摘 要: 本文从中西方饮食文化在观念、烹饪方式、菜式命名上的差异入手, 探讨了中餐菜单的翻译原则,
关键词: 饮食文化; 差异; 菜单; 翻译
国饮食文化历史悠久, 内容丰富。中国人的方方面
面都与吃是紧密相连的, 见面打招呼“吃饭了
吗?”, 赞美好的作品为“脍炙人口”, 吃的心满意
足为“吃香喝辣”, 凡此等等, 不一而足。西方的
饮食文化不够发达, 烹饪没有中国讲究, 但是他们
的用餐礼仪和用餐器具是丰富多彩的, 所以比较中
原因, 有助于从理论和实践两个方面来研究中餐菜
单的英译问题, 从而更好的进行跨文化交际。
饮食与文化密切相关, 不同的民族和国家缔造
了不同的饮食文化, 所以饮食文化具有浓郁的民族
1 、观念上的差异
中国是一种美性的饮食观念, 从来都是把追求
美味奉为进食的首要目的。在中国的烹调术中, 对
美味的追求几乎达到极致, 想尽一切办法, 使尽一
切手段, 将食品的味道弄出名堂, 弄出特色来, 这
念, 西方人在摄取食物的时候, 基本上是从营养的
角度理解事物的。强调采用新鲜原料, 强调在烹调
过程中保持原有的营养成分和原有的味道, 蔬菜基
遍性的。在宴席上, 可以讲究餐具, 讲究用料, 讲
究服务, 讲究菜肴原料的形和色等方面的搭配, 但
是在滋味上各种原料都互不相干, 各是各的味, 注
2 、烹饪方式的差异
中国饮食之所以有独特的魅力, 关键就在于它
的味。中国烹饪讲究的调和之美, 是中国烹饪艺术
的精要之处。西方人于饮食强调科学与营养, 故烹
调的全过程都严格按照科学规范行事。再者, 规范
化的烹调要求调料的添加量精确到克, 烹调时间精
确到秒。此外, 在原料的粗加工上也是有区别的,
中餐加工完的形状多种多样, 有块、片、卷、条、
段、丁、末、汁等, 而西餐的原料处理完, 一般只
3 、菜式命名的差异
的信息。中菜命名讲究文雅、含蓄和吉利, 注重表
情、联想能力, 少量大众菜肴以原料命名; 而西菜
命名直截了当, 突出原料, 虽然少了艺术性, 但是
多了实用性。如“佛跳墙”则是根据民间传说, 这
西餐中的菜名要简单得多, 往往一目了然。以“肯
德基”餐厅为例, 光从店名就知道, 这是一家炸鸡
店, 而店中的食品如炸鸡腿、香辣鸡翅、汉堡包,
以及新推出的墨西哥鸡肉卷和海鲜汤等, 几乎都是
以原料加上烹饪方式或者地名来命名的。 展开
摘 要: 本文从中西方饮食文化在观念、烹饪方式、菜式命名上的差异入手, 探讨了中餐菜单的翻译原则,
关键词: 饮食文化; 差异; 菜单; 翻译
国饮食文化历史悠久, 内容丰富。中国人的方方面
面都与吃是紧密相连的, 见面打招呼“吃饭了
吗?”, 赞美好的作品为“脍炙人口”, 吃的心满意
足为“吃香喝辣”, 凡此等等, 不一而足。西方的
饮食文化不够发达, 烹饪没有中国讲究, 但是他们
的用餐礼仪和用餐器具是丰富多彩的, 所以比较中
原因, 有助于从理论和实践两个方面来研究中餐菜
单的英译问题, 从而更好的进行跨文化交际。
饮食与文化密切相关, 不同的民族和国家缔造
了不同的饮食文化, 所以饮食文化具有浓郁的民族
1 、观念上的差异
中国是一种美性的饮食观念, 从来都是把追求
美味奉为进食的首要目的。在中国的烹调术中, 对
美味的追求几乎达到极致, 想尽一切办法, 使尽一
切手段, 将食品的味道弄出名堂, 弄出特色来, 这
念, 西方人在摄取食物的时候, 基本上是从营养的
角度理解事物的。强调采用新鲜原料, 强调在烹调
过程中保持原有的营养成分和原有的味道, 蔬菜基
遍性的。在宴席上, 可以讲究餐具, 讲究用料, 讲
究服务, 讲究菜肴原料的形和色等方面的搭配, 但
是在滋味上各种原料都互不相干, 各是各的味, 注
2 、烹饪方式的差异
中国饮食之所以有独特的魅力, 关键就在于它
的味。中国烹饪讲究的调和之美, 是中国烹饪艺术
的精要之处。西方人于饮食强调科学与营养, 故烹
调的全过程都严格按照科学规范行事。再者, 规范
化的烹调要求调料的添加量精确到克, 烹调时间精
确到秒。此外, 在原料的粗加工上也是有区别的,
中餐加工完的形状多种多样, 有块、片、卷、条、
段、丁、末、汁等, 而西餐的原料处理完, 一般只
3 、菜式命名的差异
的信息。中菜命名讲究文雅、含蓄和吉利, 注重表
情、联想能力, 少量大众菜肴以原料命名; 而西菜
命名直截了当, 突出原料, 虽然少了艺术性, 但是
多了实用性。如“佛跳墙”则是根据民间传说, 这
西餐中的菜名要简单得多, 往往一目了然。以“肯
德基”餐厅为例, 光从店名就知道, 这是一家炸鸡
店, 而店中的食品如炸鸡腿、香辣鸡翅、汉堡包,
以及新推出的墨西哥鸡肉卷和海鲜汤等, 几乎都是
以原料加上烹饪方式或者地名来命名的。 展开
摘 要: 本文从中西方饮食文化在观念、烹饪方式、菜式命名上的差异入手, 探讨了中餐菜单的翻译原则,
关键词: 饮食文化; 差异; 菜单; 翻译
国饮食文化历史悠久, 内容丰富。中国人的方方面
面都与吃是紧密相连的, 见面打招呼“吃饭了
吗?”, 赞美好的作品为“脍炙人口”, 吃的心满意
足为“吃香喝辣”, 凡此等等, 不一而足。西方的
饮食文化不够发达, 烹饪没有中国讲究, 但是他们
的用餐礼仪和用餐器具是丰富多彩的, 所以比较中
