
期末了一大堆课程小论文要交,还有复习...心力交瘁额。最过分的是英语老师要我们交个用英文写的关于学习策略的论文。天啊,周2还有口语考试,也要准备,这个论文我把中文的搞出来... 期末了一大堆课程小论文要交,还有复习...心力交瘁额。最过分的是英语老师要我们交个用英文写的关于学习策略的论文。天啊,周2还有口语考试,也要准备,这个论文我把中文的搞出来了。软件翻译的惨不忍睹,没时间慢慢改了。求高手帮忙。翻译一下这个作业。要求:大学生水平,不要求完全地道准确。拿得出手,能交上去就行......
摘 要:词汇学习是英语学习的重要组成部分,单词量直接影响学生英语能力的发展。利用记忆规律,科学地进行词汇记忆,以词汇的积累为突破口,全面提高英语水平是英语学习的一项重要任务。
关键词:背单词 英语学习方法

单词是构成语言的三大要素之一,记忆单词是学好英语的首要基础。英国著名语言学家 D.A.Wilkins 曾经说过:没有语法,人们不能表达很多东西,而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何东西。词汇是其他技能的基础,掌握了足够的词汇量,听说、读、写等方面才有保障。
英语词汇的学习贵在做好最基本的单词记忆。英语词汇有数十万,能用得上的不过零头而已,沙士比亚也就用了两万来个词。美国桑代克教授曾根据普通书报文章对较常用单词的出现率进行过统计,所得的结果是:最常用的3000个单词的出现率占97.66℅ 这说明,掌握好3000个常用词汇显得尤为重要。
英语词汇的学习贵在重复。学过的单词,如果不经常重复,会很快忘掉,这是很自然的事。因此,学习英语就要在 人总会忘记的大前提下,通过重复记忆,将单词牢牢地印在脑海中。
第一次遇到某个生词时,不要盲目查字典。应先分析一下所遇到的生词的构成, 看看其中是否包含着你已学过的词或熟悉的部分, 从已知推出未知。准确的发音不但有助于听力的提高, 且对标准拼写单词起着至关重要的作用。
不要把学好英语的希望寄托在完整、系统地学习上, 也不要寄托在大块的时间上。 因为人脑不电脑, 系统地、大量地学, 也会系统地、大量地忘记。
注重整体理解许多人在英语学习中不善于把英语词汇及词组放在特定的语言环境中去加以理解和记忆, 而是单打一, 一个词一个词去理解, 去记忆。因而他们获得的词义是孤立的、片面的和狭窄的, 对词义的理解和掌握也十分呆板有限。 如:“ D r . koope has called for a smoke free America by the year 2000。” 单独死记单词的人很容易把此句理解为 “库柏博士号召在2000 年以前建立一个免费(或自由)抽烟的美国” 。这样理解显然和文章主题格格不入了。之所以理解错误是因为句中 “f ree” 一词常用含义的 “自由的” ,“免费的” 而不知道还有 “无…的” 意思。 此句应是 “库柏博士号召在 2000 年以前建立一个无人抽烟的美国。 ” 学习者应该记住生词所在那句话, 看一下它在句中作何成份, 从而知其词性, 看它在文中作何解释, 从而知其词义; 看它前后与什么搭配, 从而掌握其固定用法。 通过上述方法掌握的词语是 “活” 的, 而不是 “死” 的。 它会保证你说出来的是地道的英语, 读出来的是准确的句子, 写出来的是完整的表达。 从而有效地提高听、 说、 读、 写的能力。由此可见, 注重整体记忆和理解是非常之必要的。

就是一个课程作业而已。重赏求帮忙,200!! 那个翻译时记得帮忙衔接一下哈~就这样咯。

 我来答
The final a lot of course, still have small paper to deliver review... Burnout forehead. Most excessive is an English teacher asked us to hand in a written in English on learning strategies papers. Gosh, week 2 and the oral exam, also want to preparation, this paper I put the Chinese make out. Software translation disastrous, no time slowly changed. For expert help. Translation of this assignment. Requirements: college level, and don't ask completely authentic accurate. Take shots, can submit go do...

As follows:

Pick to: vocabulary learning is an important part of learning English vocabulary will directly influence the students, English ability of development. By memory rule, scientifically vocabulary memory to the accumulation of vocabulary as the breakthrough, comprehensively improve my English level is English learning a important task.

Keywords: memorizing words method to learn English

Word is one of the three elements of a language, vocabulary memory is the primary basis of learning English well. The British famous linguists D.A.W ilkins once said: no grammar, people can't express a lot of things, and no vocabulary, people are unable to express any thing. Vocabulary is the basis of other skills and master the enough vocabulary, listening, reading, writing, etc to is guaranteed.

