
-安理会改革是多方面的,既包括扩大问题,也包括提高工作效率、改进工作方法等重要问题。安理会改革应遵循以下原则:-提高安理会的权威和效率,增强其应对全球性威胁和挑战的能力。... -安理会改革是多方面的,既包括扩大问题,也包括提高工作效率、改进工作方法等重要问题。安理会改革应遵循以下原则:






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2011-01-13 · TA获得超过324个赞
the reform of the security council is various, including both enlargement, also include improving work efficiency and improving work methods and other important issues. The reform of the security council should follow the following principles:

- improve the authority of the security council and efficiency, enhancing its cope with global threats and challenges of ability.

- priority increase developing countries representative. Developing countries have accounted for UN member states of the total number of 2/3 above, but on the council representative seriously insufficient. This situation must correct.

- should let more countries, especially small and medium-sized countries have more opportunities to take turns into the council, participate in its decision.

- and stick with regional balance principle, and take into account different culture and civilization of representative.

- involving regional reform plan should be first in the regions in the group agreed on. The Chinese believe some of the country's avowed region round as principle seriously and consideration.

-- persists the consensus, this is the charter, the purpose is the important spiritual both parties, especially minority national interests, and only after consultation decision to win the most extensive trust and support. Chinese against manually open-ended, there are important differences forcibly vote against the plan.
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The reform of the security council is various, including both enlargement, also include improving work efficiency and improving work methods and other important issues. The reform of the security council should follow the following principles:

- improve the authority of the security council and efficiency, enhancing its cope with global threats and challenges of ability.

- priority increase developing countries representative. Developing countries have accounted for UN member states of the total number of 2/3 above, but on the council representative seriously insufficient. This situation must correct.

- should let more countries, especially small and medium-sized countries have more opportunities to take turns into the council, participate in its decision.

- and stick with regional balance principle, and take into account different culture and civilization of representative.

- involving regional reform plan should be first in the regions in the group agreed on. The Chinese believe some of the country's avowed region round as principle seriously and consideration.

-- persists the consensus, this is the charter, the purpose is the important spiritual both parties, especially minority national interests, and only after consultation decision to win the most extensive trust and support. Chinese against manually open-ended, there are important differences forcibly vote against the plan.
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2011-01-13 · TA获得超过454个赞
The reform of United Nations Security Council consists of many respects, including the expanding issue, improvement of working efficiency and methods. And its reform should be based on the following principles:

Heighten the authority and efficiency of United Nations Security Council and enhance its ability of solving the global threats and challenges.

Being the representative, UNSS should be prior to develop the developing countries which occupy more than 2/3 of the total amount in United Nation members. However, the condition of little representative of UNSC for developing countries should be corrected.

United Nations Security Council should permit more countries, especially the middle or small countries have more opportunities to enter the UNSC in turn and take part in the decision and strategy.

Persist in the principle of regional balance, and represent different culture and civilization.

The reform plan which refers to some regions should be agreed on by the related regions. According to the suggestion of Chinese government, the principle of commission in turn proposed by some countries should be considered and paid more attention.

Persist in reaching an agreement which is the essential decree of Chapter. The aim is to conclude the benefits of each country, particularly the middle or small countries.
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Reform of the Council are manifold, including expansion of, as well as important issues such as productivity, improving its working methods. The following principles for reform of the Council:

-Improving the Council's authority and efficiency, enhance their capacity to respond to global threats and challenges.

-Give priority to increasing the representation of developing countries. Developing countries accounted for more than two-thirds of the total membership of the United Nations, but the severe shortage of representation in the Council. This situation must be rectified.

-More countries should be allowed, in particular small and medium-sized countries have more chance to turn into the Council, in its decision.

-Adhering to the principle of geographical balance, taking into account the representativeness of the different cultures and civilizations.

-Involves various parts of the reform programme should first agree on the areas concerned within the group. China holds that the rotation principle advocated by some countries deserve attention and consideration.

--Insist on consensus, this was the essential spirit of the Charter with the aim of a balanced, particularly small and medium-sized national interests will only be made by consensus decision to win the trust and support of the most widely. China opposes artificially set time limits, against forcing vote there are major differences of the programme.
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