up until I was about 10 year old ,I was same as everyone else in my class. I was used to climb trees, swim and play football ,In fcat ,I often dreamed about one day being famous football player . Then Istartto get weaker and weaker.I was so tired to get out of bed.I went into hospital for tests.I stayed there for near three months and missed a lot of schools.I think I had at least a billion tests while Iwas there , included one in which they cut out a piece of muscle from my leg and looked at it under a microscope. Only after all the tests,no one could give my disease a name ,so it is difficulty to know what the future will be like.
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I was the same as everyone else in my class. 第二句是这个 展开
up until I was about 10 year old ,I was same as everyone else in my class. I was used to climb trees, swim and play football ,In fcat ,I often dreamed about one day being famous football player . Then Istartto get weaker and weaker.I was so tired to get out of bed.I went into hospital for tests.I stayed there for near three months and missed a lot of schools.I think I had at least a billion tests while Iwas there , included one in which they cut out a piece of muscle from my leg and looked at it under a microscope. Only after all the tests,no one could give my disease a name ,so it is difficulty to know what the future will be like.
快的我加分 快快 谢谢了
I was the same as everyone else in my class. 第二句是这个 展开
1. 10 year old → 10 years old
2. was same as → was the same as
3. I was used to → I used to
4. being famous → being a famous
5. I start to → I started to
6. so tired to → too tired to
7. near three months → nearly three months
8. included one → including one
9. Only after all → But after all
10. it is difficulty → it is difficult
1. 10 year old → 10 years old
2. was same as → was the same as
3. I was used to → I used to
4. being famous → being a famous
5. I start to → I started to
6. so tired to → too tired to
7. near three months → nearly three months
8. included one → including one
9. Only after all → But after all
10. it is difficulty → it is difficult
参考资料: 原创回答团(159号会员)