
为了使主要人物巴恩斯正面化,对罗伯特•科恩的塑造起着很重要的作用。海明威自己的一些令人鄙夷的言行不便体现在巴恩斯的身上,于是科恩便成了“替罪羊”。虽然科恩的原... 为了使主要人物巴恩斯正面化,对罗伯特•科恩的塑造起着很重要的作用。海明威自己的一些令人鄙夷的言行不便体现在巴恩斯的身上,于是科恩便成了“替罪羊”。虽然科恩的原型应为罗布,因为他们属于同样的种族,有着同样的求学和类似的生活经历,但书中科恩的许多言行事实上出自海明威本人。如与首先朵芙相识的是罗布,但在小说中变成了巴恩斯,科恩变成了“闯入者”;现实中海明威和罗布都善于拳击,而书中科恩成了前普林斯顿中量级冠军,并唯一能用拳头教训嘲弄自己和夺走自己爱人的人;现实中海明威为自己过激的言行向罗布等表示歉意并提前离开,在作品中此人却成了科恩。总体说来,小说中的科恩成了作者的不满、嫉妒和挫败感的发泄对象,从小说的开始,科恩便被描绘成思维简单幼稚、片面追求浪漫爱情与生活的人。小说中科恩成了被辱骂的对象,对科恩进行辱骂的不是巴恩斯,而是布雷特的未婚夫麦克尔•坎贝尔。
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2010-10-08 · TA获得超过8461个赞
バーンズはメインキャラクターの前面をするために、ロバート•コーエンの形状が重要な役割を果たしている。ヘミングウェイは彼の言叶、いくつかの不便の行为をBarnesさんの体に反映されている軽蔑ので、コーエン氏は"スケープゴート"となっている彼らは同じ人种ですので、ロブコーエンが、プロトタイプは、する必要があります、同じ研究と似たような生活体験が、コーエンの言动の事実に多くのアーネストヘミングウェイ自身から本を持っている。ダフは、コーエン氏は"侵入者"となっている最初に、ロブされている场合がバーンズに小说の中で出会い、现実ヘミングウェイとロブはボクシングが得意ですが、本の中でコーエン氏はスプリングスになる前にデイトンミドル级チャンピオンだけ拳のレッスンすることができます自身モックと人々の彼の爱を取る;など事前にロブはコーエンとなっている彼の作品の男を残しての谢罪を、彼の过激な言动の実际のヘミングウェイ。全体的にみて、小说は小说の冒头から、コーエンは、シンプルで素朴な思考、ロマンチックな爱と人々の生活の一方的な追求として记载されており、コーエン、恨み、妬みと挫折の通気口の著者となった。コーエン氏は、小说は虐待のオブジェクトではなく、コーエンバーンズの乱用されているとなったがFumaiカー•して、Brett Campbellさんと未婚。 三人の女性から引き出される、実际にして、Brettのイメージ:アグネスダフと憎悪のLi。 Brettの経験はアグネスから引き出さ - サービスを英国の野戦病院のイタリア、看护师、およびそれ以降のタイトルと役员と结婚、そして彼女の机能は、新しい女性 - 吃烟、饮酒と髪を短くし、ダフから部分的にタイツやその他を着て、さらに、このような、ブレットは、お支払いは、ホテルのお金の中で身动きが取れない时に、近端の一部を详细にこの本は、バーンズを支援していたがダフの実际の経験。鸟のマタドールに憎悪李Brettさんの贡献はそのリーダーになるホテルの引き出しの中に忘れて送信されます。ヘミングウェイはブレットは、牛自体に兴味がなかったことを示すために、この使用すると、彼女はただの顺序でロミオが最终的に彼を得ることに兴奋して诱致する方法を示してみました。ブレットは、ヘミングウェイはまた、これはブレットによってされている本で言うと、彼自身の言叶する必要がありますバーンズより肯定的なイメージを作成することが、コーエンのように形状を使用して、ブレット何度か自分のため后悔の混合现象は、彼がされていることを言った。"犬"。同时に、著者は最终的にブレットに罚を取得するには、彼女の前にイメージを与えるために强制的にものを爱し、彼女に寻ねたとしてだけでなく、ゆったりとした衣服を着て长い髪を成长スペインの女性を、ということのも非常に大まかな治疗彼女。再びヘミングウェイは、ある程度の男たちのユニークな本能の弱い保护を再现する男の自信として、それを元に戻すには、Brettが逸脱救うために主人公として登场する时にバーンズ.ブレットヘミングウェイ、彼の爱と経験の适正を形成する。ヘミングウェイの最初の爱は、イタリアで始まった后、彼のガールフレンドアグネス、最终的にイタリアの美しい役员と恋に落ちた。彼らは后に、それらの间の爱がまだ続いバーンズ、Brettは爱なしで2つの结婚経験していた负伤のため解散していたがして、Brett Barnesさんとの情事はまた、イタリアで始まった。これは、ある程度続けて、いくつかの忆测や仮定の运命の彼の爱を反映している。して、Brett Barnesさんも深く爱が、この爱は、障害の彼女の强い感覚に持って来られ、彼女は実际には逆が、自分の心を作成して、落ち着かせる多くの男性とセックスをしていた、彼女はより多くの痛みをになった。一方、ブレットバーンズは、大きな被害を引き起こすことが行っているので、彼は彼は雄牛のように感じさせ、伤は彼の绝望が原因で発生を感じることはありません。ブレットはブレットと彼の恋人になる、彼の最初の爱は终わりをしないにもかかわらず、いくつかのことが示唆されたことでのシェーピングだ、彼は长年にわたって痛みとバーンズに住んでいると思います。
同様に、私たちは、ヘミングウェイが"武器よさらば"ことを确认することもできます思い出に残るエンディングの方法で使用されています。戦争はスイス、生活などの山々の楽园で始まった后、ヘンリーとキャサリンは、苦难を逃れる诞生に彼らの爱の结晶化は、キャサリンが死ぬのではない贫しい人々の病状と入院していた。话すの芸术から、"お知らせ"は、美しい爱の物语のセクションされており、パフォーマンスの最后に自然主义の可能性があります。彼の最初の爱の终わりに彼は苦しんでいる持っているかに関系なく、また、作者はお勧めしないでください。そこで彼は、この悲しいを持っていません。 "あまりにも"バーンズが、その后の终わりだけでなく、皮肉なことだけでなく、面白いときに:"これはあなたに悪いのですか?
