
(一)金融稳定对经济、社会和政治稳定至关重要。在现代经济社会中,金融一乱全盘皆乱。拉丁美洲金融危机引发的经济危机、社会动荡和政权更迭已经有力地证明了这一点,在加快完善社会... (一) 金融稳定对经济、社会和政治稳定至关重要。在现代经济社会中 , 金 融一乱全盘皆乱。拉丁美洲金融危机引发的经济危机、 社会动荡和政权更迭已经有力地证明了这一点 , 在加快完善社会主义市场经济过程的我国 , 金融发挥着越来越重要的作用 , 成为现代经济的核心 , 维护金融稳定 对于保证国民经济持续快速健康发展 , 顺利实现全面建设小康社会的伟大目标具有特别重要的意义。因此 , 我们应该进一步提高认识 , 保持警惕 , 未雨绸缪 , 标本兼治 , 确保金融稳健、高效运行。
( 二 ) 不断增强民族经济竞争力是实现金融稳定的重要基础。 1997 年的东南亚金融危机从我国东南边国家蔓延到俄罗斯和拉美 , 我国安然无恙 , 主要原因有二 : 一是实行直接融资和间接融资并重的外资引进战略 , 大力发展外向型经济 , 形成了强大的外汇储备;二是在因周边国家发生金融危机、外需不振的情况 下 , 及时启动了扩大内需的政策 , 迅速收到成效, 不仅 通过扩大内需促进了国民经济的持续快速健康发展,而且通过加大基础设施建设、增加企业技改投资等方俨式 , 强身健体 , 增强了发展后劲。

( 三 ) 切实管好政府债务 , 特别是主权外债是实现金融稳定的重要内容。大力吸引外资 , 有利于缓解国内资金的短缺 , 促进本国经济和社会的发展 , 但借债是要还本付息的 , 因此借债要考虑项目的使用效益和偿还能力。阿根廷的教训告诉我们 , 政府举债规模必须有所控制 , 举债权限必须集中到中央政府。尽管 我国实行分级财政, 地方也多次呼吁自行举债 , 但我们认为对举债权限问题仍应持相当谨慎的态度 , 避免地 方政府行为短期化 , 避免债券市场出现混乱。中央财政应切实履行统一管理政府主权外债的职责, 相关部门 要做好配合工作; 政府债务特别是主权外债的结构要 合理 , 规模要适当, 必须与政府的偿还能力相适应。在加强政府主权外债管理的同时, 对其他外债也要借鉴 国际惯例进行管理和运作。

( 四 ) 健全金融监管体系是实现金融稳定的重要措施。世界经济联系日益密切的今天 , 汇率成为一个重要的纽带, 成为国家调控的重要工具。阿根廷实行固定汇率制的最大感受就是对控制通货膨胀非常有力 , 但“进去容易 , 出来很难”, 即在一切顺利的情况下没有理由抛弃 , 在困难的情况下抛弃很难 , 一旦抛弃结果很糟。我国现在成功地实行以市场需求为基础的、 单一的、有管理的浮动汇率制度 , 主要因为我国有较多的外汇储备 , 并且只放开经常性项目收支。他国教训和我国经验告诉我们 , 应保持人民币汇率在合理、均衡水平上的基本稳定 , 同时在深化金融改革中进一步探索和完善人民币汇率形成机制;金融自由化, 特别是资本 项目自由兑换、金融开放化 , 要在完善监管的前提下稳步推进。

