Winter holidays can be a dangerous time for people who have heart disease. In fact, according to an article citing a study by Ted Ning, Christmas has the highest rate of death caused by heart attack, followed by December 26 and New Year's Eve. Why? "During the holidays, a lot of Americans eat too much and drink more alcohol -- while ditching their exercise routine," said Ning.A heart attack can start slowly with a clot blocking blood flow to the heart, but as the minutes tick by, the heart muscle is suffering permanent damage. Women are more likely than men to experience vague symptoms such as shortness of breath or back pain. Youth — relatively speaking — is no reason to disregard these symptoms, especially if you're female. Heart attacks are up 32 percent in the last decade among women under the age of 50, which is troubling in light of a 2007 study that found more than half of women under the age of 55 who suffer a heart attack ignore their symptoms for more than an hour.
寒假对于有心脏病的人来说是一段危险的时期。事实上,根据 Ted Ning的一片文章的引证,圣诞节时有较高的因心脏死亡的概率,其次是12月26和新年前夕。为什么?Ning 说:“在假期时,许多美国人吃太多,喝更多的酒,抛弃了他们例行的锻炼。”
心脏病发作可能是慢性的,当血块阻止血液流到心脏,在这一分一秒之中,心肌正遭受着永久性的损伤。女性比男性更有可能经历vague symptoms(词典解释:模糊的症状)比如说呼吸急促和背痛。年轻人相对来说,没理由护士这些症状,尤其如果你是女性。近十年来50岁以下女性中高于百分之三十二的人有心脏病,令人困恼的是根据2007年时的一项研究发现超过半数的55岁的患有心脏病的妇女忽视了她们的症状长达一个小时。(最后这里不是很确定,长达一个小时?感觉有点不通)
心脏病发作可能是慢性的,当血块阻止血液流到心脏,在这一分一秒之中,心肌正遭受着永久性的损伤。女性比男性更有可能经历vague symptoms(词典解释:模糊的症状)比如说呼吸急促和背痛。年轻人相对来说,没理由护士这些症状,尤其如果你是女性。近十年来50岁以下女性中高于百分之三十二的人有心脏病,令人困恼的是根据2007年时的一项研究发现超过半数的55岁的患有心脏病的妇女忽视了她们的症状长达一个小时。(最后这里不是很确定,长达一个小时?感觉有点不通)