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2008-04-26 · TA获得超过4357个赞
With the social and economic development, enterprises of all kinds of companies have emerged, modern office space as the headquarters of an enterprise more and more people's attention, has initially formed a unique type of space.
First, modern office space from which parts of it »
Generally speaking, modern office space from the following components: reception areas, meeting rooms, general manager of the office, financial room, staff office, room,贮藏室, tea, confidential room, and so on.
Reception areas: mainly by the Front Desk, business signs, signboards, guests waiting for the district and some other components. Reception area is a business Menlian, a space designed to reflect the characteristics of the industry enterprises and enterprise management culture. The scale is small office, sometimes in a reception area set up for employees by changing the wardrobe. Guests rest in the region will generally placed the sofa and coffee table for guests to read the newspapers Magazine Stands, some enterprises will make use of this press Magazine Stands business publications, advertisements to be displayed to each and every customer, some of the implementation of the ISO14000 environmental management standards of corporate customers will be to promote corporate environmental management approach, and so on. Reception area is office space in one of the most important space, modern office space she is the focus of decoration.
Conference Room: Generally speaking, every enterprise has a separate conference room. The main reception for customers, and internal staff training and conference purposes. She is also a modern office space decoration of the key. Should be included in the conference room: TV cabinet, to reflect the performance of the pennants, trophies, honorary certificates, celebrities and took photos and so on. To set up the conference room whiteboard (screen), written with settings. Some features automatic transfer equipment, electrical equipment, etc. projection. Some in the conference room settings, such as wardrobe.
General Manager's Office: In the modern office space design is also a priority. General by the parlor (closed) area and office area composed of two parts. Parlor area by the small conference table, sofa table composed of home and office area by bookcases, Taiwan board, board chair, chair of the guests. Space to reflect the general manager of personal preferences and tastes, while some enterprises can reflect the cultural identity. In the layout, general manager of the office's location, we should consider some of the local feng shui problems. General manager behind the desk can not have windows (if any windows exist, it is necessary to use lightweight partition their Fengsi Otherwise, it will become patron and the feeling of instability.
Second, modern office space decoration materials commonly used practices:
Smallpox: Most modern office space in the design of timber ceilings are relatively simple, common gypsum board and the board Kuangmian Lvkou Ban smallpox or smallpox. Usually only in the decoration and key parts (such as reception areas, meeting rooms) to do some form of smallpox gypsum board, other parts are mostly used Kuangmian board ceilings, not to deal with modeling. Lvkou Ban use of smallpox, which will increase some contemporary, but Kuangmian plate than the cost of smallpox is much higher. Kuangmian board Lvkou Ban smallpox and smallpox is the same advantages for smallpox in the electrical and mechanical maintenance (General-storey office building will not be too high, not more than 3.5 meters, even if people do the plaster board ceilings, can not be on People within the ceilings of the Electrical and Mechanical pipeline maintenance). The general line of smallpox 50 * 10 mm wooden ceiling line. Some of the office would also designed aluminum ceiling line.
Ground: except in special circumstances, the general office space used in the design is the most box blanket. Also used in the reception hall of marble, stone reception area using ground to consider two issues: One is the stone floor and carpet the ground interface and the other is to consider building its own office building bearing on the issue. Such as construction, load-bearing load can not afford not to use stone ground. Sometimes in the tea room or贮藏室in the use of PVC and rubber (also known as Quartz Floor Light), or the ground floor tiles, but in贮藏室and kitchen design, there are also many cases is a box of carpet. Room on the ground have anti-static requirements, to adopt anti-static materials, such as floor tiles, wood floor anti-static, anti-static elevated floor, and so on. To pin line: the general use of 100 * 50 MM line of solid wood (office renovation symbol);
Wall: general use of latex paint or wallpaper; wall wallpaper will use it to upscale than some latex paint. Latex paint and wallpaper to choose the color of a bright hue, hypnosis can not choose the color, so that each employee can maintain a high degree of passion for work.
Third, modern office space for a few commonly used parameters (size):
1, Front Desk: height of 1.15 meters around width of 0.6 meters around Beijing Qiang distance from the staff side for the 1.3 to 1.8 meters;
2, the smallest room, general manager of office space: width of 3.3 meters, 4.8 meters long; file cabinet width of 0.37 meters; desk, general manager of specifications: general for the 2000 long-* 1000; board chair of width of about 1 meter.
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2008-04-26 · TA获得超过170个赞
With the social and economic development, enterprises of all kinds of companies have emerged, modern office space as the headquarters of an enterprise more and more people's attention, has initially formed a unique type of space.

First, modern office space from which parts of it »
Generally speaking, modern office space from the following components: reception areas, meeting rooms, general manager of the office, financial room, staff office, room,Storage, tea, confidential room, and so on.

