我给大家介绍的是 米兰·昆德拉,他是捷克小说家,生于1929年。父亲是钢琴家、音乐艺术学院的教授。生长于一个小国在他看来实在是一种优势,因为身处小国,“要么做一个可怜的、眼光狭窄的人”,要么成为一个广闻博识的“世界性的人”。童年时代,他便学过作曲,受过良好的音乐熏陶和教育。少年时代,开始广泛阅读世界文艺名著。青年时代,写过诗和剧本,画过画,搞过音乐并从事过电影教学。总之,用他自己的话说, “我曾在艺术领域里四处摸索,试图找到我的方向。”50年代初,他作为诗人登上文坛,1953年出版了《人,一座广阔的花园》、1957年出版了《独白》以及《最后一个五月》等诗集。但诗歌创作显然不是他的长远追求。最后,当他在30岁左右写出第一个短篇小说后,他确信找到了自己的方向,从此走上了小说创作之路。
I introduce is milan kundera, he was born in 1929, the Czech republic novelist. His father is a pianist, music art college professors. Growth in a small country in his view is an advantage, because in small, "or a poor, so narrow-minded man", or become a guangwen acknowledged "world"坦晌. His childhood, he learned to compose music, well-educated and education. In his teens, began extensive reading the classics. Youth, wrote poems and plays, painted pictures, made music and engaged in teaching by film. Anyhow, in his own words, "帆信返I was in the art field, trying to find me around." In the early 1950s, he as poet on literature published in 1953, a broad, the garden "态饥, published in 1957 and the last one monologues in May of poetry. But obviously not his poetry creation of long-term pursuit. Finally, when he is around 30 to write the first short story, he found himself in that direction, on the road of novel creation.