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几个英语题,大家帮帮忙!
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根据句子含义填入正确的单词,单词的第一个字母已给出。
1.The
ship
is
going
u(nder)
the
bridge.
2.I
like
running
a(round)
the
river
bank
every
morning.
填入句中所缺词。
1.They
like
bananas,but
they
(only
)
want
one.
2The
wall
is
too
high,so
cannot
iump(
over).
3.The
swester
is
too
small,I
cannot
put
it
(on).
4They
cannot
find
any
boats,sothey
swim
(
across)
the
river.
5.That
hat
looks
nice(in).
6.Iam
going
to
buy
some
meat
at
(once).
1.The
ship
is
going
u(nder)
the
bridge.
2.I
like
running
a(round)
the
river
bank
every
morning.
填入句中所缺词。
1.They
like
bananas,but
they
(only
)
want
one.
2The
wall
is
too
high,so
cannot
iump(
over).
3.The
swester
is
too
small,I
cannot
put
it
(on).
4They
cannot
find
any
boats,sothey
swim
(
across)
the
river.
5.That
hat
looks
nice(in).
6.Iam
going
to
buy
some
meat
at
(once).
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