
1.9月CPI创23个月新高2.大米、蔬菜等生活必需品价格都有所上涨。10月21日,国家统计局发布三季度经济数据。初步测算,前三季度国内生产总值同比增长10.6%,比上年... 1.9月CPI创23个月新高
10月21日,国家统计局发布三季度经济数据。初步测算,前三季度国内生产总值同比增长10.6%,比上年同期加快2.5个百分点。前三季度,居民消费价格同比上涨2.9%。其中,9月份CPI同比上涨3.6%,环比上涨0.6%。 农村居民收入增速快于城镇
农村居民人均现金收入4869元,增长13.1%,扣除价格因素,实际增长9.7%。其中,工资性收入增长18.7%,家庭经营性收入增长8.7%,财产性收入增长19.4%,转移性收入增长17.2%。 前三季度,扣除价格因素,城镇居民人均消费性支出实际增长6.3%,农村居民人均生活消费现金支出实际增长7.3%。 食品上涨6.1%,涨幅居首
分类别看,八大类商品五涨三落:食品上涨6.1%,烟酒等生活用品上涨1.6%,医疗保健和个人用品上涨2.9%,娱乐教育文化用品及服务上涨0.6%,居住上涨4.1%,衣着下降1.1%,家庭设备用品及维修服务下降0.3%,交通和通信下降0.3%。 9月份居民消费价格同比上涨3.6%,环比上涨0.6%。 网民普遍认为CPI涨幅“保守” 对于昨日国家统计局公布的数据,网民们质疑之声一片。截至昨日下午5时许,新浪网关于“前三季度GDP同比增长10.6%、CPI同比上涨2.9%”的评论就达到了2300多条,相关的评论近万条。 北京市一位网友说:“大家不知道油盐酱醋米面青菜涨了多少吗?”重庆市网友说:“食品上涨6.1%,这还算温和吗?”天津市网友ty998998说得更逗:“2.9%,您说的是火星吧,我们这里的CPI是15%。”江苏省南京市一位网友说:“不管风吹浪打,CPI指数永远都胜似闲庭信步。” 显然,网友们对于此次国家公布的前三季度居民消费价格同比上涨2.9%并不认同。今年,食品价格涨幅相当大,特别是粮油、肉蛋奶、蔬菜水果、棉花、白糖等农产品涨幅也很惊人,通胀预期严重。 昨日,国家统计局新闻发言人、国民经济综合统计司副司长盛来运表示,统计局公布的统计数据是科学规范的,CPI指数并未被低估。 食品价格领涨 通胀压力渐强 “负利率”时代:老百姓如何理财? 加息后一年期存款基准利率提高到2.50%,但相比9月份CPI同比上涨3.6%的事实,这意味着我国居民实际存款已经连续8个月为负,负利率格局在一段时期内将继续下去。 面对通胀,专家建议您不妨主动出击,了解理财知识,养成理财习惯。
现在各家银行针对中小储户推出的3个月、6个月的固定收益类投资产品,收益率在2.6%~2.8%,均高过一年期定存,但是很多老百姓并不清楚。 建议广大消费者通过财经媒体、专业的金融部门以及理财师了解相关的理财知识,树立长期理财的观念。
专业的理财机构用客观的评价体系作出“理财诊断”,为客户作出多元化的财务配置方案。明年我国将采用新的CPI权重 国家统计局新闻发言人盛来运21日透露,明年起我国将采用新的CPI权重。 盛来运说,中国目前CPI中,居住类价格的权重是15%左右,而美国是42%左右,这就是两个国家在发展水平和生活质量方面的差异。中国消费支出中食品支出占比(恩格尔系数)较大,在40%左右,而美国恩格尔系数已在20%以下,这也有个缓慢变化的过程。

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2010-11-04 · TA获得超过319个赞
1.September CPI invasive 23 months new high 2. rice, vegetables, and other necessities prices are rising.
21 October, the National Bureau of statistics releases third quarter economic data. Preliminary estimates, the first three quarters of GDP increased 10.6% over the same period last year 2.5 percentage. The first three quarters, consumer prices rose 2.9%. Of these, September CPI rose 3.6% ring than up 0.6%. Rural income growth is faster than the first three quarters of town, the per capita disposable income of urban residents, an increase of $ 14334 10.5% deducted from the price factors, the actual growth 7.5%. In the per capita income of urban households, wages and other income increased 10.1%, metastatic growth in revenue, operating 12.5% net income growth 9.9%, property income growth 18.5%.
