英汉翻译 定语从句 20
1.The little prince who asked me so many questions never seemed to hear mine.
a. 对我提了很多问题的小王子,似乎没有听见我的话.
b. 小王子对我提了很多问题,似乎没有听见我的话.
2. I knew of full well that apart from the large planets, such as Earth, Jupiter, Mars and Venus, which have been given names, there are hundreds of others which are sometimes so small that it is difficult to see them through a telescope.
3. But of course, for those of us who understand life, we could not care less about figures.
b. 然而,当然关于理解生活,我们不在乎图示。
4. He could see me with a hammer in my hand and my fingers black with engine grease, bending down over an object which seemed to him extremely ugly.
a. 他看到我手里拿着一个钉锤、黑手指沾上了机油,我正弯了腰,一副似乎非常难看的样子。
b. 我手里拿着一个摞锤,黑手指沾上了机油,弯了腰,他认为正在我的样子看上去太难看。
5. I know of a planet where there is a red-faced gentleman.
a. 在一个行星上,我认识一位红脸绅士。
b. 我认识一位红脸绅士的行星。 展开
1.The little prince who asked me so many questions never seemed to hear mine.
a. 对我提了很多问题的小王子,似乎没有听见我的话.
b. 小王子对我提了很多问题,似乎没有听见我的话.
2. I knew of full well that apart from the large planets, such as Earth, Jupiter, Mars and Venus, which have been given names, there are hundreds of others which are sometimes so small that it is difficult to see them through a telescope.
3. But of course, for those of us who understand life, we could not care less about figures.
b. 然而,当然关于理解生活,我们不在乎图示。
4. He could see me with a hammer in my hand and my fingers black with engine grease, bending down over an object which seemed to him extremely ugly.
a. 他看到我手里拿着一个钉锤、黑手指沾上了机油,我正弯了腰,一副似乎非常难看的样子。
b. 我手里拿着一个摞锤,黑手指沾上了机油,弯了腰,他认为正在我的样子看上去太难看。
5. I know of a planet where there is a red-faced gentleman.
a. 在一个行星上,我认识一位红脸绅士。
b. 我认识一位红脸绅士的行星。 展开
.The little prince who asked me so many questions never seemed to hear mine.
a. 对我提了很多问题的小王子,似乎没有听见我的话.
2. I knew of full well that apart from the large planets, such as Earth, Jupiter, Mars and Venus, which have been given names, there are hundreds of others which are sometimes so small that it is difficult to see them through a telescope.
3. But of course, for those of us who understand life, we could not care less about figures.
b. 然而,当然关于理解生活,我们不在乎图示。
4. He could see me with a hammer in my hand and my fingers black with engine grease, bending down over an object which seemed to him extremely ugly.
a. 他看到我手里拿着一个钉锤、黑手指沾上了机油,我正弯了腰,一副似乎非常难看的样子。
5. I know of a planet where there is a red-faced gentleman.
a. 在一个行星上,我认识一位红脸绅士。
a. 对我提了很多问题的小王子,似乎没有听见我的话.
2. I knew of full well that apart from the large planets, such as Earth, Jupiter, Mars and Venus, which have been given names, there are hundreds of others which are sometimes so small that it is difficult to see them through a telescope.
3. But of course, for those of us who understand life, we could not care less about figures.
b. 然而,当然关于理解生活,我们不在乎图示。
4. He could see me with a hammer in my hand and my fingers black with engine grease, bending down over an object which seemed to him extremely ugly.
a. 他看到我手里拿着一个钉锤、黑手指沾上了机油,我正弯了腰,一副似乎非常难看的样子。
5. I know of a planet where there is a red-faced gentleman.
a. 在一个行星上,我认识一位红脸绅士。