原因, 有助于从理论和实践两个方面来研究中餐菜
单的英译问题, 从而更好的进行跨文化交际。
饮食与文化密切相关, 不同的民族和国家缔造
了不同的饮食文化, 所以饮食文化具有浓郁的民族
1 、观念上的差异
中国是一种美性的饮食观念, 从来都是把追求
美味奉为进食的首要目的。在中国的烹调术中, 对
美味的追求几乎达到极致, 想尽一切办法, 使尽一
切手段, 将食品的味道弄出名堂, 弄出特色来, 这
念, 西方人在摄取食物的时候, 基本上是从营养的
角度理解事物的。强调采用新鲜原料, 强调在烹调
过程中保持原有的营养成分和原有的味道, 蔬菜基
遍性的。在宴席上, 可以讲究餐具, 讲究用料, 讲
究服务, 讲究菜肴原料的形和色等方面的搭配, 但
是在滋味上各种原料都互不相干, 各是各的味, 注
2 、烹饪方式的差异
中国饮食之所以有独特的魅力, 关键就在于它
的味。中国烹饪讲究的调和之美, 是中国烹饪艺术
的精要之处。西方人于饮食强调科学与营养, 故烹
调的全过程都严格按照科学规范行事。再者, 规范
化的烹调要求调料的添加量精确到克, 烹调时间精
确到秒。此外, 在原料的粗加工上也是有区别的,
中餐加工完的形状多种多样, 有块、片、卷、条、
段、丁、末、汁等, 而西餐的原料处理完, 一般只
3 、菜式命名的差异
的信息。中菜命名讲究文雅、含蓄和吉利, 注重表
情、联想能力, 少量大众菜肴以原料命名; 而西菜
命名直截了当, 突出原料, 虽然少了艺术性, 但是
多了实用性。如“佛跳墙”则是根据民间传说, 这
西餐中的菜名要简单得多, 往往一目了然。以“肯
德基”餐厅为例, 光从店名就知道, 这是一家炸鸡
店, 而店中的食品如炸鸡腿、香辣鸡翅、汉堡包,
以及新推出的墨西哥鸡肉卷和海鲜汤等, 几乎都是
The western diet cultural differences and the translation of Chinese menu
Pick to: this article from the western diet culture in the idea, the cooking style, dishes named differences, discussed how Chinese menu translation principles,
Put forward some methods of translating Chinese menu.
Keywords: diet culture; Differences, Menu, translation
National diet culture is an important part of culture. in
Kingdom food culture has a long history and rich content. Chinese square aspect
Face with eat are linked together cheek by jowl, greeting people "had a meal
? ", praise good works for "win", eat heart satisfaction
Foot as "popular drink hot", every this etc, and the like. western
Diet culture less-deeloped, cooking without China exquisite, but they
Dining etiquette and dining utensils is rich and colorful, so in the comparison
Western diet culture differences and probe into these differences within
Reason, help from two aspects of theory and practice to study Chinese cuisine
Single translation problems, thereby better intercultural communication.
A, Chinese and western diet culture differences
Diet is closely related to the culture, different peoples and nations as is created
The different diet culture, so food culture has rich people
Sex and the diversity of characteristics. China and western countries such as Britain and America on diet
The concept, banquet etiquette, cooking method and dishes naming, etc
There are significant differences.