English vocabulary learning lies in getting the most basic word memory. Hundreds of thousands of English vocabulary, can use but oddment just, shakeespeare also USES the 20,000 to a word. American the thorndike professor had according to ordinary newspapers articles for less commonly used words appear rate statistics results: the most commonly used 3000 words appear rate of 97.66 ℅ this elucidation, mastering 3000 commonly used words appear particularly important.

English vocabulary learning lies repetition. Has studied the word, if not often repeat, will soon forget, this is a very natural thing. Therefore, studying English is in there will always be people who'll forget the premise, through repeated memory, will firmly printed words in mind.

First met some new words, don't blindly the dictionary. Should first analyze the composition of encountered by the new words and see which whether contains you have already learned words or familiar part, from known launch unknown. Accurate pronunciation can not only help to improve listening comprehension, and standard spelling words plays a vital role.

Don't put the learn English hopes on complete and systematic study, and don't rely on chunk of their time. Because the brain does not computer, systematically, a large number of geological, will also systematically, a large quantity of forget.

Pay attention to the overall understanding many people in English study not good at English words and phrases in particular language environment are understood and memory, but ChanDaYi, a word a word to understand, to memory. Thus they have meaning is isolated and unilateral and narrow, to understand and grasp the meaning is also very inflexible limited. Such as: "D r. koope language as for a year by our free on behalf the 2000." Separate the pronunciations of words is likely to put this sentence understood as "dr cooper call before the year 2000 to build a free (or freedom) smoking America". Understand so obviously and the theme antipathetic. The understand error because the sentences "f stable ree" one word meaning "freedom of commonly used", "free" and don't know... "and" without meaning. This sentence should be "dr cooper call before the year 2000 to build a no smoking America." learners should learn new words in the sentence, look at it in sentence what ingredients, thus know their parts of speech, see it in the paper how explanation, thus know its meaning; See it before and what is tie-in, thus to master its fixed usage. Through the above method mastery of the word is "live" rather than "death". It will ensure you said it is authentic English, read out was accurate sentences, the written expression is intact. To improve listening, speaking, reading and writing ability. Thus, pay attention to integral memory and understanding is very necessary.








掌握新单词的反义词。反义词指意思与另一词相反的词。学反义词同样也可以帮助你增加词汇量,例如,"bad'和” good'就是两个反义词。






在单词教学中,尽可能把新、旧单词从同义、反义、同音异义、同形异义等方面进行联系对比,使学生在学习新单词同时又复习了旧单词,印象更深,记忆更牢固。�如同义词:must-siould-ought(应该) listen-hear(听), begin-start(开始),ask-request-solicit(请求)等。�反义词:tall-short, ahead-behind。 woman—man,young-old, up-down, befor e-after�
同音异义词:hear-here, see-sea, right-write, no-know,too-two, for-four, sun-son, meat-meet,their-there等。同形异义词:arm手臂,arm武器(常用arms):light轻轻的、淡淡的,light光亮的等等。�近形词:bike-like,big-pig,how-cow. hear-near,boat-coat,night-right等。�

①词头un-表示“不”“无”“非”,able能- unable不能,happy快乐-unhappy不快乐。�
②词尾加er表示“人”“者”,如:teach教,teacher教师;read读, roader读者;works作,worker工人; fight战斗fighter战士;speak说话,speaker说话人。③形容词词尾:beautiful美的,careful细心的,thankful,感谢的�④-ly副词词尾:greatly大大地,quickly迅速地,badly很坏地�⑤-th序数词词尾:ninth第九,eighth第八�⑥复合词:blackboard黑板,workshop车间,afternoon下午,classmate同班者,note---book笔记本, bare-foot赤脚的,meeting-room会议室,man- made人造 �

4.归纳与综合当学习并积累了不少词汇的时候,为了更好地巩固下来并掌握其用法,就有必要做做归纳与综合的工作了。这样就 f可以加深巩固对单词的识别和记忆。如与time有关的单词有:cententury-year-season-fmoilth-week-day-night-hour-minute-second;由season可引出sprins、summer、autumn、winter;由month可引出:January、February、March、April、May、June、July、August、September、October、November、 f December;由week又可引出Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday、Sunday.�
又如:与文具有关的单词有:pencil铅笔 ballipen圆珠笔brush画笔chalk粉笔 rubber橡皮paper纸ink墨水 ruler尺子 compasses圆规 school bag书包。


