2-2)想要寻求专业翻译 句子请帮我中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文 不要翻译软体 !

禁止翻译软体!!我看的出来喔!!!!!!!如果要用翻译软件的话那就请不要献丑了!!!!!!!!今天早上九点多时我们在做circletime时,Audray和她爸爸来了她爸... 禁止翻译软体 !! 我看的出来喔!!!!!!!

如果要用翻译软件的话 那就请不要献丑了!!!!!!!!

今天早上九点多时我们在做circle time时, Audray和她爸爸来了她爸爸进来把她送借来之後并且跟老师讲了几句话然後跟Audray用韩语说再见之後就离开了 Audray开始大哭的用韩语喊爹地老师尝试著安抚她抱她并且用英语给她说她爹地在她睡完午觉之後的下午就会来接她了老师抱著她并且牵著她的手带她到教室走廊外面走走大概过了十分到十五分钟老师才带著她回来她已经停止哭泣了後来她就坐在其他孩子旁边一起听老师讲故事

并且说了两次於是我小小声地用英语跟她说在她睡完午觉之後的下午我们吃完点心并且在Cicle time讲完故事之後她的父母就会来接她回家了. 之後她就盯著我看没说话然後翻过身我继续拍著她的背直到她睡著了

Audray和她爸爸来了, 还是老样子. 她爸爸把她交给老师并且和Audray说再见之後
他就离开了. Audray还是一直哭并且用韩语叫著爹地後来我们在走去公园的路上她哭哭停停了重复了好多次之後我牵著她的手走路她才终於不哭了之後一直到下午她都没再哭过下午大约五点时她的妈妈来接她回家她好高兴的跑过去抱住她的妈妈并且用韩语不停地说’’妈咪’’ 之後还把之前手上玩的玩具给她母亲看
 我来答

2015-12-04 · 最想被夸「你懂的真多」
At nine o'clock this morning when we were doing the circle time, Audray and her father came in. Her father brought her here, said a few words with the teacher and then left, saying goodbye to Audray in Korean. Audray began to cry and called "Daddy" in Korean. The teacher tried to console her, hug her, and told her in English that her father would come back and picked her up in the afternoon after her nap. The teacher held her, then took her hand and brought her to the corridor of the classroom for walking. About 10 or 15 minutes later, Audray was taken back and stopped crying. She sat in the classroom with other kids and listen to teacher's stories.
At noon, all the kids were sleeping excepting her and another kid. I sat besides her, stroked her and patted her back, trying to make her sleep, but she turned over and yelled "Daddy" twice in Korean, looking at me. Then I whispered to her that her parents would come to pick her up after her nap, after the dessert and after the stories in Circle Time. She stared at me and then turned over without saying a single word. I continued to pat her until she got asleep.
Today, Audray and her father came when we were dressing the kids in their coats in the lockers area upstairs, preparing to take them to the park for a walk. It is all the same, her father brought Audray to her teacher, said goodbye and left. Audray still kept crying, and yelled "Daddy" in Korean. On the way to the park, she cried repeatedly, and stopped when I took her hand. She didn't cry in the whole afternoon. At about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, her mother picked her up and she was so happy that she ran to hug her mother saying “Mom” repeatedly in Korean, then showed her toy to mom.
请看私信 我有其他问题想请你指教一下 感谢!!!!!!!!!!
2015-12-02 · TA获得超过205个赞
At nine o'clock of this morning, when we were doing the circle time, Audray and her father came here. Her father brought her here and talked a few minutes with the teacher. Then her father said goodbye in Korean and left. Audray cried and looked for her dad. The teacher tried to console her and said that her father would come here and picked her up in the afternoon after her nap at noon. the teacher hugged her, joined her hands and brought her to the corridor of the classroom. After 10 or 15 minutes, the teacher took her back and Audray stopped crying. She sat in the classroom with other kids, listening to teacher's stories.
At noon, when every kid was sleeping, only she and another kid were awake. I sat besides her and patted her back, trying to make her sleep, but she turned over, looking at me and saying, "Daddy" in two times in Korean. Then I whispered to her that her parents would come to pick her up after she took her nap at noon, had dessert and listened to stories in Cicle Time in the afternoon. Then she stared at me without any words and turned over. I patted her till she fell alseep.
Today, when we were dressing the kids in their coats in the area of lockers and going to take the kids to the park for a walk. Audray and her father came here, her father brought Audray to her teacher, said goodbye and left. Audray still kept crying, "Daddy" in Korean. We were on the way to the park and she cried over and over, then she stopped crying after I joined her hands. then she didn't cry in the whole afternoon. About 5 o'clock, her mom picked her up and she was so happy that she ran to hug her mom and said mom in Korean over and over, then she showed her toy to her mom.
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