Reception areas: mainly by the Front Desk, business signs, signboards, guests waiting for the district and some other components. Reception area is a business Menlian, a space designed to reflect the characteristics of the industry enterprises and enterprise management culture. The scale is small office, sometimes in a reception area set up for employees by changing the wardrobe. Guests rest in the region will generally placed the sofa and coffee table for guests to read the newspapers Magazine Stands, some enterprises will make use of this press Magazine Stands business publications, advertisements to be displayed to each and every customer, some of the implementation of the ISO14000 environmental management standards of corporate customers will be to promote corporate environmental management approach, and so on. Reception area is office space in one of the most important space, modern office space she is the focus of decoration.

Conference Room: Generally speaking, every enterprise has a separate conference room. The main reception for customers, and internal staff training and conference purposes. She is also a modern office space decoration of the key. Should be included in the conference room: TV cabinet, to reflect the performance of the pennants, trophies, honorary certificates, celebrities and took photos and so on. To set up the conference room whiteboard (screen), written with settings. Some features automatic transfer equipment, electrical equipment, etc. projection. Some in the conference room settings, such as wardrobe.
General Manager's Office: In the modern office space design is also a priority. General by the parlor (closed) area and office area composed of two parts. Parlor area by the small conference table, sofa table composed of home and office area by bookcases, Taiwan board, board chair, chair of the guests. Space to reflect the general manager of personal preferences and tastes, while some enterprises can reflect the cultural identity. In the layout, general manager of the office's location, we should consider some of the local feng shui problems. General manager behind the desk can not have windows (if any windows exist, it is necessary to use lightweight partition their Fengsi Otherwise, it will become patron and the feeling of instability.

Second, modern office space decoration materials commonly used practices:
Smallpox: Most modern office space in the design of timber ceilings are relatively simple, common gypsum board and the board Kuangmian Lvkou Ban smallpox or smallpox. Usually only in the decoration and key parts (such as reception areas, meeting rooms) to do some form of smallpox gypsum board, other parts are mostly used Kuangmian board ceilings, not to deal with modeling. Lvkou Ban use of smallpox, which will increase some contemporary, but Kuangmian plate than the cost of smallpox is much higher. Kuangmian board Lvkou Ban smallpox and smallpox is the same advantages for smallpox in the electrical and mechanical maintenance (General-storey office building will not be too high, not more than 3.5 meters, even if people do the plaster board ceilings, can not be on People within the ceilings of the Electrical and Mechanical pipeline maintenance). The general line of smallpox 50 * 10 mm wooden ceiling line. Some of the office would also designed aluminum ceiling line.

Ground: except in special circumstances, the general office space used in the design is the most box blanket. Also used in the reception hall of marble, stone reception area using ground to consider two issues: One is the stone floor and carpet the ground interface and the other is to consider building its own office building bearing on the issue. Such as construction, load-bearing load can not afford not to use stone ground. Sometimes in the tea room or Storage in the use of PVC and rubber (also known as Quartz Floor Light), or the ground floor tiles, but in Storage and kitchen design, there are also many cases is a box of carpet. Room on the ground have anti-static requirements, to adopt anti-static materials, such as floor tiles, wood floor anti-static, anti-static elevated floor, and so on. To pin line: the general use of 100 * 50 MM line of solid wood (office renovation symbol);

Wall: general use of latex paint or wallpaper; wall wallpaper will use it to upscale than some latex paint. Latex paint and wallpaper to choose the color of a bright hue, hypnosis can not choose the color, so that each employee can maintain a high degree of passion for work.

Third, modern office space for a few commonly used parameters (size):
1, Front Desk: height of 1.15 meters around width of 0.6 meters around Beijing Qiang distance from the staff side for the 1.3 to 1.8 meters;
2, the smallest room, general manager of office space: width of 3.3 meters, 4.8 meters long; file cabinet width of 0.37 meters; desk, general manager of specifications: general for the 2000 long-* 1000; board chair of the width of one meter around.
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2015-11-07 · 超过12用户采纳过TA的回答
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玛丽和彼得正在野餐和一些朋友在附近的一条河流玛丽喊道: “瞧!那山飞船那里,这将在这里的土地。 ”
彼得抓他的头,慢慢地说, '不要问我。也许我们有一个问题,来吧。现在是时候回家。
驾驶约五十米,他们发现,他们发现了厚壁了类似玻璃站在他们的方式。在另一边的墙上,有几个奇怪的外国人正在通过墙壁和阅读的公告,翻译成英文。说: '新来在动物园:一个对地球村民在自己的领域与他们的房子在轮子上。
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