哪位朋友可以帮助翻译成英文,谢谢啦,一定打赏,但不要机翻哦 80
2.这类型产品因为设计和材料特性的问题,没有固定的加工时间标准,必须要结合实际生产的加工时间和不良率才可以给出合理的标准时间,建议你参考同类型的产品加工时间表。如后续生产订单充足,作业员操作熟练后,我们会更新到标准手册中。 展开
For the first, we have not heard any technical team from Japan offered the solution. The current operating procedures of production processing is shown in the picture below, regarding the original manual operation to control terminal into housing, unqualified rate and srap rate is high and operation is difficult to handle, thus the processing time is largely increased. Please kindly find the attachment of processing time increased record for the first time.
As for the second time increase, as we aim to reach the target production efficiency to 98%, combine the actual unqualified rate and processing time of the production line with the small order quantity and low operational proficiency, there's no optional improvement measures after discussing with PDE, hereby we have to make the decision to increase processing time in September.
Due to the matter of design and material property of the product, there is no reference for standard processing time, but to depends on actual processing time and unqualified rate. Here we suggest you to take the processing schedule of same type of product as a reference. If we get more orders for the same product, and our staff members are well trained,we will update the schedule to our manual.
The second increase in processing time is based on our target production efficiency of 98%, because after the discussion with PDE, no better improvement measures have been found, because the single quantity is small, the operation proficiency is low, and the actual defect rate of the production line is combined. Operation time, so in September, the second time combined with the production efficiency goal, the processing time was adjusted again.
2.Due to the design and material properties of this type of product, there is no fixed processing time standard. It is necessary to combine the actual processing time and defect rate to give a reasonable standard time. It is recommended that you refer to the same type of product processing schedule. If the subsequent production orders are sufficient and the operator is skilled, we will update to the standard manual.