Rural residents per capita cash income of $ 4869 13.1% deducted from the price factors, the actual growth 9.7%. Of these, wages and other income increased 18.7%, families operating income growth 8.7%, property income growth 19.4%, metastatic growth 17.2%. The first three quarters, after deduction of the price factor, the urban population and per capita consumption expenditures for actual growth 6.3%, rural population per capita living consumer cash outlays the actual 7.3 percent. Food prices have risen 6.1, ranked in the first three quarters, consumer prices rose 2.9%. Among them, the city up 2.8%, rising 3.1% in rural areas.
Sub category, five of the eight categories of commodities rose three: food prices 6.1%, tobacco, alcohol and other daily necessities rise 1.6%, health care and personal belongings up 2.9%, entertainment, educational, and cultural goods and services prices rising 0.6% living, clothes 4.1% decline 1.1%, household equipment and maintenance service down 0.3%, transport and communication fell by 0.3%. September consumer price rose 3.6% ring than up 0.6%. Internet users generally considered CPI rose "conservative" for the National Bureau of statistics announced yesterday, the voice of the netizens questioned. As of yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock, SINA on "the first three quarters of GDP increased 10.6%, CPI rose 2.9% comments" reached more than 2300, ten thousand related comments. Beijing a Netizen said: "we don't know oil Salt sauce vinegar rice and vegetables rose?" Chongqing Netizen said: "the food up 6.1%, this is fairly mild?" Tianjin Netizen ty998998 more funny: "2.9%, you said that Mars, we here in the CPI was 15 per cent. ", Nanjing city, Jiangsu Province, a friend said:" regardless of wind and waves hit, CPI index always .Gao. "Obviously, the friends were announced for the countries of the first three quarters of the consumer prices rose 2.9% do not agree. This year, a considerable rise in food prices, particularly oil and grain, meat, eggs, milk, vegetables and fruits, cotton, sugar and other agricultural products rose is also very impressive, inflation expectations. Yesterday, a spokesman for the National Bureau of statistics, economic news, comprehensive statistics, Deputy Director, said the receptacle to transport statistical statistics are scientific, CPI index not to be underestimated. Food price inflation pressure lingzhang stronger negative interest rates "times": the ordinary people how to finance the interest rate after one year? term deposit interest rate increase to 2.50 per cent, compared with September CPI rose 3.6 per cent of the facts, this means that our residents ' actual deposit has been 8 months is negative, negative interest pattern for a long time will continue. In the face of inflation, experts recommend that you may wish to take the initiative to understand the financial knowledge, develop financial habits.
Now banks for small and medium-sized customers launched in 3 months, 6 months of fixed-income investment products yields in 2.6% ~ 2.8 percent, higher than the one year period, but many people do not know. Suggested that the majority of consumers through the financial media, professional and financial management division of the financial sector for financial knowledge, establish long-term wealth management concepts.
Secondly, with the help of professional bodies to develop a wide range of financial planning. When investors have relative plenty of funds and the need to face the future educational, medical, pension and other aspects of the expenditure of time, you can turn to professional financial institutions.
Professional financial institutions with the objective of the evaluation system to make the diagnosis "," financial management for customers making diversified financial scheme. Next year we will adopt the new CPI weights press spokesman for the National Bureau for migration-21, sheng, next year China will adopt the new CPI weights. Container to transport said that China's current CPI, housing price weight is 15 percent, while the United States is 42%, which is two States in the development of the level and quality of life. Chinese consumption expenditure ratio in food (Engel) larger, at 40 percent, while the United States has been in Engel coefficient 20 per cent, which also has a slow process of change.
