
随便与约束。欧洲人比较死板,喜欢拘泥于细节,德国人和英国人在这方面表现得特别突出。美国人则不然,待人处事上表现得灵活随便。几乎每个英国绅士都知道他们应该怎样做才不失绅士风... 随便与约束。
由于美国人在行为举止上较少约束自己,他们在许多方面都表现得很随便。他们说话随便,衣着随便,吃东西随便,对人的态度也随便。不了解他们的人以为美国人放纵粗鲁,不成体统,上,这是美国人的随便习性。反映在英语语言使用上,美国人对它的“为我所用”态度,常地些墨守成规的老派文人痛心疾首;而那些广泛地浒于民间的不规则表达法,更使不少语法学家徒叹无奈。至于语言中含蓄地表现社会等级观念的词语,美国人常常不屑一顾,置之不理。 也可能由于美国人对清规戒律缺乏重视,他们的纪律观念比较淡薄,这常使行政官员和执行纪律的人感到头痛。有一种说法,说是英国人认为遵守规章是种乐趣,而美国人则把强硬要求他遵守某种规定看作是对他的不敬、甚至侮辱。美国党校里,学生纪律松散;美国家庭里,父母管教孩子不严;美国军队里,士兵自由散漫更是远近闻名。
令人惊讶的是,美国的教育还算成功,美国的孩子长大后大多成为好父母、好公民,美国的军队也偶尔能打些胜仗。这种看似矛盾的现象也许可以这样解释:美国人热爱自由,不愿被人强行控制,然而在真正行使自由权利时,他们仍受法律观念约束,有分寸地在自己的权限范围内“自由潇洒”。 事实上,尽管美国人表面上办事满不在乎,不尊重法律,但实际上,美国人是极其崇尚法治的。世界上没有哪一个国家象美国那样下功夫研究法律,也没有哪一个国家的律师象美国那样在政治和日常生活中起如此重要的作用。美国人可以无所顾忌地用粗话批评总统和国会,但对最高法院却以敬畏的精神相待。这也许是美国人在随便与约束上保持平衡、弛张相宜的最好例证。 个人主义与合作精神。
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2010-11-13 · TA获得超过204个赞
Literally and constraint.
Europeans comparative formalist, like get bogged down in the details, German and British people in this respect was especially prominent. Americans criterion otherwise, attitude towards on expression nimbly casually. Almost every English gentleman knows they how should do just do not break the gentleman poise, While americans, despite of etiquette books pervading city, few in manners and customs unified on. Except in the upper social occasions, American ordinary people in social interactions mostly from various discourages people close to level sex imho.
Since americans in fewer behavior on discipline yourself in many ways, they played too casual. They speak casually, dressed casually, eat casually, to the person's attitude also casually. Don't know them to think that americans indulgence rude, no systems,, this is the American casual habits. Reflected in English language use, americans to its medium-newspaper attitude, often to some hidebound old literati saddened, And those widely used in folk Hu of irregular expression, more make many grammarian ACTS sigh helpless. As for language veiled performance social hierarchy of words, americans often disdain ignore them. Also may be due to the lack of American imho attention, their discipline concepts comparing counterparts, it often makes the administration officials and enforce discipline people headaches. There is a parlance, say it was the British who think observe rules is a fun, whereas americans take tough asked him a defined as to keep his contempt, even insult. American party school, students discipline loose, American families, parents lax discipline their children; American troops, soldiers free lax is famed.
Surprisingly, American education with varying success, America's most children grow up to become a good parents, good citizen, American forces occasionally can play some battle. This seemingly contradictory phenomenon it might be explained: americans love freedom, don't want to be forcibly control, however, in really exercise right to freedom, they are still under legal concept constraint, sense of propriety land within its jurisdiction "free natural and unrestrained". In fact, though, americans are on the surface eps brats, don't respect the law, but in fact, americans are extremely advocating the rule of law. The world no nation as the United States does effort study law, no nation lawyer as the United States does in politics and daily life plays such an important role. Americans beverages with slang criticism of the President and the congress, but on the Supreme Court but with fear of spirit return. This is perhaps americans in casual and restriction on balance, the best example fanch zhang fitting. Individualism and spirit of cooperation.