6.及时复习怎么复习才能收到事半功倍的效果呢?这里主要提两点: 6.1正确地分配复习时间。根据遗忘的规律:先快后慢。先多后少来安排复习时间,先集中复习大约要十五分钟后,分散复习只用1分钟就够了。这样分散时间复习会提高记忆的效率。还有复习只有在遗忘还没有开始的时候才更有效。6.2方式方法要多样化。复习单诃不应该一次紧跟一次的“旧调重弹”或者一口气念十几二十遍。这样单调、机械的重复会产生枯燥、乏味、厌烦的情绪,容易引起大脑的抑制。最好采取多种多样的方式。如:朗诵短句,听录音,做练习,中英文互译,适当地泛读一些简易读物。还可以成立学习小组进行会话、讲故事、做游戏等。随着科学的发展、电子技术日新月异的进步,为掌握单词提供了电化设备。如:看电视、听外文广播、看外文电影等,这些先进的工具都为我们迅速掌握外语、记住大量词汇服务。此外,还可以利用一些名句、诗句来帮助我们记单词。如:No smoke without fire.无风不起浪。A friend in need is afriend in deed.患难见真情。He laugh s bes t who laughs last.事未到头先勿得意。where there is a will,three is a way.有志者事竟成。�

2010-12-20 · TA获得超过586个赞
The way to recite vocabulary in English learning

vocabulary learning is an important part of learning English vocabulary will directly influence the students, English ability of development. By memory rule, scientifically vocabulary memory to the accumulation of vocabulary as the breakthrough, comprehensively improve my English level is English learning a important task.

recite、 learning method of English

1. Introduction
2. The importance of vocabulary
3. Learning method

1. Introduction:
Word is one of the three elements of a language, vocabulary memory is the primary basis of learning English well. The British famous linguists D.A.W ilkins once said: no grammar, people can't express a lot of things, and no vocabulary, people are unable to express any thing. Vocabulary is the basis of other skills and master the enough vocabulary, listening, reading, writing, etc to is guaranteed.

2. The importance of vocabulary
English vocabulary learning lies in getting the most basic word memory. Hundreds of thousands of English vocabulary, can use but oddment just, shakeespeare also USES the 20,000 to a word. American the thorndike professor had according to ordinary newspapers articles for less commonly used words appear rate statistics results: the most commonly used 3000 words appear rate of 97.66 ℅ this elucidation, mastering 3000 commonly used words appear particularly important.

English vocabulary learning lies repetition. Has studied the word, if not often repeat, will soon forget, this is a very natural thing. Therefore, studying English is in there will always be people who'll forget the premise, through repeated memory, will firmly printed words in mind.

3. Learning method
First met some new words, don't blindly the dictionary. Should first analyze the composition of encountered by the new words and see which whether contains you have already learned words or familiar part, from known launch unknown. Accurate pronunciation can not only help to improve listening comprehension, and standard spelling words plays a vital role.

Don't put the learn English hopes on complete and systematic study, and don't rely on chunk of their time. Because the brain does not computer, systematically, a large number of geological, will also systematically, a large quantity of forget.


Pay attention to the overall understanding many people in English study not good at English words and phrases in particular language environment are understood and memory, but ChanDaYi, a word a word to understand, to memory. Thus they have meaning is isolated and unilateral and narrow, to understand and grasp the meaning is also very inflexible limited. Such as: "D r. koope language as for a year by our free on behalf the 2000." Separate the pronunciations of words is likely to put this sentence understood as "dr cooper call before the year 2000 to build a free (or freedom) smoking America". Understand so obviously and the theme antipathetic. The understand error because the sentences "f stable ree" one word meaning "freedom of commonly used", "free" and don't know... "and" without meaning. This sentence should be "dr cooper call before the year 2000 to build a no smoking America." learners should learn new words in the sentence, look at it in sentence what ingredients, thus know their parts of speech, see it in the paper how explanation, thus know its meaning; See it before and what is tie-in, thus to master its fixed usage. Through the above method mastery of the word is "live" rather than "death". It will ensure you said it is authentic English, read out was accurate sentences, the written expression is intact. To improve listening, speaking, reading and writing ability. Thus, pay attention to integral memory and understanding is very necessary.

Thanks to the teacher's guidance, parents' takeing care of and to classmates whom have offered help.

