对了,中英文都要6000字以上~!!!! 展开
对了,中英文都要6000字以上~!!!! 展开
比喻的民族性对词语翻译的影响比喻的基础是词语在联想上的相似或相关,它好比一面镜子映照出一个民族的社会心态,因而比喻多采用形象描述、借用等方式使人产生大量联想的词汇。由于各民族的历史发展不同,因而各自都有含特定比喻的人或者事物的词语来体现本民族的历史文化色彩,这就给比喻打上鲜明的民族烙印。例如:英语中”to meet one’S Waterloo”(遭遇滑铁卢)是源于19世纪拿破仑在比利时小城滑铁卢惨败的历史事件,现常用它来比喻惨遭失败,而汉语中有一成语“败走麦城”是指古时三国的蜀国名将关羽被打败后退兵麦城的历史事件,现在也常用来比喻惨遭失败。这两个词语分别来源于不同的历史事件,在表达“惨遭失败”这层意思上有异曲同工之妙,虽喻义相同但各自所具有的民族特色十分明显。又如汉语成语“破釜沉舟”语出《史记》,用来比喻不留后路,下定决心干到底。英语中的burn one’S boats,原指古罗马恺撒大军乘船渡过Rubicon河后把渡船全部烧毁,以此向士兵表明退路已断,只有拼死一战,这与汉语中的“破釜沉舟”可以说是如出一辙。再如,在汉民族文化里,兔子是跑得快的象征,因此在古代汉语里有“静若处子,动若脱兔”的说法,但是在英语中兔子却是“胆小”的象征,于是就有了as timid as a hare(胆小如兔),而汉语中则用“胆小如鼠”来比喻胆小鬼。汉语中形容某人瘦,说“瘦得像猴子”,英文中却说asthin as a shadow(瘦得像影子);汉语中形容某人穷,说“穷得像叫化子”,英文中却说as poor as a churchmouse(穷得像教堂里的耗子);汉语中“挥金如土”、“水底捞月”,相应的英语却是to spend money likewater(花钱如水)和fishing in the air(空中钓鱼)。以上例子说明 ,各民族语言表达方式的鲜明特色性,是其它语言文化不能替代的。因此,在翻译过程中,我们应尊重各民族的文化词语的特点和个性,保留其语言存在和表现的形式。6 地域文化的差异对词语翻译的影响众所周知,英国是一个岛国,海洋的作用在国家的发展史上举足轻重。因此,英语中see,boat,water等和海洋和航海有关的词语往往被赋予特殊的感情和寓意。下面这些词很能体现这一地域文化特点:to feel under the water感觉不适all at sea茫然不知所措to keep one’s head above water奋发图强 to trim your sails见风使舵而汉民族在亚洲大陆生活繁衍,人们的生活离不开土地,松、竹、梅等植物被赋予特殊的感情和寓意,用以抒情托志、喻事述理,如“松鹤延年”、“胸有成竹”等。不同的地域文化使得两种语言在一些表达方式上受到了影响。比如汉语“挥金如土”表示铺张浪费,英语是spend money like water;汉语中常用“雨后春笋”形容新生事物大量涌现,相应的英语却是spring up like mushroom。地域文化的差异除了使英汉两个民族对同一现象或事物采用了不同的语言表达形式,也表现在对方位及其相应物的感知取向不同上。如在汉民族的方位观念中,东为尊(东方El出),西为卑(西方El落),南为尊,北为卑,人们常说:“南来北往”“从南到北”,而英语文化却恰除相反,英美人是从英语地域文化上来理解的,所以东南、东北、西南、西北之类的方位词分别是:southeast,northeast,southwest,northwest。
The nationality of metaphor translation of words is the basis of metaphor in the similar or related associations, it is like a mirror which reflects the social mentality and metaphor used more image description, borrow etc, make the person produces large lenovo's vocabulary. Because of the historical development of different nationalities, each with particular parables people or things to reflect the words of the national history and culture, which gave parables color on distinctive national brand. Example: the English one 'S useful "Waterloo (from) in Waterloo, napoleon in Belgium town in the 19th century, the historical events - Waterloo is commonly used to describe it, while Chinese failure in a idiom" fail "refers to the Madison three days after the defeat cha guan yu shu Madison historical events, they are commonly used to describe now failure. These two words were derived from different historical events, in the expression "failure" mean in this layer is the same, although each has the same but overstepping languages of ethnic characteristics are very obvious. As Chinese idioms "with" the shiji, to not LiuHouLu, determined to slog. "One of the English burn boats, original refers to the Roman army crossed the Rubicon by Julius after all the ferry to burn that already cut back, soldiers, this world only desperate to burn the" Chinese "is similar. Be like again, in the han nationality culture, the rabbit is the symbol of fast, so in ancient