The good point, the individualism to promote the entrepreneurial spirit, it gives a person by the opportunity, give freedom, encouraging diversity, so as to promote and helps American industry, agriculture, science and technology, education, entertainment and sports development. From the bad perspective, individualistic no-limits expansion to nature caused great damage to the society, also the interpersonal relationship and a thick layer of coldfrost. Many people in cold individualism competition, extrusion, or the life miserable life and frustrated for humanity, or distorted, cynical. Therefore, from individualism positive and negative factors perspective, the key is how evil suppression reward good, and it's also in American culture never properly solve the "difficult" ".
However, it is worth my taste, americans though individualism strong, but they are willing to cooperation. So to speak, in addition to western countries outside Britain no country like americans that are willing to pay for a common purpose and voluntary associate; No country has American federation of private multitude and that have been very effective.
In the European continent, establish a church, a college, a hospital, a charity organs, often time-consuming laborious, with difficulties. But in the United States, as long as individuals or groups interested can easily establish such institutions. Hence, various spawned - joy of good, prosperous business organization, affect political organization, collection of historical data organization, planning future organization, research culture organization, owning guns organization etc, and the like. Almost everyone in the society has its own organization: school boys and girls, businessmen and academics, friends and bring ju, old immigrants and new immigrants, vegans and abstainer, stamp collector, heart patients, etc., all have their own organization. This kind of phenomenon shows that people in the pursuit of individual character development and at the same time, still pay attention to the construction of community organizations, in order to ensure that the community can have order and stability, make the individual interests and collective interests balance between to a certain extent.
2010-11-18 · TA获得超过473个赞
Casual and constraints.
Europeans are more rigid, like a stickler for details, the Germans and the British in this regard was especially prominent. Americans are not, dealing with people on the show was casual and flexible. Almost every English gentleman knows how to do it they should lose like a gentleman; and Americans, though the etiquette books filled in the city, but rarely in unity on the etiquette and customs. In addition to the upper social occasions, the U.S. general public in the most out of social interaction is not conducive to all kinds of people close to the level of rules and prohibitions.
As fewer Americans constraints on their behavior, their performance in many ways very easily. They talk casually, dress casual, casual eating, casual attitude of the people. People think that Americans do not understand the indulgence of their rude, utterly indecent,, this is the casual habits of Americans. Reflected in the English language use, the Americans it's "for our own use" attitude, often in some old-school bitter legalistic; and Hu are widely expressed in the irregular civil law, but also helped many grammarians only sigh helpless. As for the performance of the language of social hierarchy implicit in the words, Americans often dismissed, ignored. Americans may be due to the lack of attention to rules and prohibitions, and their discipline is rather weak, which often makes the implementation of administrative officials and disciplined person a headache. There is a saying that the British believe that regulatory compliance is a kind of fun, but the Americans asked him to put tough regulations as a disrespect to him, or even insulting. American School, the student discipline loose; American families, the parents discipline their children lax; the U.S. army, the soldier is well known slack.
Surprisingly, the U.S. education successfully, most American children grow up to be good parents, good citizens, the U.S. military also occasionally play some victories. This seemingly contradictory phenomenon may be explained: Americans love freedom, not to be forcibly controlled, but in the real exercise of freedom, they remain subject to the legal concept of binding, measured in their own within the purview of the "free chic. " Indeed, while Americans work on the surface did not care, do not respect the law, but in fact, Americans are extremely advocating the rule of law. No country in the world as the United States that efforts to study law, nor which country's lawyers as the United States as the political and daily life in the play such an important role. Americans can be cynical criticism of the president and Congress with foul language, but the spirit of the Supreme Court has to fear each other. This may be casual and constraints on the Americans to maintain a balance, the best example of affordable relaxation. Individualism and cooperation.
The good point of view, individualism is conducive to promoting the entrepreneurial spirit, it gives the opportunity to give freedom, encourages diversity, so as to promote and facilitate the U.S. industry, agriculture, technology, education, entertainment and sports development. From the perspective of the bad, the uncontrolled expansion of individualism to nature caused great damage, but also to interpersonal relationships in society has cast a thick layer of cold cream. Many people in the ruthless competition, individualism, squeezed, or living down and out, rely under all difficulties, or distortion of human nature, cynical. Therefore, individualism, positive, negative two factors point of view, the key issue is how the restraining evil and promote good, and that is American culture has not properly resolve the "hard knot."