1, differences in outlook
China is a kind of beautiful sex food concepts are never put pursuit
The primary aim of delicious as eating. In China, the cookery
Delicious pursue reached almost acme left no stone unturned, make a
Cut means, will food tastes out of plays, make a special features, this
Points are westerners deficits. Western is a rational diet conception
Read, westerners in absorb food, almost from nutrition
Angle understanding things. Emphasize adopt fresh raw material, emphasizes the cooking
Process of nutrients and maintain the original of the original flavor, vegetable base
This is raw. Therefore said among western diet nutrition is with heep
Through sex. In the banquet on, can exquisite tableware, exquisite with makings, speak
Investigate service, exquisite dishes of raw materials such as color of shape and tie-in, but
In the various raw materials were taste on each other, each is different flavour, note
Heavy nutrition collocation.
2, cooking the differences between them
The Chinese diet have unique charm, the key lies in it
The flavour. Chinese cooking cultured harmonic beauty, is China culinary art
The right place. Westerners in food science and nutrition, it emphasizes cooked
Adjustable the whole process in strict accordance with the scientific standard act. Moreover, regulating
Change of cooking requirement accurate to allow the adding amount of fine cooking time. G
Indeed to seconds. In addition, the raw material of rough on also is distinguishing,
Chinese food processing after the shape of varied, mass, pieces, roll, bars,
Section, ding, end, juice, etc., and the western food raw material after handling, only commonly
There is a slice of, block, butyl to wait for a few kinds shape.
3, dishes named differences
Many Chinese dishes are usually contains a lot of history, culture
Information. Chinese food named exquisite refinement, implicative and giovanni cobolli gigli, pay attention to the table
Affection, associating capabilities, a few popular dishes with raw material naming, While the west dish
Naming straightforward and outstanding raw material, though a small artistry, however
More practical. Such as "fo jump a wall" is a basis folklore, this
Dish fragrance yinde temple monks were they sprang wall, etc.
The western dishes are simpler, often be clear at a glance. With "Ken
DE base "restaurant as an example, the light from the name knew it was a chicken
Store, and store of food, such as Fried chicken legs, spicy chicken wing, hamburgers,
And the launch of new Mexico chicken book and seafood soups, etc., are almost
Raw materials plus cooking way or places for names.
摘 要: 本文从中西方饮食文化在观念、烹饪方式、菜式命名上的差异入手, 探讨了中餐菜单的翻译原则,
关键词: 饮食文化; 差异; 菜单; 翻译
国饮食文化历史悠久, 内容丰富。中国人的方方面
面都与吃是紧密相连的, 见面打招呼“吃饭了
吗?”, 赞美好的作品为“脍炙人口”, 吃的心满意
足为“吃香喝辣”, 凡此等等, 不一而足。西方的
饮食文化不够发达, 烹饪没有中国讲究, 但是他们
的用餐礼仪和用餐器具是丰富多彩的, 所以比较中
原因, 有助于从理论和实践两个方面来研究中餐菜
单的英译问题, 从而更好的进行跨文化交际。
饮食与文化密切相关, 不同的民族和国家缔造
了不同的饮食文化, 所以饮食文化具有浓郁的民族
1 、观念上的差异
中国是一种美性的饮食观念, 从来都是把追求
美味奉为进食的首要目的。在中国的烹调术中, 对
美味的追求几乎达到极致, 想尽一切办法, 使尽一
切手段, 将食品的味道弄出名堂, 弄出特色来, 这
念, 西方人在摄取食物的时候, 基本上是从营养的
角度理解事物的。强调采用新鲜原料, 强调在烹调
过程中保持原有的营养成分和原有的味道, 蔬菜基
遍性的。在宴席上, 可以讲究餐具, 讲究用料, 讲
究服务, 讲究菜肴原料的形和色等方面的搭配, 但
是在滋味上各种原料都互不相干, 各是各的味, 注
2 、烹饪方式的差异
中国饮食之所以有独特的魅力, 关键就在于它
的味。中国烹饪讲究的调和之美, 是中国烹饪艺术
的精要之处。西方人于饮食强调科学与营养, 故烹
调的全过程都严格按照科学规范行事。再者, 规范
化的烹调要求调料的添加量精确到克, 烹调时间精
确到秒。此外, 在原料的粗加工上也是有区别的,
中餐加工完的形状多种多样, 有块、片、卷、条、
段、丁、末、汁等, 而西餐的原料处理完, 一般只
3 、菜式命名的差异
的信息。中菜命名讲究文雅、含蓄和吉利, 注重表
情、联想能力, 少量大众菜肴以原料命名; 而西菜
命名直截了当, 突出原料, 虽然少了艺术性, 但是
多了实用性。如“佛跳墙”则是根据民间传说, 这
西餐中的菜名要简单得多, 往往一目了然。以“肯
德基”餐厅为例, 光从店名就知道, 这是一家炸鸡
店, 而店中的食品如炸鸡腿、香辣鸡翅、汉堡包,
以及新推出的墨西哥鸡肉卷和海鲜汤等, 几乎都是
The western diet cultural differences and the translation of Chinese menu
Pick to: this article from the western diet culture in the idea, the cooking style, dishes named differences, discussed how Chinese menu translation principles,
Put forward some methods of translating Chinese menu.
