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谁有好听的英文歌曲。伤感的轻快的。曲调好的~
1个回答
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我推荐几首吧
首先是较伤感的
1、club
8的love
in
december
2、dido的thank
you
3、tatu的30
minutes
4、greg的and
then
you
5、sad
robot
6、the
fray的you
found
me和never
say
never
再推荐几首轻快的
1、lily
allen的fuck
you和who’d
have
known还有5
o'clock
2、kesha的tik
tok、we
r
who
we
r和take
it
off
3、the
ting
tings的thats
not
my
name
4、mocca的i
remember
5、pink的sober和so
what还有get
the
party
started
先推荐这些
欢迎继续交流
首先是较伤感的
1、club
8的love
in
december
2、dido的thank
you
3、tatu的30
minutes
4、greg的and
then
you
5、sad
robot
6、the
fray的you
found
me和never
say
never
再推荐几首轻快的
1、lily
allen的fuck
you和who’d
have
known还有5
o'clock
2、kesha的tik
tok、we
r
who
we
r和take
it
off
3、the
ting
tings的thats
not
my
name
4、mocca的i
remember
5、pink的sober和so
what还有get
the
party
started
先推荐这些
欢迎继续交流
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