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In order to make the main characters, Robert Barnes positive Cohen shaping plays a very important role. Hemingway's own words and deeds are embodied in contempt inconvenience, so Mr Barnes Cohen became "scapegoat". Although the prototype for rob Cohen, because they belong to the same race, with the same study and similar life experiences, many of the words in the proviso in Cohen from Hemingway himself. As with the first flower fu acquaintance is rob, but in the novel became Barnes, become "intruder Cohen;" Reality is at rob and Hemingway, boxing Cohen became a former Princeton middleweight champion, and can only teach his fist and take his ridicule lover, In reality for his actions of ultra Hemingway apologize to rob, etc, and leave early in the works of man have become Cohen. Generally speaking, the author of the novel Cohen became discontent, envy and the frustration of venting from the start, novels, and described ChengSiWei Cohen childish, unilateral pursue simple romantic love and life of the people. In the novel of the object being became Cohen, not Barnes abused Cohen, but Brett fiance Michael Campbell.
Brett in the image based on three women, Agnes, flower fu and hart. Brett experience drawn from Agnes - service in Italy, the British nurse field hospital, then marrying a peerage officer, And her new female features -- smoking, drinking and leave bingle, wear corset are part of flower, in addition, the eve details, such as near the end, Brett trapped in the hotel, and finally to pay money to help, but also to Barnes eve real experience. DORA Hart Sally to Brett contribution is the only send the matador, then forgotten in the drawer in hotel processes. Hemingway to show itself in bullfighting, Brett isn't interested in, she tried to show excitement is just in order to attract romeo, so that eventually get him. For Brett, Ernest Hemingway, also used the technique, namely the coen shape in order to make a more positive Barnes, this is he wanted to say in the book by Brett, namely Blake adhesived for their sexual behavior times, says he regretted for "bitch". At the same time, the author also makes Brett finally got punished, she loved forced her to give up before the image, asked her to like Spain, stay up women wearing loose hair, clothing, not only so is very rude to her. But now once again to make Barnes Hemingway deliver the identity of the heroes come from fire, Brett reappear its unique among men of weak instinct in a certain extent, make its restored as a man's confidence.
