The functional composite materials have become
an area of active research as materials of new genera
tion in chemical technology. Among them, especially
promising materials are polymer composites in which
nanoparticles of metals (or their compounds) are
introduced into the porous matrix (base) with grafted
ionexchange sites. Nanocomposites (NCs) of this
type can promote many chemical processes because of
the high reactivity of nanosized particles that possess
excess energy [1–5].
It was reported [6, 7] that starting from a certain
critical content of the metal, its state is no longer a col
lection of isolated particles, but is an assembly of clus
ters in which a charge transfer is possible at an opti
mum distance between particles. This leads to a drastic
change in the rate of stages including the charge trans
fer and should therefore be taken into account. An
increase in the amount of the metal introduced in the
carrier should lead to increased rates of processes
involving NCs due to the increased capacity of one of
the system’s components and increased specific con
ductivity. On the other hand, an increase in the con
tents of metal particles can significantly affect the
transport properties of the ionexchange support and
block access to ionogen centers.
Therefore, it seems important to correlate the con
tent of metal particles in the ionexchange matrix with
the kinetic characteristics of the chemical reaction
involving them. This will allow us to assess the optimal
capacity of the metal component in the composite.
The aim of this work was to study the rate and
mechanism of the interaction of molecular oxygen
dissolved in water with copper–ion exchanger nano
composites depending on the metal component
capacity in them. 展开
The functional composite materials have become
an area of active research as materials of new genera
tion in chemical technology. Among them, especially
promising materials are polymer composites in which
nanoparticles of metals (or their compounds) are
introduced into the porous matrix (base) with grafted
ionexchange sites. Nanocomposites (NCs) of this
type can promote many chemical processes because of
the high reactivity of nanosized particles that possess
excess energy [1–5].
It was reported [6, 7] that starting from a certain
critical content of the metal, its state is no longer a col
lection of isolated particles, but is an assembly of clus
ters in which a charge transfer is possible at an opti
mum distance between particles. This leads to a drastic
change in the rate of stages including the charge trans
fer and should therefore be taken into account. An
increase in the amount of the metal introduced in the
carrier should lead to increased rates of processes
involving NCs due to the increased capacity of one of
the system’s components and increased specific con
ductivity. On the other hand, an increase in the con
tents of metal particles can significantly affect the
transport properties of the ionexchange support and
block access to ionogen centers.
Therefore, it seems important to correlate the con
tent of metal particles in the ionexchange matrix with
the kinetic characteristics of the chemical reaction
involving them. This will allow us to assess the optimal
capacity of the metal component in the composite.
The aim of this work was to study the rate and
mechanism of the interaction of molecular oxygen
dissolved in water with copper–ion exchanger nano
composites depending on the metal component
capacity in them. 展开