed.
2 angiographically normal coronary angiography: and did not see aorta.
3 electrocardiogram: atrial fibrillation, Strain of left ventricular hypertrophy.
4 other inspection: the ESR 3mm/h ASO negative
Arterial blood gas analysis: 96.2% 77.6 mmHg oxygen saturation pressure
Preliminary diagnosis: 1.the rheumatic heart disease mitral valve insufficency 2 arrhythmia atrial fibrillation (3) Ⅲ cardiac function
Auxiliary examination:
1 the heart 36mm PA PA: 36mm AO
LA 46mm 75mm LV
RA 49mm RV 18mm
EF 51.50%
Hint: left heart expand diagnosis, Right room expand, Mitral regurgitation severe, Tricuspid regurgitation moderate, Aortic valve calcification with mild closed.
2 angiographically normal coronary angiography: and did not see aorta.
3 electrocardiogram: atrial fibrillation, Strain of left ventricular hypertrophy.
4 other inspection: the ESR 3mm/h ASO negative
Arterial blood gas analysis: 96.2% 77.6 mmHg oxygen saturation pressure