例句:药方应验了:The prescription for the disease is effective.
他草草地开了张镇定剂药方:He scribbled a prescription for tranquillizers.
组合药方包含了止痛药,减充血剂和镇咳药。Combination remedies contain painkiller, decongestant, and cough soother.
但是,这往往是病患吃过的最苦的药方。But it's often the hardest medicine for patients to take.
那些制造了问题的人,现在变成了开药方的医生。Those who created the problem are now the doctors offering the prescriptions.
It’s almost a magic pill: do a bit of exercise every day, and you get healthy.
短语:抄药方 copy a prescription;
按药方配药 fill (up) a prescription;
失传的药方 lost prescription;