Keywords: diet culture; Differences, Menu, translation
National diet culture is an important part of culture. in
Kingdom food culture has a long history and rich content. Chinese square aspect
Face with eat are linked together cheek by jowl, greeting people "had a meal
? ", praise good works for "win", eat heart satisfaction
Foot as "popular drink hot", every this etc, and the like. western
Diet culture less-deeloped, cooking without China exquisite, but they
Dining etiquette and dining utensils is rich and colorful, so in the comparison
Western diet culture differences and probe into these differences within
Reason, help from two aspects of theory and practice to study Chinese cuisine
Single translation problems, thereby better intercultural communication.
A, Chinese and western diet culture differences
Diet is closely related to the culture, different peoples and nations as is created
The different diet culture, so food culture has rich people
Sex and the diversity of characteristics. China and western countries such as Britain and America on diet
The concept, banquet etiquette, cooking method and dishes naming, etc
There are significant differences.
1, differences in outlook
China is a kind of beautiful sex food concepts are never put pursuit
The primary aim of delicious as eating. In China, the cookery
Delicious pursue reached almost acme left no stone unturned, make a
Cut means, will food tastes out of plays, make a special features, this
Points are westerners deficits. Western is a rational diet conception
Read, westerners in absorb food, almost from nutrition
Angle understanding things. Emphasize adopt fresh raw material, emphasizes the cooking
Process of nutrients and maintain the original of the original flavor, vegetable base
This is raw. Therefore said among western diet nutrition is with heep
Through sex. In the banquet on, can exquisite tableware, exquisite with makings, speak
Investigate service, exquisite dishes of raw materials such as color of shape and tie-in, but
In the various raw materials were taste on each other, each is different flavour, note
Heavy nutrition collocation.
2, cooking the differences between them
The Chinese diet have unique charm, the key lies in it
The flavour. Chinese cooking cultured harmonic beauty, is China culinary art
The right place. Westerners in food science and nutrition, it emphasizes cooked
Adjustable the whole process in strict accordance with the scientific standard act. Moreover, regulating
Change of cooking requirement accurate to allow the adding amount of fine cooking time. G
Indeed to seconds. In addition, the raw material of rough on also is distinguishing,
Chinese food processing after the shape of varied, mass, pieces, roll, bars,
Section, ding, end, juice, etc., and the western food raw material after handling, only commonly
There is a slice of, block, butyl to wait for a few kinds shape.
3, dishes named differences
Many Chinese dishes are usually contains a lot of history, culture
Information. Chinese food named exquisite refinement, implicative and giovanni cobolli gigli, pay attention to the table
Affection, associating capabilities, a few popular dishes with raw material naming, While the west dish
Naming straightforward and outstanding raw material, though a small artistry, however
More practical. Such as "fo jump a wall" is a basis folklore, this
Dish fragrance yinde temple monks were they sprang wall, etc.
The western dishes are simpler, often be clear at a glance. With "Ken
DE base "restaurant as an example, the light from the name knew it was a chicken
Store, and store of food, such as Fried chicken legs, spicy chicken wing, hamburgers,
And the launch of new Mexico chicken book and seafood soups, etc., are almost
Raw materials plus cooking way or places for names.

2025-02-12 广告
The western diet cultural differences and the translation of Chinese menu
Pick to: this article from the western diet culture in the idea, the cooking style, dishes named differences, discussed how Chinese menu translation principles,
Put forward some methods of translating Chinese menu.
Keywords: diet culture; Differences, Menu, translation
National diet culture is an important part of culture. in
Kingdom food culture has a long history and rich content. Chinese square aspect
Face with eat are linked together cheek by jowl, greeting people "had a meal
? ", praise good works for "win", eat heart satisfaction
Foot as "popular drink hot", every this etc, and the like. western
Diet culture less-deeloped, cooking without China exquisite, but they
Dining etiquette and dining utensils is rich and colorful, so in the comparison
Western diet culture differences and probe into these differences within
Reason, help from two aspects of theory and practice to study Chinese cuisine
Single translation problems, thereby better intercultural communication.