The shape of Brett Hemingway's own love with appropriate experience. Hemingway's first began in Italy, but later with his girlfriend Agnes fell in love with a beautiful Italian officer. Barnes and Brett romances also began in Italy, although they later because to break up, injured Barnes twice to Brett experience a marriage without love, the love between them still continued. This continued in a certain extent, to reflect the oneself love to some speculation and end-result hypothesis. Brett is deeply loved, but this kind of love to give Mr Barnes, she brings is strong frustration, she had to have sex with many men make their hearts, but actually backfire comfort, she becomes more pain. On the other hand, Brett did give Barnes caused a great damage to make him feel his wounds of hopelessness, making him feel oneself is a loose. Based on whether the shaping of Brett suggested some ideas, even his love, he's no end lover will become to Brett, he would like to live in the same Barnes undertakes pain.
As we can see, Hemingway in the farewell to arms is used in the end is infinite. Henry and Catherine escaped through the mountain in Switzerland, war began xanadu life, but when they love crystallization to birth in medical conditions, but Catherine is hospital died. From art, "tell" is a beautiful love story is ending, and the performance of naturalism theme. The , no matter what, and bring him home is painful. So he needn't so sad. The end of law is not only the irony if Mr Barnes, but also the profound: "so don't also very good?
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2010-10-18 · TA获得超过5407个赞
In order to make the main characters, Robert Barnes positive Cohen shaping plays a very important role. Hemingway's own words and deeds are embodied in contempt inconvenience, so Mr Barnes Cohen became "scapegoat". Although the prototype for rob Cohen, because they belong to the same race, with the same study and similar life experiences, many of the words in the proviso in Cohen from Hemingway himself. As with the first flower fu acquaintance is rob, but in the novel became Barnes, become "intruder Cohen;" Reality is at rob and Hemingway, boxing Cohen became a former Princeton middleweight champion, and can only teach his fist and take his ridicule lover, In reality for his actions of ultra Hemingway apologize to rob, etc, and leave early in the works of man have become Cohen. Generally speaking, the author of the novel Cohen became discontent, envy and the frustration of venting from the start, novels, and described ChengSiWei Cohen childish, unilateral pursue simple romantic love and life of the people. In the novel of the object being became Cohen, not Barnes abused Cohen, but Brett fiance Michael Campbell.
Brett in the image based on three women, Agnes, flower fu and hart. Brett experience drawn from Agnes - service in Italy, the British nurse field hospital, then marrying a peerage officer, And her new female features -- smoking, drinking and leave bingle, wear corset are part of flower, in addition, the eve details, such as near the end, Brett trapped in the hotel, and finally to pay money to help, but also to Barnes eve real experience. DORA Hart Sally to Brett contribution is the only send the matador, then forgotten in the drawer in hotel processes. Hemingway to show itself in bullfighting, Brett isn't interested in, she tried to show excitement is just in order to attract romeo, so that eventually get him. For Brett, Ernest Hemingway, also used the technique, namely the coen shape in order to make a more positive Barnes, this is he wanted to say in the book by Brett, namely Blake adhesived for their sexual behavior times, says he regretted for "bitch". At the same time, the author also makes Brett finally got punished, she loved forced her to give up before the image, asked her to like Spain, stay up women wearing loose hair, clothing, not only so is very rude to her. But now once again to make Barnes Hemingway deliver the identity of the heroes come from fire, Brett reappear its unique among men of weak instinct in a certain extent, make its restored as a man's confidence.
The shape of Brett Hemingway's own love with appropriate experience. Hemingway's first began in Italy, but later with his girlfriend Agnes fell in love with a beautiful Italian officer. Barnes and Brett romances also began in Italy, although they later because to break up, injured Barnes twice to Brett experience a marriage without love, the love between them still continued. This continued in a certain extent, to reflect the oneself love to some speculation and end-result hypothesis. Brett is deeply loved, but this kind of love to give Mr Barnes, she brings is strong frustration, she had to have sex with many men make their hearts, but actually backfire comfort, she becomes more pain. On the other hand, Brett did give Barnes caused a great damage to make him feel his wounds of hopelessness, making him feel oneself is a loose. Based on whether the shaping of Brett suggested some ideas, even his love, he's no end lover will become to Brett, he would like to live in the same Barnes undertakes pain.
