
20.1.1在违约之后,我们将会采取必要的行动将供应商列入黑名单并会将列入黑名单的这一通知告知尼泊尔电信公司的每个部门。列入黑名单的供应商将不再有权参加任何投标和尼泊尔电... 20.1.1 在违约之后,我们将会采取必要的行动将供应商列入黑名单并会将列入黑名单的这一通知告知尼泊尔电信公司的每个部门。列入黑名单的供应商将不再有权参加任何投标和尼泊尔电信的内部报价。
20.1.2 尼泊尔电信为了将承包商列入黑名单,也会向公共采购监督办公室提交书面报告,公共采购监督办公室会将投标方列入黑名单三年,以免合同中的买方权益受到侵害。
20.2 为方便性而终止合约尼泊尔电信将会为了自身方便性,随时可能会全部或部分的终止合约。合约终止通知将会详细说明是为了尼泊尔电信的方便,以及合约中终止工作的范围,合同项再次有效的日期
21 仲裁
21.1 与合同有关的或由合同引起的任何争议,无论是否是在工程结束之后,合约有无结束,都应提交仲裁机关根据联合国国际贸易法委员会仲裁规章处理。
21.2 仲裁地点在尼泊尔加德满都,语言应使用英语。
21.3 仲裁法庭应该包括以下指定的三名仲裁人: a合同双方各指定一名仲裁人代表其方 b第三仲裁人应由以上两位仲裁人协商指定
22 供应记录制造商或供应商应该提供其供应产品的详细记录,详细信息见投标文件中附上的附文一:供应记录
23 投标方 /制造商的资历和经营领域证实投标方/制造商应该提供货物供应记录的验证文件,这个文件应该证实以下几项要求:
23.1 制造商应该具备提供设备至少十年以上的制造经验
23.2 制造商在最近三年里营业额最低应达到一千万美元,这应由年度审核报表提供。
23.3 其提供的设备在开标以后至少两年内应能很好的使用。
23.4 在竞标过程中,投标方应出具其他国家两个电信运营商(或者用户行政部门),而非制造商本国颁发的所提供产品在实际运用过程中性能优良的证书原件和其他足够的信息,详细要求见投标文件中的附文二和本部分的 23.3。
23.5 投标方应该提供发放证书两个部门的全称和地址,联系人的姓名,电话号码和传真号码。
23.6 在过去八年里已经为尼泊尔电信提供过太阳能供电系统的投标方 /供应商 /制造商也应该出具由尼泊尔电信材料管理部门颁发的性能优良证书。未提供此项证书的投标方 /供应商 /制造商将不会接受其产品。
23.7 被列入黑名单或还未解除黑名单程序的投标方和制造商将无权参加此次投标,这些投标方和制造商提供的投标也将不会为其评标。
 我来答
2009-10-17 · TA获得超过640个赞
  20.1.1 after default, we will take the necessary action will be blacklisted and the supplier of this notice will be blacklisted inform each department of Nepal Telecom. Blacklisted suppliers will no longer have the right to participate in any tender and Nepal Telecom's internal pricing.

  20.1.2 Nepal Telecom order to blacklist the contractor will be submitted to the Public Procurement Oversight Office a written report to the Office of Public Procurement Oversight bidders will be blacklisted for three years so as to avoid the contract in the buyer's rights have been infringed.

  20.2 to terminate the contract for the convenience of Nepal Telecom will be for their own convenience, at any time may terminate all or part of the contract. Detailed description of the termination notice will be convenient to Nepal Telecom, as well as the termination of the contract scope of work, the effective date of the contract re -

  21 Arbitration

  21.1 relating to the contract or any dispute arising out of contracts, whether at the end of the day, whether the end of the contract should be submitted to arbitration organs of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law arbitration rules and regulations dealing with.

  21.2 The place of arbitration in Kathmandu, Nepal, language should be English.

  21.3 arbitral tribunal should include the following designated three arbitrators: a contract the two sides designated an arbitrator on behalf of their party b more than two arbitrators the third arbitrator shall be appointed in consultation

  22 provider records the manufacturer or supplier should provide a detailed record of their supply products, detailed information, see the attached tender documents in the attached text of a: Supply Record

  23 bidders / manufacturers confirmed that the qualifications and business areas of bidders / manufacturers should provide the supply of goods recorded in the verification file, this file should confirm that the following requirements:

  23.1 to provide equipment manufacturers should have at least more than ten years of manufacturing experience

  23.2 manufacturers in the last three years should reach a minimum turnover of 10 million U.S. dollars, which shall be to provide an annual audit reports.

  23.3 provided the equipment for at least two years after the bid opening should be a good use.

  23.4 in the bidding process, the bidders should be issued by the two telecom operators in other countries (or the user administration), rather than issued by the manufacturer to provide its products in the practical application of the process of the original certificate of good performance, and other adequate information, asked to see the tender documents detailed in the attachment 2 and the part of 23.3.

  23.5 Bidder should provide certification of full name and address of the two departments, contact names, telephone numbers and fax numbers.

  23.6 In the past eight years, Nepal Telecom has provided solar-powered system, the tendering party / suppliers / manufacturers should also be issued by the Nepal Telecom Material Management Department issued the certificate excellent performance. This certificate does not provide bidders / suppliers / manufacturers will not accept their products.

  23.7 have been included in the blacklist or not to lift the blacklist procedures bidders and manufacturers will not be entitled to participate in the tender, the tender side and the manufacturer's bid will not be for evaluation.
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