A, Chinese and western diet culture differences
Diet is closely related to the culture, different peoples and nations as is created
The different diet culture, so food culture has rich people
Sex and the diversity of characteristics. China and western countries such as Britain and America on diet
The concept, banquet etiquette, cooking method and dishes naming, etc
There are significant differences.
1, differences in outlook
China is a kind of beautiful sex food concepts are never put pursuit
The primary aim of delicious as eating. In China, the cookery
Delicious pursue reached almost acme left no stone unturned, make a
Cut means, will food tastes out of plays, make a special features, this
Points are westerners deficits. Western is a rational diet conception
Read, westerners in absorb food, almost from nutrition
Angle understanding things. Emphasize adopt fresh raw material, emphasizes the cooking
Process of nutrients and maintain the original of the original flavor, vegetable base
This is raw. Therefore said among western diet nutrition is with heep
Through sex. In the banquet on, can exquisite tableware, exquisite with makings, speak
Investigate service, exquisite dishes of raw materials such as color of shape and tie-in, but
In the various raw materials were taste on each other, each is different flavour, note
Heavy nutrition collocation.
2, cooking the differences between them
The Chinese diet have unique charm, the key lies in it
The flavour. Chinese cooking cultured harmonic beauty, is China culinary art
The right place. Westerners in food science and nutrition, it emphasizes cooked
Adjustable the whole process in strict accordance with the scientific standard act. Moreover, Change of cooking requirement accurate to allow the adding amount of fine cooking time. G
Indeed to seconds. In addition, the raw material of rough on also is distinguishing,
Chinese food processing after the shape of varied, mass, pieces, roll, bars,
Section, ding, end, juice, etc., and the western food raw material after handling, only commonly
There is a slice of, block, butyl to wait for a few kinds shape.
Many Chinese dishes are usually contains a lot of history, culture
Information. Chinese food named exquisite refinement, implicative and giovanni cobolli gigli, pay attention to the table
Affection, associating capabilities, a few popular dishes with raw material naming, While the west dish
Naming straightforward and outstanding raw material, though a small artistry, however
More practical. Such as "fo jump a wall" is a basis folklore, this
Dish fragrance yinde temple monks were they sprang wall, etc.
The western dishes are simpler, often be clear at a glance. With "Ken
DE base "restaurant as an example, the light from the name knew it was a chicken
Store, and store of food, such as Fried chicken legs, spicy chicken wing, hamburgers,
And the launch of new Mexico chicken book and seafood soups, etc., are almost
Raw materials plus cooking way or places for names.
Pick to: this article from the western diet culture in the idea, the cooking style, dishes named differences, discussed how Chinese menu translation principles,
Put forward some methods of translating Chinese menu.
Keywords: diet culture; Differences, Menu, translation
National diet culture is an important part of culture. in
Kingdom food culture has a long history and rich content. Chinese square aspect
Face with eat are linked together cheek by jowl, greeting people "had a meal
? ", praise good works for "win", eat heart satisfaction
Foot as "popular drink hot", every this etc, and the like. western
Diet culture less-deeloped, cooking without China exquisite, but they
Dining etiquette and dining utensils is rich and colorful, so in the comparison
Western diet culture differences and probe into these differences within
Reason, help from two aspects of theory and practice to study Chinese cuisine
Single translation problems, thereby better intercultural communication.
A, Chinese and western diet culture differences
Diet is closely related to the culture, different peoples and nations as is created
The different diet culture, so food culture has rich people
Sex and the diversity of characteristics. China and western countries such as Britain and America on diet
The concept, banquet etiquette, cooking method and dishes naming, etc
There are significant differences.
1, differences in outlook
China is a kind of beautiful sex food concepts are never put pursuit
The primary aim of delicious as eating. In China, the cookery
Delicious pursue reached almost acme left no stone unturned, make a
Cut means, will food tastes out of plays, make a special features, this
Points are westerners deficits. Western is a rational diet conception
Read, westerners in absorb food, almost from nutrition
Angle understanding things. Emphasize adopt fresh raw material, emphasizes the cooking
Process of nutrients and maintain the original of the original flavor, vegetable base
This is raw. Therefore said among western diet nutrition is with heep
Through sex. In the banquet on, can exquisite tableware, exquisite with makings, speak
Investigate service, exquisite dishes of raw materials such as color of shape and tie-in, but
In the various raw materials were taste on each other, each is different flavour, note
Heavy nutrition collocation.
2, cooking the differences between them
The Chinese diet have unique charm, the key lies in it
The flavour. Chinese cooking cultured harmonic beauty, is China culinary art
The right place. Westerners in food science and nutrition, it emphasizes cooked
Adjustable the whole process in strict accordance with the scientific standard act. Moreover, Change of cooking requirement accurate to allow the adding amount of fine cooking time. G
Indeed to seconds. In addition, the raw material of rough on also is distinguishing,
Chinese food processing after the shape of varied, mass, pieces, roll, bars,
Section, ding, end, juice, etc., and the western food raw material after handling, only commonly
There is a slice of, block, butyl to wait for a few kinds shape.
