谁能帮我翻译一下这几句话 万分感谢!
第六条 违约责任
3、乙方未按本协议第五条约定进行或未经甲方同意变更以×××基地为地址的工商和税务登记,甲方可以解除本协议,乙方所付预订款不予退还,如该款已充作其他用途,则乙方另应向甲方支付 元违约金。
第七条 免责条款
第八条 因本协议引起的或与本协议有关的任何争议,如无法协商解决,双方均可向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。
第九条 在本协议履行过程中,如遇国家有关政策调整,本协议条款亦做相应调整,保证本协议与国家现行政策相一致。
第十条 本协议未尽事宜,由双方协商后签订补充协议,补充协议与本协议具有同等法律效力。
第十一条 本协议经双方签字盖章后生效。
法定代表人(或委托代理人): 展开
3、乙方未按本协议第五条约定进行或未经甲方同意变更以×××基地为地址的工商和税务登记,甲方可以解除本协议,乙方所付预订款不予退还,如该款已充作其他用途,则乙方另应向甲方支付 元违约金。
第七条 免责条款
第八条 因本协议引起的或与本协议有关的任何争议,如无法协商解决,双方均可向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。
第九条 在本协议履行过程中,如遇国家有关政策调整,本协议条款亦做相应调整,保证本协议与国家现行政策相一致。
第十条 本协议未尽事宜,由双方协商后签订补充协议,补充协议与本协议具有同等法律效力。
第十一条 本协议经双方签字盖章后生效。
法定代表人(或委托代理人): 展开
Liability for breach of Article VI
1, due to the completion of this Agreement, Party A has not shown in the third, "a flat six-way" site conditions affecting the B to B start building and economic losses caused by Party A Party B in accordance with the actual loss will be compensated.
2, due to Party A causes leading to this Agreement, Party B can not be in accordance with Article V convention to enjoy the relevant preferential policies, Party A in accordance with the corresponding amount of preferential treatment given to Party B compensation.
3, Party B fails to Article V of this Agreement or without the Party agreed to consent to a change in order × × × base for the address of the business and tax registration, the Party may terminate this agreement, Party B shall pay non-refundable reservation, such as the which has been used for other purposes, Party B shall pay the yuan another penalty.
4, due to side effects because the plot of this Agreement the right to use state-owned land acquisition and construction procedures for handling, observant party the right to demand compensation for breach of contract and may terminate this agreement.
5, due to Party B breach of contract led to the lifting of this Agreement, Party B must be lifted in the agreement within 30 days from the date of the transfer of Party A unconditionally land for the project and bear the appropriate sales tax, deed tax and all taxes and charges, involving the construction of the resulting input finance charges, etc., all the losses borne by the B.
Article Disclaimer
Leading to this Agreement due to force majeure is unable to perform, the two sides shall not bear responsibility for breach of contract.
Article VIII of this Agreement caused by or in connection with any dispute relating to this Agreement, such as can not be resolved through consultation, both parties to the competent people's court proceedings.
Article IX In the course of implementation of this Agreement, such as the case of national policy adjustments, the terms of the agreement has also made adjustments to ensure that this agreement is consistent with current national policy.
Article matters covered in this Agreement by both parties signed a supplemental agreement after consultations, supplementary agreements and this agreement has the same legal effect.
Article XI of this Agreement signed and sealed by both parties enter into force.
And Annex I to this Agreement in duplicate, A and B both sides armed with one.
Attachment: Location map covers an area of
The legal representative (or an agent):
1, due to the completion of this Agreement, Party A has not shown in the third, "a flat six-way" site conditions affecting the B to B start building and economic losses caused by Party A Party B in accordance with the actual loss will be compensated.
2, due to Party A causes leading to this Agreement, Party B can not be in accordance with Article V convention to enjoy the relevant preferential policies, Party A in accordance with the corresponding amount of preferential treatment given to Party B compensation.
3, Party B fails to Article V of this Agreement or without the Party agreed to consent to a change in order × × × base for the address of the business and tax registration, the Party may terminate this agreement, Party B shall pay non-refundable reservation, such as the which has been used for other purposes, Party B shall pay the yuan another penalty.
4, due to side effects because the plot of this Agreement the right to use state-owned land acquisition and construction procedures for handling, observant party the right to demand compensation for breach of contract and may terminate this agreement.
5, due to Party B breach of contract led to the lifting of this Agreement, Party B must be lifted in the agreement within 30 days from the date of the transfer of Party A unconditionally land for the project and bear the appropriate sales tax, deed tax and all taxes and charges, involving the construction of the resulting input finance charges, etc., all the losses borne by the B.
Article Disclaimer
Leading to this Agreement due to force majeure is unable to perform, the two sides shall not bear responsibility for breach of contract.
Article VIII of this Agreement caused by or in connection with any dispute relating to this Agreement, such as can not be resolved through consultation, both parties to the competent people's court proceedings.
Article IX In the course of implementation of this Agreement, such as the case of national policy adjustments, the terms of the agreement has also made adjustments to ensure that this agreement is consistent with current national policy.
Article matters covered in this Agreement by both parties signed a supplemental agreement after consultations, supplementary agreements and this agreement has the same legal effect.
Article XI of this Agreement signed and sealed by both parties enter into force.
And Annex I to this Agreement in duplicate, A and B both sides armed with one.
Attachment: Location map covers an area of
The legal representative (or an agent):