1、理雅各James Legge的经典翻译:
For life or for death, however separated, To our wives we pleadged our word.
We held their hands;We are to grow old together with them.
2、Bernhard Karlgren的翻译:
In death or life (we are) separated and far apart; With you I made an agreement: I grasped your hand, Together with you I was to grow old.
3、大诗人庞德Ezra Pound的翻译:
To stay together till death and end for far, for near, hand, oath, accord: Never alive will we keep that word.
take you hands and get old together with you.
1、Holding your hand, and aging with you, let's get married.
2、 Never again are you likely to find such a wide selection of potential mates all in one place, orspend so much time gazing into each other's textbooks.
3、I wanna you take my hands, and say you love, with you heart sincerely.
4、 This life, although I cannot pull your hand to arrive old with you, but we such warm had loved at least.
5、I want to hold you forever.
6、Baby, now I need to hold you tight, now and forever my love.
7、Find somebody you want to spend the rest of your life with and hold onto her forever.
理雅各James Legge的经典翻译:
For life or for death, however separated,
To our wives we pleadged our word.
We held their hands;---
We are to grow old together with them.
Bernhard Karlgren的翻译:
In death or life (we are) separated and far apart;
With you I made an agreement:
I grasped your hand,
Together with you I was to grow old.
大诗人庞德Ezra Pound的翻译:
To stay together till death and end
for far, for near, hand, oath, accord:
Never alive
will we keep that word.
I want to hold your hand
and with you I will grow old.
To hold your hand
To grow old with you