欧拉著作的惊人多产并不是偶然的,他可以在任何不良的环境中工作,他常常抱着孩子在膝上完成论文,也不顾孩子在旁边喧哗.他那顽强的毅力和孜孜不倦的治学精神,使他在双目失明以后,也没有停止对数学的研究,在失明后的17年间,他还口述了几本书和400篇左右的论文.19世纪伟大数学家高斯(Gauss,1777-1855年)曾说:"研究欧拉的著作永远是了解数学的最好方法." 展开
欧拉著作的惊人多产并不是偶然的,他可以在任何不良的环境中工作,他常常抱着孩子在膝上完成论文,也不顾孩子在旁边喧哗.他那顽强的毅力和孜孜不倦的治学精神,使他在双目失明以后,也没有停止对数学的研究,在失明后的17年间,他还口述了几本书和400篇左右的论文.19世纪伟大数学家高斯(Gauss,1777-1855年)曾说:"研究欧拉的著作永远是了解数学的最好方法." 展开
Euler profound knowledge, boundless creative energy and unprecedented abundant writings, all is amazing! He from 19 began to publish papers, until 76, more than half a century wrote numerous books and papers. To present almost every mathematics field can see euler's name, from elementary geometric's arrows, polyhedron euler's theorem, three-dimensional analytic geometry of euler transform formula, four equations of euler method to number theory of differential equation of euler function, euler's equation, level number constants, euler variational learn euler's equation, complex-variable function of euler formula, etc., can even count. He to mathematical analysis contribution more show originality, the infinitesimal analysis papaer is his masterpiece, epoch-making then mathematicians call him "analytics incarnate".
Euler is the history of the most prolific of an outstanding mathematicians, according to statistics, he that indefatigable life, total wrote 886 the books and papers, including analysis, algebra, number-theoretic occupied 40%, geometric 18%, 28 per cent of physics and mechanics, astronomy, ballistics and navigation 11 per cent to learn, architecture, etc 3%, ont. academy of sciences to finishing his work, fully busy for the home.
Euler works amazing prolific and not accidental, he can in any adverse environment, work, he often carries a child on the knees completion thesis, nor their children beside noise. His indomitable perseverance and tireless in reserch spirit made him blind after, does not stop of mathematics study, in the 17 years from blindness, he also oral several books and 400 article about papers. 19th century great mathematician Gauss (Gauss, 1777 - in 1855) had said: "research work is always understand euler mathematical best method."
Euler is the history of the most prolific of an outstanding mathematicians, according to statistics, he that indefatigable life, total wrote 886 the books and papers, including analysis, algebra, number-theoretic occupied 40%, geometric 18%, 28 per cent of physics and mechanics, astronomy, ballistics and navigation 11 per cent to learn, architecture, etc 3%, ont. academy of sciences to finishing his work, fully busy for the home.
Euler works amazing prolific and not accidental, he can in any adverse environment, work, he often carries a child on the knees completion thesis, nor their children beside noise. His indomitable perseverance and tireless in reserch spirit made him blind after, does not stop of mathematics study, in the 17 years from blindness, he also oral several books and 400 article about papers. 19th century great mathematician Gauss (Gauss, 1777 - in 1855) had said: "research work is always understand euler mathematical best method."
Euler profound knowledge, endless energy and an unprecedented wealth of creative works, are very amazed! He began to publish papers from the 19-year-old until 76 years, wrote more than half a multitude of books and papers. To almost every field of mathematics today can see the names of Euler, Euler line from elementary geometry, Euler's polyhedron theorem, Euler's transformation formula of three-dimensional analytic geometry, four equations in the Euler solution to several of the European pull function, differential equation, series of the Euler's constant, Euler's equation of variations, complex function of the Euler formula, etc., count them. His contribution to the mathematical analysis is more distinctive, "Introduction to infinitesimal analysis" a book that is representative of his epoch-making, when mathematicians called him "the embodiment of learning."
Euler was the most prolific history of science a distinguished mathematician, according to statistics his tireless life, wrote a total of 886 books and papers, including analysis, algebra, number theory 40%, 18% geometry, physics and Mechanics 28%, 11% of astronomy, ballistics, marine science, architecture and other 3%, St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences to organize his work, a full forty years busy.
Euler amazing works of prolific is not accidental, he can work in any adverse environment, he often take their children to finish a paper in her lap, and despite the child next to the noise. His indomitable perseverance and tireless scholarship spirit made him blind then, did not stop the research in mathematics, 17 years after the blind, he also dictated several books and about 400 papers. The great 19th century mathematician Gauss (Gauss ,1777-1855 years) said: "The work of Euler is always the best way to understand math."
Euler was the most prolific history of science a distinguished mathematician, according to statistics his tireless life, wrote a total of 886 books and papers, including analysis, algebra, number theory 40%, 18% geometry, physics and Mechanics 28%, 11% of astronomy, ballistics, marine science, architecture and other 3%, St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences to organize his work, a full forty years busy.
Euler amazing works of prolific is not accidental, he can work in any adverse environment, he often take their children to finish a paper in her lap, and despite the child next to the noise. His indomitable perseverance and tireless scholarship spirit made him blind then, did not stop the research in mathematics, 17 years after the blind, he also dictated several books and about 400 papers. The great 19th century mathematician Gauss (Gauss ,1777-1855 years) said: "The work of Euler is always the best way to understand math."
Euler profound knowledge, boundless creative energy and unprecedented abundant writings, all is amazing! He from 19 began to publish papers, until 76, more than half a century wrote numerous books and papers. To present almost every mathematics field can see euler's name, from elementary geometric's arrows, polyhedron euler's theorem, three-dimensional analytic geometry of euler transform formula, four equations of euler method to number theory of differential equation of euler function, euler's equation, level number constants, euler variational learn euler's equation, complex-variable function of euler formula, etc., can even count. He to mathematical analysis contribution more show originality, the infinitesimal analysis papaer is his masterpiece, epoch-making then mathematicians call him "analytics incarnate".
Euler is the history of the most prolific of an outstanding mathematicia...
Euler is the history of the most prolific of an outstanding mathematicia...