
随着经济和社会的发展,“城市化进程”的进一步加快,农村剩余劳动力向城市转移,是一个农村和城市“双需”的大趋势。由于家庭较难整体融入城市,外出打工的农民便将自己的孩子留在了... 随着经济和社会的发展,“城市化进程”的进一步加快,农村剩余劳动力向城市转移,是一个农村和城市“双需”的大趋势。由于家庭较难整体融入城市,外出打工的农民便将自己的孩子留在了农村。这些孩子在不完整的家庭中长大,缺乏父母的关爱,形成了各种各样的家庭与社会问题。这些问题引起了社会广泛关注,人们将之称为“留守儿童”问题。近几年,**县随着经济,社会事业的不断发展,工业企业也不断增多,解决了一大批失地农民的就业问题,但是由于受教育程度,企业在用人方面的要求等等,仍存在就业难问题,尤其在经济相对薄弱的乡镇,外出务工人员在一定程度上有增无减,这一现象产生的直接造成孩子的教育及其生活问题,也是我们所要关注的留守儿童群体。留守儿童产生的系列问题在一定程度上影响农村稳定和全面小康社会建设的要求,最明显的是其产生的教育、心理的等方面的问题。因此,根据此情况,选择开展**县农村留守儿童基本状况的抽样调查研究,以期找出原因及其对策。本次调查采用了问卷调查的形式,从家庭、学习、心理状况等多个方面对我县留守儿童状况作了调查,期望能够了解我县留守儿童的整体状况及相关问题,而调查的结果有助于相关部门制定有效的社会政策。
本次调查预计完成问卷300份,由于问卷填写和本次调查时间、经费的等客观因素的限制,共回收结构式问卷262份,问卷合格率达到 87 %,所获得的资料基本可以作为描述我县留守儿童基本情况的依据。
通过调查发现,**县留守儿童问题仍然比较突出,面临家庭关爱缺失,教育监管不力等现实问题,留守儿童这个群体仍然是一个值得我们去关注,扶持的群体,目前**县在**镇已经建立了留守儿童的快乐之家,各级领导也很重视,给予一定的关心,但是从全县的范围来讲,留守儿童工作还没有得到广泛关注, 这就需要建立一套长效管理、关爱机制,使留守儿童问题从根本上得到缓解,并逐步得到完善。根据调查结果分析,得出了一些关于**县留守儿童问题解决的建议和方案,为改善**县留守儿童的生长生活环境起到一定的推动作用。
 我来答
2010-07-25 · TA获得超过269个赞
With the economic and social development, "the process of urbanization," the further acceleration of the transfer of surplus rural labor to urban, rural and urban is a "double take" a major trend. More difficult because the whole family into the city, migrant workers, farmers then threw his children to stay in the countryside. These children do not grow up in intact families, lack of parental love and care, the formation of a variety of family and social problems. These issues aroused widespread attention, people will call it "child left behind" problem. In recent years, ** the county with the economic, social the new developments in industrial enterprises continued to increase to solve the employment problem of a large number of landless peasants, but due to level of education, enterprises employing 方面 requirements, etc, there are still Employment issues, particularly in the rural economy is relatively weak, migrant workers increase to some extent, the direct cause of this Xianxiang children's Jiaoyujiqi lives, 也是 we will be focusing on staying Ertongqunti. Children Left Behind series of problems arising in a certain extent, affected the stability and overall well-off society in rural construction, the most obvious is that its educational, psychological and other issues. Thus, according to this case, choose to carry out ** County Children Left sample survey of the basic conditions in order to identify the causes and countermeasures. The survey used a questionnaire form, from the family, learning, mental health and other aspects of the county were investigating the situation of children left behind, hoping to understand the overall situation of children left the county and related problems, the survey results help the relevant departments to develop effective social policies.
The survey is expected to complete the questionnaire 300, due to complete the questionnaire and the survey time and budget constraints and other objective factors, structured questionnaires were collected 262 questionnaires 87% pass rate, the basic information obtained as described in our county the basis of the basic situation of children left behind.
Through the survey, ** County Children Left Behind is still prominent, lack of family care faced, education, lack of supervision and other practical problems, this group of children left behind is still a worthy our attention, support groups, the current county in ** town ** has established a happy home for children left behind leaders at all levels attach great importance also to give some interest, but speaking from the scope of the county, working with children left behind has not been widespread concern, which requires the establishment of a long-term management, care system, to rear children fundamentally eased and gradually improved. According to the survey results analysis shows that the number of children left behind on the ** County address the recommendations and programs to improve the growth of children left behind ** County living conditions play a certain role.

2010-07-25 · TA获得超过211个赞
Along with the development of economy and society, "" further accelerating urbanization, the transfer of rural surplus labor to the city, urban and rural areas is a" double needs "big trend. The whole family is difficult due to melt into the city, a farmer and their children in the countryside. These children in incomplete family, lack of parental love, to form a variety of family and social problems. These problems caused wide public concern, people will be called "left-behind children" problem. In recent years, along with the economic * county, the cause of social development, industrial enterprises are also growing, a large number of farmers to solve the problem of employment, but due to the education level, the enterprise in the aspect of requirements, etc, and still difficult obtain employment problem, especially in the economy relatively weak township, migrant workers in a certain extent, this phenomenon has caused the children of education and directly, and we live to focus group left-behind children. A series of problems produced left-behind children, to a certain extent in the rural stability and all-round construction of well-off society, the most obvious is the education, psychology, etc. Therefore, in this case, choose according to * county rural left-behind children basic conditions of sampling investigation and research, in order to find out the reasons and countermeasures. The survey by the form of questionnaire survey, from family, learning, mental state, and some other aspects of left-behind children in baoying county, expect to understand the whole situation of left-behind children and related issues, and results to related departments to make effective social policies.
This investigation is complete, due to the questionnaire survey 300 in time, and the investigation of the funds of the objective factors, such restrictions of structured questionnaire survey to 262, 87 percent rate of material can be described as the basic situation of the county left-behind children.
Through the survey found that * * county left-behind children still more prominent problems facing family care, education, such as lacking oversight realistic problem, left-behind children this group is still a worthy of our attention to support groups, and now in * * * county town has established the left-behind children's happy family, all levels of leaders also very seriously, give some concern, but from the extent, left-behind children work has not been widely concerned, it will need to establish a long-term management, caring, left-behind children problem fundamentally, and gradually improved. According to the survey results, obtained some * * county left-behind children problem solving the suggestion and scheme for improving * * county, the growth of left-behind children living environment plays a certain role.
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