1、Test for antiphospholipidantibody was negative.(抗磷脂抗体实验阴性。)
2、Antibodies are very specific in that eachantibody will recognize and bind to one protein region only.(抗体具有非常特异性,每种抗体只识别和结合一种蛋白质区域。)
3、Diagnostic confirmation was made followingantibody testing using a microneutralization test.(在抗体检测后采用微量中和试验进行诊断性确认。)
4、There's a lag phase, and there's a slow rise to an intermediate level of antibody concentration.(有一个迟滞期,抗体浓度缓慢上升至中间水平。)
5、Myasthenia gravis(MG) is an autoimmune disease which choline receptorantibody mediates, cell immunity depends on and addiment participates.(重症肌无力是乙酰胆碱受体抗体介导、细胞免疫依赖、补体参与的自身免疫性疾病。)
2024-02-20 广告