A brand isthe sum of a organization that says and does, it’s about making a promise tostake holders and keeping it. Delivery an unique benefit that important tothem, standing for something.
At Cargill, ourstrategic intent is to be partner of choice, that means knowing ourstakeholders, understanding their needs and meeting them better than anyoneelse.
To do that we must describe our promise tostake holders clearly and consistently. So we talked to them, and moreimportantly we listened, we learned wemust stand out from our competition, and speak in one voice. Cargill is alwayspromise to help our stake holders to achieve success, but today we are making ourpromise in a unique more competitive way, you will be more successful withCargill than with anyone else.
However our stakeholders define success, we promise tohelp them realize it, better than anyone. Keeping that promise means deeplyunderstanding their challenges and making them our own. That’s our work, andour responsibility. But how can we express that promise to the stake holders ina way that’s simple, memorable, inclusive, and uniquely Cargill?
We do it with oneword, Thrive. Thrive catches the benefit that only Cargill can deliver. Weenable the stake holders to succeed. They thrive, and when our stake holdersthrive ,so we. We thrive we can express our promise around the world, to all ofour stake holders. And move our brand from many voices into one. Thrive is anew expression for our brand. But in many ways, Cargill is bringing thrive tolife every day. Helping customers with responsible supply chains. Andpartnering with NGOS to improve farmer incomes. empowering employees to makedecisions with global impact. Working with partners to improve the communitywhere we live and work. And leading the issues like food security, helpingprovide access to safe and affordable food. Helping the world thrive, takecommitment from all of us. And with our brands become partners choice, ourwords and actions become more unified. Our relationships grow more powerful. Ourbusiness becomes stronger.
Our success dependson it. Our future growth demands it. This is who we are and what we stand for. Thisis the promise we make and keep. 展开
At Cargill, ourstrategic intent is to be partner of choice, that means knowing ourstakeholders, understanding their needs and meeting them better than anyoneelse.
To do that we must describe our promise tostake holders clearly and consistently. So we talked to them, and moreimportantly we listened, we learned wemust stand out from our competition, and speak in one voice. Cargill is alwayspromise to help our stake holders to achieve success, but today we are making ourpromise in a unique more competitive way, you will be more successful withCargill than with anyone else.
However our stakeholders define success, we promise tohelp them realize it, better than anyone. Keeping that promise means deeplyunderstanding their challenges and making them our own. That’s our work, andour responsibility. But how can we express that promise to the stake holders ina way that’s simple, memorable, inclusive, and uniquely Cargill?
We do it with oneword, Thrive. Thrive catches the benefit that only Cargill can deliver. Weenable the stake holders to succeed. They thrive, and when our stake holdersthrive ,so we. We thrive we can express our promise around the world, to all ofour stake holders. And move our brand from many voices into one. Thrive is anew expression for our brand. But in many ways, Cargill is bringing thrive tolife every day. Helping customers with responsible supply chains. Andpartnering with NGOS to improve farmer incomes. empowering employees to makedecisions with global impact. Working with partners to improve the communitywhere we live and work. And leading the issues like food security, helpingprovide access to safe and affordable food. Helping the world thrive, takecommitment from all of us. And with our brands become partners choice, ourwords and actions become more unified. Our relationships grow more powerful. Ourbusiness becomes stronger.
Our success dependson it. Our future growth demands it. This is who we are and what we stand for. Thisis the promise we make and keep. 展开