
怕锤子,这三个字,是重庆人专用的。意思不是害怕某种工具,而是什么都不怕的意思。而用这三个字表达什么都不怕,更能体现出一种决心,一种豪气,一种誓死如归的精神。思想决定胆量,... 怕锤子,这三个字,是重庆人专用的。意思不是害怕某种工具,而是什么都不怕的意思。而用这三个字表达什么都不怕,更能体现出一种决心,一种豪气,一种誓死如归的精神。思想决定胆量,胆量决定作为,作为就决定了最后的结果。当一个人有了“怕锤子”的思想,还有什么可怕的呢。
2010-07-30 · TA获得超过3.2万个赞
怕锤子,这三个字,是重庆人专用的。 Afraid of the hammer, these three words, is exclusively used in Chongqing. 意思不是害怕某种工具,而是什么都不怕的意思。 Meaning is not afraid of a tool, but not afraid of anything mean. 而用这三个字表达什么都不怕,更能体现出一种决心,一种豪气,一种誓死如归的精神。 The use of these three words express not afraid of anything, better reflecting a determination, a pride, a fight to the death such as the return of the spirit. 思想决定胆量,胆量决定作为,作为就决定了最后的结果。 Thought the decision guts, courage decided to, as the decision of the final results. 当一个人有了“怕锤子”的思想,还有什么可怕的呢。 When a person with "fear of the hammer," the idea of what it terrible.
拆迁,一直是在中国一个政府和国民之间沟通着,也是矛盾着的最重要的一个环节。 Demolition has been in China a communication between the government and the national as well as contradictory of the most important aspect. 利益趋向嘛,在这物欲横流的年代和社会中,无可厚非。 Interests tend Well, in this materialistic age and society, beyond reproach. 之前,老百姓应该感谢党,感谢政府,规划好了家乡,其实受益的是大家。 Before, people should be grateful to the party government, plans for the home, in fact, benefit the people. 于是,在我心中,那些死赖着不走的就成了刁民,顽固不化。 So, in my mind, those who refuse to leave the dead became trouble-making people, stubborn. 我常常想,为什么家乡要发展,你们大家确要死皮赖脸的反对呢? I often think, why the home to be developed, all of you really want to Sipilailian's against it? 国家没少补偿你吧。 State compensation for you what no less. 你还想一次开发,终身受益不成? You want a development, not a lifetime benefit? 真是狼子野心。 Really sinister. 这个想法很多年了,直到昨天,彻底的改变,我必须得深刻的道歉,为之前我对那些“刁民”的误会道歉。 The idea for many years, until yesterday, radical change, I have to deeply apologize to those before me, "trouble-making people" misunderstanding apology.
十八梯,紧邻重庆市渝中区CBD中心。 18 ladder, near the center of Yuzhong District, CBD. 是重庆市上下半城连接的一个枢纽带。 Is the upper and lower half of the city of Chongqing as a hub to connect with. 是一种文化和地域的像征。 Is a cultural and geographical like sign. 周边商品房的价格至少已经上涨到了8000到1万以上。 Surrounding the price of commercial housing has risen to at least 8000 to 10,000 or more. 中央有文件,拆迁地方的评诂价格不得低于周边房价70%。 Central government has documents, demolition NCSAs local price of not less than 70% of the surrounding house prices. 不知道哪家评诂公司根据什么来评诂出来的,十八梯,4000元—4300元每平米。 Which companies do not know what to NCSAs NCSAs out, 18 ladder, 4,000 yuan -4 300 yuan per square meter. 我的天,你卖给我。 My God, you sold me. 我出5000。 I have a 5000.
我也快要成刁民了,很快融入大流,有什么法呢。 I had just turned into a trouble-making people, and soon into the crowd, what law does. 如果利益受到不法侵害,我有党和政府,有人民的卫士。 If the interests are criminal violations, I have a party and the government, there is the champion of the people. 可是当利益受到“合法”的侵害呢? But when interests are "legitimate" against it? 大家都是那么的无助。 We are so helpless. 妥协? Compromise? 还是反抗? Or resistance? 留在面前的路很难选择,就这样被生吞强夺似乎有些心有不甘,而面对面前那个“合法”的强大的对手,退缩吗? Stay in front of the road difficult to choose, it has been swallowed seemed to usurp the unwilling, but in the face of the "legal" formidable opponent, retreat it? 当一个人家都被抢了,你说,他会退缩吗? When a people are robbed, you said he would back it? 于是,我大呼一声:“怕锤子!”然后举起了反抗的大旗。 So I shouted out: "afraid of a hammer!" And then raised the banner of resistance. 回头一望,身后很多同胞都站了起来,望着遍地狼藉快被掠夺的家,流趟着泪水,跟我一起说着:“咱们都怕个锤子。” I looked back, behind many of our compatriots have stood up, looked at over and over messy quickly looted the house, tears streaming countenance, with me saying: "we are afraid of a hammer."
我不知道这样的抵触情绪是对是错,也不知道是什么结果,我不敢奢求公平,也不敢幻想胜利时的喜悦。 I do not know if this resistance is right or wrong, do not know what the result, I am not aspiring to fairness, but dare not imagine the joy of victory. 我们只是为即将逝去的家缅怀,为自己的将来作最后一点点兴许是徒劳无功的努力。 We just gone home for the upcoming recall, for their future a little pleased to hear the final futile effort. 当家都没有了,真的已经没有什么可怕的了。 Masters are not, and really has nothing to fear.
『重庆』怕锤子——关于“十八梯4000/平米”有感我想说的是,十八梯,4000一平米。 Chongqing 』『 afraid hammer - on "Ladder 18 4000 / square meter," felt I want to say is, 18 staircases, 4,000 a square meter. 这是我们“怕锤子”的理由,是我们十八梯人的悲哀,是全重庆的悲哀,是当今社会的悲哀。 This is "afraid of the hammer," the reason is 18 ladder sorrow, the sorrow of the whole of Chongqing, the sorrow of today's society. 我眼下有一副画面,建筑工地旁,是成群的老百姓在为失去了家而哭泣,而多年以后,繁荣昌盛的都市里,广场上,到处有衣衫不整无家可归的乡亲。 I now have a screen, next to construction sites, are crowds of people at home and cry for the lost, but years later, prosperous city, the square Yishanbuzheng homeless folks everywhere. 当安保们正准备将其驱赶出中心时,一片哭声:“这里,曾经是我的家!” When the security were ready to be driven out of center, a cry: "Here was my home!"
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