3.September ,2010 CPI rose invasive 23 months high
1.9The moonCPIInitiate23A the moon newly high
2.、 of riceVegetable waits daily necessities prices to have the institute and rise 。
10The moon21Day ,Country counts the department and release 3 quarters 。 of economical dataTentative measure and calculate the ,In front 3 quarters gross domestic product with than high10.6%,Compete in up year the same period speed up2.5。 of percentIt is 3 quarters in front ,Resident consumes the price together than many2.9%。, of among which9MonthCPITogether than many3.6%,Ring than many0.6%。 Countryside resident takes in and increase the quickly be quick er than city and town the quickly is quicker than city and town
It is 3 quarters in front ,City and town resident per capita may control the income14334, of yuanWith than high10.5%,Deduct the , of price factorPractical increase7.5%。Resident is in the per capita total income in family in the city and town ,The nature of wages is taken in increase10.1%,Transfer the nature and take in increase12.5%,Manage the nature net increase9.9%,The nature of property is taken in increase18.5%。
Countryside is resident 's per capita cash take in4869, of yuanIncrease13.1%,Deduct the , of price factorPractical increase9.7%。, of among whichThe nature of wages is taken in increase18.7%,Family manages the nature and take in increase8.7%,The nature of property is taken in increase19.4%,Transfer the nature and take in increase17.2%。 It is 3 quarters in front ,Deduct the , of price factorCity and town the resident pays per capita consumptive nature practical increase6.3%,Countryside resident 's per capita life consumes the cash and pay the practical increase7.3%。 Foodstuff rises6.1%,Rise head of home
It is 3 quarters in front ,Resident consumes the price together than many2.9%。, of among whichCity rises2.8%,Countryside rises3.1%。
The classification doesn't have a look ,8 commodity of main type 5 rise 3 fall :Foodstuff rises6.1%,Cigarettes and wine wait subsistence stores to rise1.6%,Healthcare and personal belonging rise2.9%,Amusement educates the cultural material and service rise0.6%,Live and rise4.1%,Clothing,headgear and footwear goes down1.1%,Family articles for use of equipment and maintain the service and go down0.3%,Traffic and correspond and go down0.3%。 9Month resident consumes the price together than many3.6%,Ring than many0.6%。 It is generally accepted that netizeluCPIRise a “Guard the ” The country is counted on the yesterday , of data the department publishedA voice the netizelus queried 。By last afternoon5When , (and) promise the ,Sina Website about “In front 3 quartersGDPWith than high10.6%、CPITogether than many2.9%”Commentary reached2300, of many slipThe commentary of bing interrelated is near 10 thousand 。s A web friend says Beijing :“Everybody didn't know how many daily necessaries rice powder green vegetable rise ?”Web friend in Chongqing city says the :“Foodstuff rises6.1%,This is still calculate mild ?”Web friend in Tianjin cityty998998Say even tease the :“2.9%,What you said is Mars ,OurCPIIs15%。”Nanjing city is save in Jiangsu a web friend say the :“No matter wind blows the wave and beat the ,CPIIndex always all bes better than the vacant court and stroll 。” Obvious ,Web friend s on before this country are published 3 quarters resident consume the price together than many2.9%Don't identify 。This year ,Foodstuff price rises quite big ,The grain is painted especially 、Meat egg 、 of milkVegetable 、 of fruitCotton 、Powdered sugar waits farm produce to rise very astonishing ,Be passable and expand expect the serious 。 Yesterday ,Country counts the news of department spokesman 's 、The national economy sythesizes the statistician deputy department in a ministry in department in a ministry grow and hold transport the , of expressionIt is that scientific standard , to count the statistician 's data the department publishedCPIThe index wasn't is underestimated 。 Foodstuff the price is drawn rise Be passable and expand pressure is gradually strong “Shoulder the ” of interest rateEpoch :Common people how mind the ? of wealth After adding the breath a year standard of issue deposit the interest rate is raised to2.50%,But compare9MonthCPITogether than many3.6%, of factThis means the our country resident 's reality deposit already successive8A the moon for shoulder the ,Shoulder the style of interest rate in a period and will continue 。 Face and be passable expand ,Specialist suggested you initiative might as will launch an attack in the ,Understanding minds the wealth , of knowledgeForm the reason wealth is used to 。
The each bank puts out on the medium and small depositor now3、 of the moon6A the moon fixes the profits a investment , of productRate of profits in2.6%~2.8%,All high has opened for a year issue certainly store the ,But a lot of common peoples are not clear about 。 Suggested that vast consumer should pass the finance and economics 、 of mediaProfessional financial department and mind the wealth division know the reason of bing interrelated wealth , of knowledgeSet up the 。 of idea to mind wealth longer
, of nextWith the help of the , of professional mechanismMake the various reason the wealth plan 。Facing have in investor 's hands relatively well-off funds will be faced with the future at the same time again and educate the 、Medical cure the 、Provide for the aged when pay in many ways ,May seek help of the professional reason wealth 。 of mechanism
Reason of speciality mechanism of wealth makes out the “ with the system of objective evaluationMind the wealth and diagnose the ”,Make out various financial affairs for customer deploy the 。 of planThe our country will adopt next year newCPIWeight Country counts the news of department spokesman hold and transport21The day is leaked ,Since next year our country it is new to will adoptCPI。 of weight Hold and transport say the ,China presentCPICenter ,Weight of a price lives is15%Be master of the ,And U.S.A. is42%Be master of the ,This is that 2 countries develop the 。 of difference of quality of life and levelConsumption of China foodstuff pays in the expenditure and compete in the (Favour Er of 格 ) of coefficientBigger ,In40%Be master of the ,And 格 of American favour coefficient of Er already in20%Under ,This 。 of process has slow change
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