How Do I Love Thee? by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of every day's Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight. I love thee freely, as men strive for Right; I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. I love with a passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints, I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life! and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death. 译文:我是怎样的爱你?(伊丽莎白·勃朗宁) 我是怎样的爱你?诉不尽万语千言: 我爱你的程度是那样地高深和广远, 恰似我的灵魂曾飞到了九天与黄泉, 去探索人生的奥妙,和神灵的恩典。 无论是白昼还是夜晚,我爱你不息, 像我每日必需的摄生食物不能间断。 我纯洁地爱你,不为奉承吹捧迷惑, 我勇敢地爱你,如同为正义而奋争! 爱你,以昔日的剧痛和童年的忠诚, 爱你,以眼泪、笑声及全部的生命。 要是没有你,我的心就失去了圣贤, 要是没有你,我的心就失去了激情。 假如上帝愿意,请为我作主和见证: 在我死后,我必将爱你更深,更深!