
个人进步。美国是个尊重个性、崇尚个人主义的国家,个人奋斗成功的故事是“美国梦”的精髓部分。无论是卡内基从一贫如洗的学徒工到富甲天下的钢铁大王,还是林肯从平头百姓之家平步青... 个人进步。
在世界上许多国家里,人事关系、家庭背景是一个人获得成功的必不可少的条件,如在意大利,人们需要教父的帮助,在非洲,人们必须得到酋长的引荐。但在美国,人事关系固然有助于人们取得成功,但更重要的,是个人的努力精神、才能智慧、进取勇气和随和性格。美国是个“自己动手”的社会,人们对机会均等的观念坚信不移。在那里,成功既不靠家世“祖传”,也不靠他人赐予。个人进步,全在于自己的艰辛努力和不息奋斗;个人进步,也是自我价值实现的主要标志。 从一定程度上讲,个人进步的衡量标准之一是看一个人的职位升迁,因为常识告诉人们,任何一个单位,凡奉行任人唯贤精神的,只有那些有才能、工作成绩出色的人,才可能经常得到提拔晋升。鉴于这个原因,美国人对获取一份好工作――一份时常能带来机遇的工作,十分重视。受聘之前,他们多方打听,仔细调查,尽量设法确信那份工作对自己有利。一旦发现工作环境不利,美国人会毫不犹豫地改换门庭,另谋他职,即“跳槽”(job-hopping),因为大多数美国人都遵守此则行事,离职对于他们决非什么不体面的事情;相反,它睦作追求个人进步的一种象征,被看作寻觅升迁机会的一种努力。
 我来答
2010-11-11 · 超过31用户采纳过TA的回答
America is a respected personality, individualistic country, the success story of personal struggle is the "American dream" part of the essence. Both Carnegie apprentices from the impoverished to the wealthy and the steel magnate, or the Lincoln family from the common people of the meteoric rise to the presidency, they are ordinary Americans talked about, dreamed of a model of personal success.
Many countries in the world, human relations, family background is essential for the success of a person's conditions, such as in Italy, people need the help of the godfather, in Africa, people have to be chief of the referral. But in the United States, human relations course, help people to succeed, but more importantly, the spirit of personal effort to wisdom, courage, and easy-going personality ahead. The United States is a "do it yourself" society, people firmly believe in the concept of equality of opportunity. Where success is neither rely on family background, "ancestral" or given by others. Personal progress, all that their hard work and endless struggle; personal progress, but also to achieve the main indicator of self-worth. To some extent, one measure of individual progress is to look at a person's job promotion, because common sense tells us that any one unit, where the spirit of pursuing merit, only those with skills, great achievements were, it may often be promoted promotion. For this reason, Americans get a good job - one can often work opportunities very seriously. Employed prior to their making inquiries, careful investigation, as far as possible try to believe that job to their advantage. Once a negative work environment, Americans will not hesitate to changed, but so, find a new place, that "quit" (job-hopping), since most Americans observe this is to act, leaving no means for what they are disgraceful things; Instead, it Harmony for the pursuit of personal advancement as a symbol, is seen as an effort to find opportunities for advancement.
America is a respected personality, individualistic country, the success story of personal struggle is the American dreampart of the essence. Both Carnegie apprentices from the impoverished to the wealthy and the steel magnate, or the Lincoln family from the common people of the meteoric rise to the presidency, they are ordinary Americans talked about, dreamed of a model of personal success.
Many countries in the world, human relations, family background is essential for the success of a person's conditions, such as in Italy, people need the help of the godfather, in Africa, people have to be chief of the referral. But in the United States, human relations course, help people to succeed, but more importantly, the spirit of personal effort to wisdom, courage, and easy-going personality ahead. The United States is a "do it yourself" society, people firmly believe in the concept of equality of opportunity. Where success is neither rely on family background, "ancestral" or given by others. Personal progress, all that their hard work and endless struggle; personal progress, but also to achieve the main indicator of self-worth. To some extent, one measure of individual progress is to look at a person's job promotion, because common sense tells us that any one unit, where the spirit of pursuing merit, only those with skills, great achievements were, it may often be promoted promotion. For this reason, Americans get a good job - one can often work opportunities very seriously. Employed prior to their making inquiries, careful investigation, as far as possible try to believe that job to their advantage. Once a negative work environment, Americans will not hesitate to changed, but so, find a new place.

参考资料: 我的书

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