Many Chinese dishes are usually contains a lot of history, culture
Information. Chinese food named exquisite refinement, implicative and giovanni cobolli gigli, pay attention to the table
Affection, associating capabilities, a few popular dishes with raw material naming, While the west dish
Naming straightforward and outstanding raw material, though a small artistry, however
More practical. Such as "fo jump a wall" is a basis folklore, this
Dish fragrance yinde temple monks were they sprang wall, etc.
The western dishes are simpler, often be clear at a glance. With "Ken
DE base "restaurant as an example, the light from the name knew it was a chicken
Store, and store of food, such as Fried chicken legs, spicy chicken wing, hamburgers,
And the launch of new Mexico chicken book and seafood soups, etc., are almost
Raw materials plus cooking way or places for names.
Western food culture and Chinese food menu translation differences
Abstract: This article from the concept of Western food culture, cooking methods, the difference in naming dishes, discussing the principles of the Chinese food menu translation,
Chinese food menu translation proposed method.
Key words: food culture; difference; menu; translation
Ethnic food culture is an important part of culture. In
National food culture has a long history and rich in content. Side aspects of the Chinese people
Sides are closely connected with eating, greeting, "Have you eaten
You? ", Praising good work as" popular "and eat the hearts of satisfaction
Enough for the "popular hot drink," above activities, and so forth. West
Less developed food culture, cooking is not particular about China, but they
Dining etiquette and dining utensils are rich, so the comparison
Western diet and explore these cultural differences produce the inherent differences
Reasons, contribute to both theory and practice to study Chinese food dishes
English translation of a single issue, so as to better cross-cultural communication.
First, the differences between Chinese and Western food culture
Closely related to diet and culture of different peoples and nations to create
A different food culture, so the diet is rich in ethnic culture
And diversity. China and Britain and other Western countries on the diet
Ideas, party etiquette, cooking methods and dishes named, etc.
There are significant differences.
1, the conceptual differences
China is a U.S. concept of eating has always been the pursuit of
Regarded as the primary purpose of delicious food. Cookery in China, on
Almost the ultimate pursuit of delicious, tried every means to make a
Cutting tools, the taste of the food came up whatever, to come up with features, this
Point is the West can not. Western diet is a rational view of
Concept, Westerners in the intake of the food, basically from the nutrition
Perspective to understand things. Stressed the use of fresh raw materials, emphasis on cooking
Process to maintain the nutritional content of the original and the original flavor, vegetable-based
The last are eaten raw. So among the Western diet is of a general nutrition
Over nature. In the banquet, you can pay attention to tableware, attention to materials, say
Research services, pay attention to food raw materials and other aspects of shape and color matching, but
Taste of the various raw materials in all independent of each other, each is a different taste, note
Re-mix of nutrients.
2, differences in cooking methods
The reason why Chinese food has a unique charm, the key is that it
Taste. Pay attention to the harmony of Chinese cooking the United States, is the art of Chinese cooking
The essence of the place. Western emphasis on food science and nutrition, so the cooking
Tune the whole process to act in strict accordance with scientific standards. Furthermore, the specification
Requirements of the cooking add spices to the exact amount of grams of fine cooking time
Correct to second. In addition, the rough material is also different,
After processing the shape of a variety of Chinese food, there are blocks, sheets, rolls, bars,
Segment, D, at the end, juice, and Western raw materials processed, it is generally
A chip, block, D and so are several shapes.
3 different dishes named
Many Chinese Dishes often contains a lot of history, culture
Information. Pay attention to food names in elegant, subtle, and Geely, focusing on table
Love, association ability, a small amount of food to the public naming of raw materials; and Western cuisine
Name straightforward, highlighting raw materials, though less artistic, but
More practical. Such as "Tiao" is based on folklore, which
Attracted to the smell of dish monks in the temple so they have come out of the wall.
Western in the name of the dish is much simpler, often at a glance. The "willing
Durkee "restaurant, for example, light from the name to know that this is a chicken
Shop, and store foods such as fried chicken, spicy chicken wings, hamburgers,
And the new Mexican chicken rolls and seafood soup, almost all
With cooking method or the raw material to the named names.
Abstract: This article from the concept of Western food culture, cooking methods, the difference in naming dishes, discussing the principles of the Chinese food menu translation,
Chinese food menu translation proposed method.
Key words: food culture; difference; menu; translation
Ethnic food culture is an important part of culture. In
National food culture has a long history and rich in content. Side aspects of the Chinese people
Sides are closely connected with eating, greeting, "Have you eaten
You? ", Praising good work as" popular "and eat the hearts of satisfaction
Enough for the "popular hot drink," above activities, and so forth. West
Less developed food culture, cooking is not particular about China, but they
Dining etiquette and dining utensils are rich, so the comparison
Western diet and explore these cultural differences produce the inherent differences
Reasons, contribute to both theory and practice to study Chinese food dishes
English translation of a single issue, so as to better cross-cultural communication.
