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2022-11-03 · TA获得超过5261个赞



I most like the game is a Chinese chess
because the Chinese chess is very interesting. I start study the Chinese chess in the first grade
how does my grandfather teach me to play chess. At first
I am not interested to the Chinese chess. Afterward
each time grandfather and his friend played chess
grandfather could be called me to watch in his side.
I start to like on this kind of longan's game gradually. 2010-03-09 21:47:16 补充: Now
the Chinese chess has brought many pleasure for me and my family members.
参考: myself
Chess is my favourite game as it is an interesting game. My grandfather taught me how to play chess when I was in Primary 1. At the beginning
I was not interested in playing chess. But then
whenever my grandfather played chess with his friends
he told me to watch him play by his side. As time passed by
I began to enjoy playing chess which is indeed wisdom enhancing. Now
I and my family have much fun in playing chess.
My most favorite game is chess as it is interesting. I started learning chess at grade 1 when my grandfather taught me the game. I was not interested in chess at the beginning. Later
my grandfather asked me to sit beside him as an observer whenever he played the game with his friend. I gradually developed interest in this intelligent game.
My most favourite game is Chinese Chess as it brings me lots of fun. I started playing Chess when I was in Primary One
it was my Grandfather who taught me how to play chess. I was not interested at first. But my grandfather invited me to watch aside every time he was playing chess with his friends. Later on
I grew fond on this mind game over time.
参考: slot
The game I like most is Chinese chess as it is very interesting. I began to learn it at grade one when my grandfather taught me to play. At the beginning I was not interesting in it but every time he played with his friend
he told me to stand beside him and observe. Gradually I start enjoying this intelligent game.
My favorite game is chess
because chess is very interesting. I began learning chess at the first grade
my grandfather taught me how to play chess. At first
I was not interested in chess. Subsequently
every time Grandpa and his friends playing chess
my grandfather would tell me in his next watch. Gradually
I began to love this puzzle game. 简我最佳呀
参考: google
My favorite game is chess
because chess is very interesting. I began learning chess from Primary 1
my grandfather taught me how to play chess. At first
I was not interested in chess. Subsequently
every time Grandpa and his friends play chess
Grandpa will be next to me and he told me to look at him how he plays. Gradually
I began to love this game.
参考: Google ME
My favorite game is chess
because chess is very interesting. I began learning chess at the first grade
my grandfather taught me how to play chess. At first
I was not interested in chess. Subsequently
every time Grandpa and his friends playing chess
my grandfather would tell me in his next watch. Gradually
I began to love this puzzle game.
参考: trlate.reference/

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