【1】CHEN Chunk-ping (Foreign Language Department; Huangshan College; Huangshan; China);Tactics of Vocabulary Teaching in College English; Science and Technology of West China, CNKI:SUN:XBKJ.0.2008-04-036;2008-03-17

http://epub.cnki.net/grid2008/detail.aspx?filename=XBKJ200804036&dbname=CJFD2008 http://cnki.cqjljy.com.cn/kns50/detail.aspx?filename=JXZX200507023&dbname=CFJD2005&filetitle=%B8%DF%D6%D0%D3%A2%D3%EF%B4%CA%BB%E3%BD%CC%D1%A7%B5%C4%CB%BC%BF%BC%D3%EB%CA%B5%BC%F9

参考资料: http://epub.cnki.net/grid2008/detail.aspx?filename=XBKJ200804036&dbname=CJFD2008

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written in English on learning strategies papers. Gosh, week 2 and the oral exam, also want to preparation, this paper I put the Chinese make out. Software translation disastrous, no time slowly changed. For expert help. Translation of this assignment. Requirements: college level, and don't ask completely authentic accurate. Take shots, can submit go do...
As follows:
Pick to: vocabulary learning is an important part of learning English vocabulary will directly influence the students, English ability of development. By memory rule, scientifically vocabulary memory to the accumulation of vocabulary as the breakthrough, comprehensively improve my English level is English learning a important task.
Keywords: memorizing words method to learn English