As we can see, Hemingway in the farewell to arms is used in the end is infinite. Henry and Catherine escaped through the mountain in Switzerland, war began xanadu life, but when they love crystallization to birth in medical conditions, but Catherine is hospital died. From art, "tell" is a beautiful love story is ending, and the performance of naturalism theme. The authors also hinted at his first love, no matter what, and bring him home is painful. So he needn't so sad. The end of law is not only the irony if Mr Barnes, but also the profound: "so don't also very good?
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2010-10-08 · TA获得超过1102个赞
In order to make the main characters, Robert Barnes positive Cohen shaping plays a very important role. Hemingway's own words and deeds are embodied in contempt inconvenience, so Mr Barnes Cohen became "scapegoat". Although the prototype for rob Cohen, because they belong to the same race, with the same study and similar life experiences, many of the words in the proviso in Cohen from Hemingway himself. As with the first flower fu acquaintance is rob, but in the novel became Barnes, become "intruder Cohen;" Reality is at rob and Hemingway, boxing Cohen became a former Princeton middleweight champion, and can only teach his fist and take his ridicule lover, In reality for his actions of ultra Hemingway apologize to rob, etc, and leave early in the works of man have become Cohen. Generally speaking, the author of the novel Cohen became discontent, envy and the frustration of venting from the start, novels, and described ChengSiWei Cohen childish, unilateral pursue simple romantic love and life of the people. In the novel of the object being became Cohen, not Barnes abused Cohen, but Brett fiance Michael Campbell.
Brett in the image based on three women, Agnes, flower fu and hart. Brett experience drawn from Agnes - service in Italy, the British nurse field hospital, then marrying a peerage officer, And her new female features -- smoking, drinking and leave bingle, wear corset are part of flower, in addition, the eve details, such as near the end, Brett trapped in the hotel, and finally to pay money to help, but also to Barnes eve real experience. DORA Hart Sally to Brett contribution is the only send the matador, then forgotten in the drawer in hotel processes. Hemingway to show itself in bullfighting, Brett isn't interested in, she tried to show excitement is just in order to attract romeo, so that eventually get him. For Brett, Ernest Hemingway, also used the technique, namely the coen shape in order to make a more positive Barnes, this is he wanted to say in the book by Brett, namely Blake adhesived for their sexual behavior times, says he regretted for "bitch". At the same time, the author also makes Brett finally got punished, she loved forced her to give up before the image, asked her to like Spain, stay up women wearing loose hair, clothing, not only so is very rude to her. But now once again to make Barnes Hemingway deliver the identity of the heroes come from fire, Brett reappear its unique among men of weak instinct in a certain extent, make its restored as a man's confidence.
The shape of Brett Hemingway's own love with appropriate experience. Hemingway's first began in Italy, but later with his girlfriend Agnes fell in love with a beautiful Italian officer. Barnes and Brett romances also began in Italy, although they later because to break up, injured Barnes twice to Brett experience a marriage without love, the love between them still continued. This continued in a certain extent, to reflect the oneself love to some speculation and end-result hypothesis. Brett is deeply loved, but this kind of love to give Mr Barnes, she brings is strong frustration, she had to have sex with many men make their hearts, but actually backfire comfort, she becomes more pain. On the other hand, Brett did give Barnes caused a great damage to make him feel his wounds of hopelessness, making him feel oneself is a loose. Based on whether the shaping of Brett suggested some ideas, even his love, he's no end lover will become to Brett, he would like to live in the same Barnes undertakes pain.
As we can see, Hemingway in the farewell to arms is used in the end is infinite. Henry and Catherine escaped through the mountain in Switzerland, war began xanadu life, but when they love crystallization to birth in medical conditions, but Catherine is hospital died. From art, "tell" is a beautiful love story is ending, and the performance of naturalism theme. The authors also hinted at his first love, no matter what, and bring him home is painful. So he needn't so sad. The end of law is not only the irony if Mr Barnes, but also the profound: "so don't also very good?
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