First, the differences between Chinese and Western food culture
Closely related to diet and culture of different peoples and nations to create
A different food culture, so the diet is rich in ethnic culture
And diversity. China and Britain and other Western countries on the diet
Ideas, party etiquette, cooking methods and dishes named, etc.
There are significant differences.
1, the conceptual differences
China is a U.S. concept of eating has always been the pursuit of
Regarded as the primary purpose of delicious food. Cookery in China, on
Almost the ultimate pursuit of delicious, tried every means to make a
Cutting tools, the taste of the food came up whatever, to come up with features, this
Point is the West can not. Western diet is a rational view of
Concept, Westerners in the intake of the food, basically from the nutrition
Perspective to understand things. Stressed the use of fresh raw materials, emphasis on cooking
Process to maintain the nutritional content of the original and the original flavor, vegetable-based
The last are eaten raw. So among the Western diet is of a general nutrition
Over nature. In the banquet, you can pay attention to tableware, attention to materials, say
Research services, pay attention to food raw materials and other aspects of shape and color matching, but
Taste of the various raw materials in all independent of each other, each is a different taste, note
Re-mix of nutrients.
2, differences in cooking methods
The reason why Chinese food has a unique charm, the key is that it
Taste. Pay attention to the harmony of Chinese cooking the United States, is the art of Chinese cooking
The essence of the place. Western emphasis on food science and nutrition, so the cooking
Tune the whole process to act in strict accordance with scientific standards. Furthermore, the specification
Requirements of the cooking add spices to the exact amount of grams of fine cooking time
Correct to second. In addition, the rough material is also different,
After processing the shape of a variety of Chinese food, there are blocks, sheets, rolls, bars,
Segment, D, at the end, juice, and Western raw materials processed, it is generally
A chip, block, D and so are several shapes.
3 different dishes named
Many Chinese Dishes often contains a lot of history, culture
Information. Pay attention to food names in elegant, subtle, and Geely, focusing on table
Love, association ability, a small amount of food to the public naming of raw materials; and Western cuisine
Name straightforward, highlighting raw materials, though less artistic, but
More practical. Such as "Tiao" is based on folklore, which
Attracted to the smell of dish monks in the temple so they have come out of the wall.
Western in the name of the dish is much simpler, often at a glance. The "willing
Durkee "restaurant, for example, light from the name to know that this is a chicken
Shop, and store foods such as fried chicken, spicy chicken wings, hamburgers,
And the new Mexican chicken rolls and seafood soup, almost all
With cooking method or the raw material to the named names.
The western diet cultural differences and the translation of Chinese menu
Pick to: this article from the western diet culture in the idea, the cooking style, dishes named differences, discussed how Chinese menu translation principles,
Put forward some methods of translating Chinese menu.
Keywords: diet culture; Differences, Menu, translation
National diet culture is an important part of culture. in
Kingdom food culture has a long history and rich content. Chinese square aspect
Face with eat are linked together cheek by jowl, greeting people "had a meal
? ", praise good works for "win", eat heart satisfaction
Foot as "popular drink hot", every this etc, and the like. western
Diet culture less-deeloped, cooking without China exquisite, but they
Dining etiquette and dining utensils is rich and colorful, so in the comparison
Western diet culture differences and probe into these differences within
Reason, help from two aspects of theory and practice to study Chinese cuisine
Single translation problems, thereby better intercultural communication.
A, Chinese and western diet culture differences
Diet is closely related to the culture, different peoples and nations as is created
The different diet culture, so food culture has rich people
Sex and the diversity of characteristics. China and western countries such as Britain and America on diet
The concept, banquet etiquette, cooking method and dishes naming, etc
There are significant differences.
1, differences in outlook
China is a kind of beautiful sex food concepts are never put pursuit
The primary aim of delicious as eating. In China, the cookery
Delicious pursue reached almost acme left no stone unturned, make a
Cut means, will food tastes out of plays, make a special features, this
Points are westerners deficits. Western is a rational diet conception
Read, westerners in absorb food, almost from nutrition
Angle understanding things. Emphasize adopt fresh raw material, emphasizes the cooking
Process of nutrients and maintain the original of the original flavor, vegetable base
This is raw. Therefore said among western diet nutrition is with heep
Through sex. In the banquet on, can exquisite tableware, exquisite with makings, speak
Investigate service, exquisite dishes of raw materials such as color of shape and tie-in, but
In the various raw materials were taste on each other, each is different flavour, note
Heavy nutrition collocation.