Word is one of the three elements of a language, vocabulary memory is the primary basis of learning English well. The British famous linguists D.A.W ilkins once said: no grammar, people can't express a lot of things, and no vocabulary, people are unable to express any thing. Vocabulary is the basis of other skills and master the enough vocabulary, listening, reading, writing, etc to is guaranteed.
English vocabulary learning lies in getting the most basic word memory. Hundreds of thousands of English vocabulary, can use but oddment just, shakeespeare also USES the 20,000 to a word. American the thorndike professor had according to ordinary newspapers articles for less commonly used words appear rate statistics results: the most commonly used 3000 words appear rate of 97.66 ℅ this elucidation, mastering 3000 commonly used words appear particularly important.
English vocabulary learning lies repetition. Has studied the word, if not often repeat, will soon forget, this is a very natural thing. Therefore, studying English is in there will always be people who'll forget the premise, through repeated memory, will firmly printed words in mind.
First met some new words, don't blindly the dictionary. Should first analyze the composition of encountered by the new words and see which whether contains you have already learned words or familiar part, from known launch unknown. Accurate pronunciation can not only help to improve listening comprehension, and standard spelling words plays a vital role.
Don't put the learn English hopes on complete and systematic study, and don't rely on chunk of their time. Because the brain does not computer, systematically, a large number of geological, will also systematically, a large quantity of forget.
Pay attention to the overall understanding many people in English study not good at English words and phrases in particular language environment are understood and memory, but ChanDaYi, a word a word to understand, to memory. Thus they have meaning is isolated and unilateral and narrow, to understand and grasp the meaning is also very inflexible limited. Such as: "D r. koope language as for a year by our free on behalf the 2000." Separate the pronunciations of words is likely to put this sentence understood as "dr cooper call before the year 2000 to build a free (or freedom) smoking America". Understand so obviously and the theme antipathetic. The understand error because the sentences "f stable ree" one word meaning "freedom of commonly used", "free" and don't know... "and" without meaning. This sentence should be "dr cooper call before the year 2000 to build a no smoking America." learners should learn new words in the sentence, look at it in sentence what ingredients, thus know their parts of speech, see it in the paper how explanation, thus know its meaning; See it before and what is tie-in, thus to master its fixed usage. Through the above method mastery of the word is "live" rather than "death". It will ensure you said it is authentic English, read out was accurate sentences, the written expression is intact. To improve listening, speaking, reading and writing ability. Thus, pay attention to integral memory and understanding is very necessary. 给你全翻了,就看有没有美国人了
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2010-12-20 · TA获得超过1470个赞
Method of memorizing English words
Abstract: Vocabulary learning is an important part of learning English, a direct impact on vocabulary development of English proficiency of students. Regular use of memory, scientifically word memory, a breakthrough in terms of accumulation, improve the standard of English is an important task of learning English.
Keywords: learning English word back
Words constitute one of the three elements of language, memory, word is the primary basis for learning English. British linguist D. A. Wilkins once said: no grammar, people can not express many things, not words, people can not express anything. Vocabulary is the foundation of other skills to master enough vocabulary, hear, read, write, etc. is guaranteed.
English vocabulary learning to do the most basic words in your memory. Hundreds of thousands of English words, that can use a fraction of it, however, Shakespeare also used to twenty thousand words. Professor Thorndike U.S. General Books and articles based on the word of the emergence of the more common rate over statistics, the result is: the most commonly used words in 3000 accounted for the emergence rate of 97.66 ℅ This shows that mastering it is particularly common terms 3000 important.
English vocabulary learning your repeated. Learned words, if you do not often repeated, will soon forget, this is very natural. Thus, learning English will always be forgotten in the human mind, by repeating the memory, the word firmly in your mind.
First encounter a new words, do not blindly in the dictionary. Should first analyze the composition of new words encountered to see if it contains the words you have learned or familiar part of the launch from the known unknown. Accurate pronunciation will not only help to improve hearing, and the standard spelling of the word plays a vital role.
Do not learn English hopes in the integrity of the system to learn on, and do not count on chunks of time. Because the human brain is not the computer system, the large study, will be systematically and in large numbers to forget.
Holistic understanding of many people in learning English are not good at English words and phrases on the particular language environment to be understood and memory, but rather concentrate on one thing, a word a word to understand, to remember. Thus meaning they receive is isolated, one-sided and narrow, and on the understanding and mastery of word meaning is also very rigid limited. Such as: "D r. Koope has called for a smoke free America by the year 2000." Individual to memorize words, it is very easy to understand the sentence as "Dr. Cooper called for the establishment by 2000 of a free (or free) to smoke the United States. " This is clearly understood and the topic is out of tune. The reason it wrong because the sentence "f ree" common meaning of the word "free", "free" and not know there is "no ... the" means. Sentence should be "Dr. Cooper called before 2000 to establish a no smoking in the United States." Learners should be remembered that the sentence in which words, look at it in a sentence for what ingredients to know these parts of speech, see it be interpreted in the text to know these meanings; to see what it is before and after the match and to master its fixed usage. To master the words by this method is the "live", not "dead". It will guarantee that you say it is authentic in English, read out the sentence is accurate, written expression is complete. Effectively improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Thus, memory and understanding of the overall focus is very necessary.
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2010-12-21 · TA获得超过446个赞
The Method of memorizing English words
Abstract: Vocabulary learning is an important part of learning English.The English words directly affect the amount of the development of English proficiency of students. Regular use the scientifically way to remember words and make a breakthrough based on accumulation of Vocabulary.Improving the standard of English is an important task of learning English.
Key words: memorization ,way
Words are one of elements of language constitution.memorizing word is the primary basis for learning English. British linguist D. A. Wilkins once said: no grammar, people can not express many things, not words, people can not express anything. Vocabulary is the foundation of other skills to master enough vocabulary, hear, read, write, etc.
Learning English word is guaranteed by memorization. English vocabulary learning to do the most basic words in your memory. Hundreds of thousands of English words, that can use a fraction of it.However, Shakespeare also used to twenty thousand words. Professor Thorndike U.S. General Books and articles based on the word of the emergence of the more common rate over statistics, the result is: the most commonly used words in 3000 accounted for the emergence rate of 97.66 ℅. This shows that it is important to mastering 3000 words.
Learning English vocabulary is vital of repeating. Learned words, if you do not often repeated, it will soon forget, this is very natural. Thus, learning English will always be forgotten in the human mind, by repeating the memory, the word firmly in your mind.
First encounter a new words, do not blindly in the dictionary. Should first analyze the composition of new words encountered to see if it contains the words you have learned or familiar part of the launch from the known unknown. Accurate pronunciation will not only help to improve hearing, and the standard spelling of the word plays a vital role.
Do not learn English hopes in the integrity of the system to learn on, and do not count on chunks of time. Because the human brain is not the computer system, the large study, will be systematically and in large numbers to forget. Holistic understanding of many people in learning English are not good at English words and phrases on the particular language environment to be understood and memory, but rather concentrate on one thing, a word a word to understand, to remember. Thus meaning they receive is isolated, one-sided and narrow, and on the understanding and mastery of word meaning is also very rigid limited. Such as: "D r. Koope has called for a smoke free America by the year 2000." Individual to memorize words, it is very easy to understand the sentence as "Dr. Cooper called for the establishment by 2000 of a free (or free) to smoke the United States. " This is clearly understood and the topic is out of tune. The reason it wrong because the sentence "f ree" common meaning of the word "free", "free" and not know there is "no ... the" means. Sentence should be "Dr. Cooper called before 2000 to establish a no smoking in the United States." Learners should be remembered that the sentence in which words, look at it in a sentence for what ingredients to know these parts of speech, see it be interpreted in the text to know these meanings; to see what it is before and after the match and to master its fixed usage. To master the words by this method is the "live", not "dead". It will guarantee that you say it is authentic in English, read out the sentence is accurate, written expression is complete. Effectively improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Thus, memory and understanding of the overall focus is very necessary.
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