( 五 ) 建立稳固、强大的国家财政是实现金融稳定的重要保证。综观世界各国的经验和教训, 金融风险最终要反映和体现到国家财政上来。因此 , 政府在注意防范和化解金融风险的同时, 要注意加强财政收支管理 , 壮大财政实力。当前我国财政赤字不断增加 , 面临的各种风险也在累积 , 因此 , 必须清醒地认识到警惕和防范财政风险的必要性和紧迫性 , 不仅要对中央政府预算内的显性债务 , 而且要对中央政府预算 外的显性债务和各级地方政府的显性债务 , 进行全口径预算管理 , 还要对公共机构和国有企业的各种欠账、挂账、亏损、不良资产等隐性和有债务进行有效监控 , 并研究制定各种防范和化解财政风险的积极措施。
2006-12-24 · TA获得超过1327个赞
A) The financial stability of the economic, social and political stability. In the modern economy, the financial turmoil entirely arbitrary. Latin American financial crisis triggered by the economic crisis, social unrest and regime change has powerful proof of this point, accelerate the process of improving the socialist market economy in China, is playing an increasingly important role in the financial, become the core of modern economy, and preserve financial stability guarantee for the sustained, rapid and healthy development of national economy. smooth realization of the great goal of building a well-off society has a special significance. Therefore, we should further raise the awareness of vigilance and take precautions order, to ensure financial stability, efficient operation. (B) continue to enhance the national competitiveness of the economy is an important foundation to achieve financial stability. From the 1997 Asian financial crisis spread to neighboring countries in southeast China in Russia and Latin America, China unharmed. There are two main reasons : First, both direct and indirect financing by foreign capital strategy, vigorously developing its export-oriented economy. in a strong foreign exchange reserves; two neighboring countries is a result of the financial crisis, the sluggish external demand situation, launched in a timely manner the policy of expanding domestic demand and rapidly effective. By expanding domestic demand to promote the sustained, rapid and healthy development of national economy, but also through the construction of infrastructure. increase investment in enterprise technology such as billionaire style, physical fitness, increased stamina. (3) Effectively managing government debt, especially sovereign debt is an important part of financial stability. Attract foreign investment, will help ease the shortage of domestic funds, and promote the national economy and social development, it is servicing the loan, an applicant must consider the efficiency and ability to repay. Argentina lesson tells us that government borrowing must be brought under control, to be borrowing authority of the central government. Although our financial share, has repeatedly called for their own local borrowing However, we think that borrowing authority to issue fairly cautious attitude should avoid behavior of local government, the bond market to avoid confusion. Unified management of the central government should conscientiously fulfill the duties of sovereign debt, and cooperate with the relevant departments to do a good job; Special government debt is a sovereign debt structure must be reasonable and appropriate size to be compatible with the government's ability to repay. Strengthen the government in sovereign debt management, and learn from international practices of other debt management and operation. (4) improving the financial regulatory system is an important measure to achieve financial stability. The increasingly closer economic ties between the world today, the exchange rate has become an important link, as an important tool for national regulation. Argentina implemented a fixed exchange rate system to control inflation is the greatest feeling very powerful, but "into easy out hard, "that is no reason to abandon the all the best in difficult circumstances, difficult to discard. Once abandoned poor results. China is now the basis for the successful implementation of market demand, a single, managed floating exchange rate system, mainly because China has substantial reserves, and that it is only open regular account. He learned country and our experience tells us that we must maintain the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level of stability. China to deepen financial reform at the same time to further explore and improve the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism; financial liberalization, particularly in capital projects freely convertible, open financial, regulatory prerequisite to improving steadily. (5) to establish a firm, strong state finance is an important guarantee for achieving financial stability. The experience and lessons learned throughout the world, ultimately reflects the financial risk to the state's financial line. Therefore, the government has paid attention to preventing and mitigating financial risks in the meantime, we should pay attention to the strengthening of fiscal revenue and expenditure management, strengthening financial strength. China's growing deficit, the risks are cumulative, so must clearly understand the need to guard against and prevent financial risks and urgency, Dominant debt not only to the central government budget, The dominance of the central government budget and foreign debt and the dominance of local government debt levels for the calibration of budget management, also on the debt of state-owned enterprises and public institutions, the credit loss. hidden debt and non-performing assets such as effective monitoring, Research and develop positive measures to guard against and defuse financial risks.
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