2, cooking the differences between them
The Chinese diet have unique charm, the key lies in it
The flavour. Chinese cooking cultured harmonic beauty, is China culinary art
The right place. Westerners in food science and nutrition, it emphasizes cooked
Adjustable the whole process in strict accordance with the scientific standard act. Moreover, regulating
Change of cooking requirement accurate to allow the adding amount of fine cooking time. G
Indeed to seconds. In addition, the raw material of rough on also is distinguishing,
Chinese food processing after the shape of varied, mass, pieces, roll, bars,
Section, ding, end, juice, etc., and the western food raw material after handling, only commonly
There is a slice of, block, butyl to wait for a few kinds shape.
3, dishes named differences
Many Chinese dishes are usually contains a lot of history, culture
Information. Chinese food named exquisite refinement, implicative and giovanni cobolli gigli, pay attention to the table
Affection, associating capabilities, a few popular dishes with raw material naming, While the west dish
Naming straightforward and outstanding raw material, though a small artistry, however
More practical. Such as "fo jump a wall" is a basis folklore, this
Dish fragrance yinde temple monks were they sprang wall, etc.
The western dishes are simpler, often be clear at a glance. With "Ken
DE base "restaurant as an example, the light from the name knew it was a chicken
Store, and store of food, such as Fried chicken legs, spicy chicken wing, hamburgers,
And the launch of new Mexico chicken book and seafood soups, etc., are almost
Raw materials plus cooking way or places for names.
Pick to: this article from the western diet culture in the idea, the cooking style, dishes named differences, discussed how Chinese menu translation principles,
Put forward some methods of translating Chinese menu.
Keywords: diet culture; Differences, Menu, translation
National diet culture is an important part of culture. in
Kingdom food culture has a long history and rich content. Chinese square aspect
Face with eat are linked together cheek by jowl, greeting people "had a meal
? ", praise good works for "win", eat heart satisfaction
Foot as "popular drink hot", every this etc, and the like. western
Diet culture less-deeloped, cooking without China exquisite, but they
Dining etiquette and dining utensils is rich and colorful, so in the comparison
Western diet culture differences and probe into these differences within
Reason, help from two aspects of theory and practice to study Chinese cuisine
Single translation problems, thereby better intercultural communication.
A, Chinese and western diet culture differences
Diet is closely related to the culture, different peoples and nations as is created
The different diet culture, so food culture has rich people
Sex and the diversity of characteristics. China and western countries such as Britain and America on diet
The concept, banquet etiquette, cooking method and dishes naming, etc
There are significant differences.
1, differences in outlook
China is a kind of beautiful sex food concepts are never put pursuit
The primary aim of delicious as eating. In China, the cookery
Delicious pursue reached almost acme left no stone unturned, make a
Cut means, will food tastes out of plays, make a special features, this
Points are westerners deficits. Western is a rational diet conception
Read, westerners in absorb food, almost from nutrition
Angle understanding things. Emphasize adopt fresh raw material, emphasizes the cooking
Process of nutrients and maintain the original of the original flavor, vegetable base
This is raw. Therefore said among western diet nutrition is with heep
Through sex. In the banquet on, can exquisite tableware, exquisite with makings, speak
Investigate service, exquisite dishes of raw materials such as color of shape and tie-in, but
In the various raw materials were taste on each other, each is different flavour, note
Heavy nutrition collocation.
2, cooking the differences between them
The Chinese diet have unique charm, the key lies in it
The flavour. Chinese cooking cultured harmonic beauty, is China culinary art
The right place. Westerners in food science and nutrition, it emphasizes cooked
Adjustable the whole process in strict accordance with the scientific standard act. Moreover, regulating
Change of cooking requirement accurate to allow the adding amount of fine cooking time. G
Indeed to seconds. In addition, the raw material of rough on also is distinguishing,
Chinese food processing after the shape of varied, mass, pieces, roll, bars,
Section, ding, end, juice, etc., and the western food raw material after handling, only commonly
There is a slice of, block, butyl to wait for a few kinds shape.
3, dishes named differences
Many Chinese dishes are usually contains a lot of history, culture
Information. Chinese food named exquisite refinement, implicative and giovanni cobolli gigli, pay attention to the table
Affection, associating capabilities, a few popular dishes with raw material naming, While the west dish
Naming straightforward and outstanding raw material, though a small artistry, however
More practical. Such as "fo jump a wall" is a basis folklore, this
Dish fragrance yinde temple monks were they sprang wall, etc.
The western dishes are simpler, often be clear at a glance. With "Ken
DE base "restaurant as an example, the light from the name knew it was a chicken
Store, and store of food, such as Fried chicken legs, spicy chicken wing, hamburgers,
And the launch of new Mexico chicken book and seafood soups, etc., are almost
Raw materials plus cooking way or places for names.