get something out the way是美国的谚语,意思如下: Idiom of the day: To get ( something ) out of the way. Meaning: This idiom is used when a person needs to finish an unpleasant or slightly boring task first. It gives the sense of doing one thing first in order to be able to do what one truly desires. First Example: I would love to go see a movie with you
but I need to get my homework out of the way first. Meaning: In this sentence
the speaker wants to finish his homework first in order to be able to go see a movie with his friend. Here is another example: Second Example: I want to change my major to biology but before I can do that I need to get some prerequisites out of the way. Meaning: The speaker can’t (isn’t allowed to) change his major until he pletes all the required courses. Third Example: Alan
get your toys out of my way! I can’t clean the house like this! Meaning: “Get the toys out of my way” me “put your toys away”. In this sentence
it me to remove the toys physically
because they create an obstacle for mom to clean the house. This idiom is found in LSI 's Reading Connections book which is used for Level 3 reading. 用中文翻译,即"得要先做某事" it is good to get the first one out of the way while young 意思是: 当年轻时,先做第一次都是好的。当然前文必已提及,the first one是指结婚,所以,这句应译为:当年轻时,先结第一次婚也是好的。(当然,也是好的,也即是说,不是坏事,故翻译的人将它译为"没甚么大不了" 但这句若译为:"趁著年轻,先结第一次婚也是好的"我个人认为更为浅白。 希望帮到你!
get something out of the way 原文可能来自Jack Cranfield的:"...As a parent you just have to keep an open mind
lead by example
and give kids room to grow up. Kim
for instance
snuck off to Las Vegas when she was just nieen and married some guy and then didn’t tell anyone. Kourtney figured it out after a while and went online and found the marriage record in the Las Vegas court. That marriage lasted a couple of years and ended badly. And just to show you that kids do listen to us
back then I told Kim that it was okay to get this first marriage out of the way while she was young and she told me I was an idiot. Then Khloe
who we thought was the least likely to get married
met Lamar and married him in o weeks
and I overheard Kim telling Khloe that it was good to get the first one out of the way while young! By the way
Khloe's marriage seems to be working well
so we're happy about that...." 译文:"...作为家长,你要保持一个开放的思想,以身作则,给孩子充分的成长空间。比如,金在十九岁那年偷偷溜去拉斯维加斯,瞒着所有人和一个男人结婚了。考特尼过了好一阵子才察觉,并在拉斯维加斯法院的网站上查到了她的结婚记录。那段婚姻只持续了几年,结局也很糟。而为了证明孩子确实听我的话,我告诉金这第一次婚姻没什么大不了的,她还年轻。她却跟我说我是个 *** 。然后是克洛伊,我们都以为她结婚的可能性最小,但她从认识拉马尔到和他结婚,前后只有两个星期的时间。我曾不经意间听到金告诉克洛伊:年轻时第一次婚姻没什么大不了的!顺便说一句,克洛伊的婚姻状况看起来还不错,我们也很高兴。..." 为什么it is good to get the first one out of the way while young解:年轻时第一次婚姻没甚么大不了' ? 首先看前文后理, it is good to get the first one out of the way while young 的the first one 是the first marriage (第一次婚姻) ,而 get something out of the way可以解为"清除了跘脚石;全句可解为"在年纪还轻时结束了第一次婚姻的跘脚石是件好事"
和 "年轻时第一次婚姻没甚么大不了" 的译法虽不尽相同
参考: amazon/淡定的人生不再寂寞-杰克•坎菲尔德/dp/product-description/B00825C0FI
but I need to get my homework out of the way first. Meaning: In this sentence
the speaker wants to finish his homework first in order to be able to go see a movie with his friend. Here is another example: Second Example: I want to change my major to biology but before I can do that I need to get some prerequisites out of the way. Meaning: The speaker can’t (isn’t allowed to) change his major until he pletes all the required courses. Third Example: Alan
get your toys out of my way! I can’t clean the house like this! Meaning: “Get the toys out of my way” me “put your toys away”. In this sentence
it me to remove the toys physically
because they create an obstacle for mom to clean the house. This idiom is found in LSI 's Reading Connections book which is used for Level 3 reading. 用中文翻译,即"得要先做某事" it is good to get the first one out of the way while young 意思是: 当年轻时,先做第一次都是好的。当然前文必已提及,the first one是指结婚,所以,这句应译为:当年轻时,先结第一次婚也是好的。(当然,也是好的,也即是说,不是坏事,故翻译的人将它译为"没甚么大不了" 但这句若译为:"趁著年轻,先结第一次婚也是好的"我个人认为更为浅白。 希望帮到你!
get something out of the way 原文可能来自Jack Cranfield的:"...As a parent you just have to keep an open mind
lead by example
and give kids room to grow up. Kim
for instance
snuck off to Las Vegas when she was just nieen and married some guy and then didn’t tell anyone. Kourtney figured it out after a while and went online and found the marriage record in the Las Vegas court. That marriage lasted a couple of years and ended badly. And just to show you that kids do listen to us
back then I told Kim that it was okay to get this first marriage out of the way while she was young and she told me I was an idiot. Then Khloe
who we thought was the least likely to get married
met Lamar and married him in o weeks
and I overheard Kim telling Khloe that it was good to get the first one out of the way while young! By the way
Khloe's marriage seems to be working well
so we're happy about that...." 译文:"...作为家长,你要保持一个开放的思想,以身作则,给孩子充分的成长空间。比如,金在十九岁那年偷偷溜去拉斯维加斯,瞒着所有人和一个男人结婚了。考特尼过了好一阵子才察觉,并在拉斯维加斯法院的网站上查到了她的结婚记录。那段婚姻只持续了几年,结局也很糟。而为了证明孩子确实听我的话,我告诉金这第一次婚姻没什么大不了的,她还年轻。她却跟我说我是个 *** 。然后是克洛伊,我们都以为她结婚的可能性最小,但她从认识拉马尔到和他结婚,前后只有两个星期的时间。我曾不经意间听到金告诉克洛伊:年轻时第一次婚姻没什么大不了的!顺便说一句,克洛伊的婚姻状况看起来还不错,我们也很高兴。..." 为什么it is good to get the first one out of the way while young解:年轻时第一次婚姻没甚么大不了' ? 首先看前文后理, it is good to get the first one out of the way while young 的the first one 是the first marriage (第一次婚姻) ,而 get something out of the way可以解为"清除了跘脚石;全句可解为"在年纪还轻时结束了第一次婚姻的跘脚石是件好事"
和 "年轻时第一次婚姻没甚么大不了" 的译法虽不尽相同
参考: amazon/淡定的人生不再寂寞-杰克•坎菲尔德/dp/product-description/B00825C0FI