However, it is worth my taste, the Americans, strong individualism, but they are also willing to cooperate. So to speak, in addition to the United Kingdom, the Western countries, no country like the United States as a common goal and are willing to voluntarily join together; no country in the private and the Association of the United States as much as fruitful.
In continental Europe, the establishment of a church, a college, a hospital, a charitable organizations, often time-consuming and laborious, difficult. But in the U.S., as long as interested individuals or groups can easily create such institutions. As a result, have set up various - on good music, prosperous business organization, to influence political organization, the organization of historical data collection, planning for the future of the organization, research and cultural organizations, the organization has a gun, etc., do not a rather full. Almost everyone in society has its own organization: the men and women in school children, businessmen and academics, friends, and brought home, the old immigrants and new immigrants, vegetarian and alcohol are, philatelists, heart disease, etc., all have their own organizations. This phenomenon shows that people in the pursuit of personal development, still pay attention to the building society organizations to ensure an orderly and stable society can make between the individual and collective interests to achieve a certain degree of balance.
Read phonetically

ヨーロッパ大陆では、教会、大学、多くの病院、慈善団体、时间がかかり、骨の折れる、困难の确立。しかし、米国として関心のある个人またはグループを简単にこのような机関を作成することができる限りインチその结果、さまざまな设定されている - 良い音楽、商売繁盛の组织上の组织、研究、文化団体、铳の所有権等の组织の将来计画の政治组织、歴史的なデータ収集の组织に影响を与えるには、しないむしろ完全な。ほとんどの社会の中で谁もが、独自の组织がある:男性と学校の子供たち、ビジネスマン、学者、友人の女性、そして持って家に、古い移民と新移民、ベジタリアンやアルコールは、切手収集家、心臓病など、すべての自分の组织を持っています。この现象は、まだ个人的な开発を追求し、人々は秩序と安定した社会は、バランスのある程度を达成するために个人や集団の利益の间で行うことができますように建物の社会组织に注意を払うことを示している
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2010-11-11 · TA获得超过356个赞
캐주얼과 제약.
유럽인 세부, 독일 그리고이 점에서 영국의를 중요시하는 것, 더 엄격한 특히 눈에 띄는했다. 미국인들은 쇼가 캐주얼하고 유연하게 만들어진 사람들을 다루는,되지 않습니다. 거의 모든 영어 남자분들이 신사 답게 잃게해야 할 줄 아는, 그리고 미국인들은, 비록 예절과 관습에 일치하지만, 거의 안에 도시에 가득 차 예절 도서. 상단 사회적 행사뿐만 아니라, 사회적 상호 작용의 가장 밖에서 미국의 일반 대중들이 규칙과 금지의 수준에 가까운 모든 종류에 도움이되는 없습니다.
왜냐하면 미국인들이 그들의 행동에 여러 가지 방법으로 그들의 성능을 아주 캐주얼 덜 제약이 있습니다. 그들은 부담없이 이야기 캐주얼, 캐주얼 먹고, 사람들의 태도 캐주얼 드레스. 사람들은 미국인이 미국인의 캐주얼 습관은 그들의, 완전히 공개적 무례의 면죄부를 이해 모른다고 생각한다. 영어 사용에 반영, 미국은 그것 좀 구식 종종, 태도
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Literally and constraint.
Europeans comparative formalist, like get bogged down in the details, German and British people in this respect was especially prominent. Americans criterion otherwise, attitude towards on expression nimbly casually. Almost every English gentleman knows they how should do just do not break the gentleman poise, While americans, despite of etiquette books pervading city, few in manners and customs unified on. Except in the upper social occasions, American ordinary people in social interactions mostly from various discourages people close to level sex imho.
Since americans in fewer behavior on discipline yourself in many ways, they played too casual. They speak casually, dressed casually, eat casually, to the person's attitude also casually. Don't know them to think that americans indulgence rude, no systems,, this is the American casual habits. Reflected in English language use, americans to its medium-newspaper attitude, often to some hidebound old literati saddened, And those widely used in folk Hu of irregular expression, more make many grammarian ACTS sigh helpless. As for language veiled performance social hierarchy of words, americans often disdain ignore them. Also may be due to the lack of American imho attention, their discipline concepts comparing counterparts, it often makes the administration officials and enforce discipline people headaches. There is a parlance, say it was the British who think observe rules is a fun, whereas americans take tough asked him a defined as to keep his contempt, even insult. American party school, students discipline loose, American families, parents lax discipline their children; American troops, soldiers free lax is famed.
