为什么人们喜欢咬指甲:你知道为什么人们喜欢咬指甲吗?虽然还没有发现其真正的原因,不过这里有一个简单的解释,可以告诉我们为什么如此多的人可能有咬指甲这种恶心的习惯。慢性咬指甲癖 ,你想什么什么是慢性咬指甲癖吗?慢性咬指甲癖是对咬指甲这种习惯的临床术语。这种症状影响到30%的儿童和45%的青少年(包括我).Have you wondered why do people bite nails? Although the real reason hasn't yet been discovered, here is one simple explanation of why so many of us might actually choose to pursue this disgusting habit of gnawing off the tips of our fingers. Chroni
Have you wondered why do people bite nails? Although the real reason hasn't yet been discovered, here is one simple explanation of why so many of us might actually choose to pursue this disgusting habit of gnawing off the tips of our fingers.
Chronic Onychophagia
If you are wondering what that is, that is the clinical term for nail biting. It affects 30% of children and 45% of teenagers (me included).
A person bites their nails when they are nervous, stressed, hungry or bored and this is very subconscious because nail biting starts as a child but as we grow up this nervous condition is triggered back and to cure nail biting – finding the nervous condition is the only way to satiate it.
A lot of the nail biting is linked to a physical, emotional or mental disorder. Those nail biters will know that when they face stress or boredom, their hands subconsciously go to their mouth and they start biting it without realising they actually are.
Some people say that nail biting is also linked when a person is in deep thought. People say that biting nails is related to oral fixation. This means that a person is always holding a craving to put something in their mouth to stimulate it. This may start when a child is very young at about up to 18 months.
This could be a possible explanation for nail biting. A lot of the times, you will find that if you are a nail biter, you tend to do other things like bite the ends of pens or pencils while at work because you are in thought which could mean that there is a chance of you getting stressed.
Nail biting can be cured and some people believe reducing anxiety levels will decrease nail biting. Others have different methods like using bitter tasting chemicals and paint them on nails like nail varnish and things so that it leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. Nail biting should ideally reduce greatly when adulthood approaches although extreme conditions of anxiety may provoke it again.