Surprisingly, American education with varying success, America's most children grow up to become a good parents, good citizen, American forces occasionally can play some battle. This seemingly contradictory phenomenon it might be explained: americans love freedom, don't want to be forcibly control, however, in really exercise right to freedom, they are still under legal concept constraint, sense of propriety land within its jurisdiction "free natural and unrestrained". In fact, though, americans are on the surface eps brats, don't respect the law, but in fact, americans are extremely advocating the rule of law. The world no nation as the United States does effort study law, no nation lawyer as the United States does in politics and daily life plays such an important role. Americans beverages with slang criticism of the President and the congress, but on the Supreme Court but with fear of spirit return. This is perhaps americans in casual and restriction on balance, the best example fanch zhang fitting. Individualism and spirit of cooperation.
The good point, the individualism to promote the entrepreneurial spirit, it gives a person by the opportunity, give freedom, encouraging diversity, so as to promote and helps American industry, agriculture, science and technology, education, entertainment and sports development. From the bad perspective, individualistic no-limits expansion to nature caused great damage to the society, also the interpersonal relationship and a thick layer of coldfrost. Many people in cold individualism competition, extrusion, or the life miserable life and frustrated for humanity, or distorted, cynical. Therefore, from individualism positive and negative factors perspective, the key is how evil suppression reward good, and it's also in American culture never properly solve the "difficult" ".
However, it is worth my taste, americans though individualism strong, but they are willing to cooperation. So to speak, in addition to western countries outside Britain no country like americans that are willing to pay for a common purpose and voluntary associate; No country has American federation of private multitude and that have been very effective.
In the European continent, establish a church, a college, a hospital, a charity organs, often time-consuming laborious, with difficulties. But in the United States, as long as individuals or groups interested can easily establish such institutions. Hence, various spawned - joy of good, prosperous business organization, affect political organization, collection of historical data organization, planning future organization, research culture organization, owning guns organization etc, and the like. Almost everyone in the society has its own organization: school boys and girls, businessmen and academics, friends and bring ju, old immigrants and new immigrants, vegans and abstainer, stamp collector, heart patients, etc., all have their own organization. This kind of phenomenon shows that people in the pursuit of individual character development and at the same time, still pay attention to the construction of community organizations, in order to ensure that the community can have order and stability, make the individual interests and collective interests balance between to a certain extent.
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Literally and constraint.
Europeans comparative formalist, like get bogged down in the details, German and British people in this respect was especially prominent. Americans criterion otherwise, attitude towards on expression nimbly casually. Almost every English gentleman knows they how should do just do not break the gentleman poise, While americans, despite of etiquette books pervading city, few in manners and customs unified on. Except in the upper social occasions, American ordinary people in social interactions mostly from various discourages people close to level sex imho.
Since americans in fewer behavior on discipline yourself in many ways, they played too casual. They speak casually, dressed casually, eat casually, to the person's attitude also casually. Don't know them to think that americans indulgence rude, no systems,, this is the American casual habits. Reflected in English language use, americans to its medium-newspaper attitude, often to some hidebound old literati saddened, And those widely used in folk Hu of irregular expression, more make many grammarian ACTS sigh helpless. As for language veiled performance social hierarchy of words, americans often disdain ignore them. Also may be due to the lack of American imho attention, their discipline concepts comparing counterparts, it often makes the administration officials and enforce discipline people headaches. There is a parlance, say it was the British who think observe rules is a fun, whereas americans take tough asked him a defined as to keep his contempt, even insult. American party school, students discipline loose, American families, parents lax discipline their children; American troops, soldiers free lax is famed.
Surprisingly, American education with varying success, America's most children grow up to become a good parents, good citizen, American forces occasionally can play some battle. This seemingly contradictory phenomenon it might be explained: americans love freedom, don't want to be forcibly control, however, in really exercise right to freedom, they are still under legal concept constraint, sense of propriety land within its jurisdiction
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