Chinese "quiet, the DongReTuoTu", but in English is "chicken" rabbit, hence the symbol of a timid as timid as a hare (r), and with "in Chinese is to describe the coward. Describe someone in Chinese, "thin thin like monkeys," in English asthin said a shadow (thin like shadow), Describe someone in Chinese, "said the beggar," English as good as said in a churchmouse (as poor as a church mouse), Chinese "and" underwater miserly bottle ", the corresponding English is that money to spend money like water likewater (air) and fishing fishing (air). Above example, ethnic language expression distinct characteristics, are other language culture cannot replace. Therefore, in the process of translation, we should respect the ethnic culture words and characteristics of personality, retain their language and expression of form. 6 regional cultural differences of words, the influence of English translation is an island is the role of the state in the ocean history. Therefore, English, water price boat, etc and Marine and nautical concerned words often endowed with special feelings and implication. These words are can reflect the regional culture characteristics: under the water feel unwell feeling all at sea loss to one 's very big head above water to trim your sails unyielding and han nationality in Asia self-healing effcet life reproduction, mainland people cannot live without land, pine and bamboo, mei plant endowed with special feelings and meaning, which means "lyric, Daniel, such as" what is the matter of crane prolong "and" assurance ", etc. Different cultures that two kinds of language expression in some of the affected. Such as Chinese ", "said miserly extravagance, English is like water that money, Chinese have used to describe something new, "", the corresponding English are like mushroom is rising. Regional cultural differences make the same phenomenon or things on the language form, but also in other position and orientation of the different perceptions of correspondence. As in the han nationality orientation, east east for (a), west of El humbled (fall), south west El for honour, north humbled, people often say: "always" from south to north, and English culture "in Anglo-American instead, just come from the regional culture of English, so the understanding of southeast, northeast, northwest, southwest, southeast of shang is respectively: northeast, northwest, and.
美国人相当崇尚个人主义,东方社会 (当然包括中国人) 则强调家族及阶级层次。这是一个非常重要及有影响力的分别。美国人崇尚个人特质的例子很多,父母较少伸手干预子女的发展。
美国人在衣着娱乐方面,都比较随便。最重要的是人与人之间的交往都比较不拘礼,即使双方在年纪上或地位上有很大分别也不例外。这方面的例子多不胜数,例如很多学生对教授,及晚辈对老人家都直接称呼first name可见一斑。这种"越代","越身份"的不拘礼表现,在很多东方人眼中则认为是失礼的行为。
美国社会的发展依靠竞争来作为推动力。"Work hard, play hard"是大部分人的作风。他们在言语争辩时都喜欢压倒对手,这种"getting the last word in"的作风当然是竞争性的一种表现。他们的竞争挑战精神也显露在体育比赛方面,即使是他们所谓的"playing for fun"时也是蛮认真的。一般美国人对于一个球队都十分狂热,往往藉此发泄情绪。例如校队比赛时校警常常要检查进场的观众,不让他们带酒进场。球赛比赛时,观众都喧哗冲天,往往乱抛东西。有些助兴表演也有点莫名其妙,例如有一招是将一个女啦啦队员,从观众席的底层抛起,一级级的人将她接着又再抛上去,直到最高层又再抛下来;偶然也有失手受伤的事情发生。笔者也算是球迷,但都是在家看电视,免得在现场活受罪。而且要算准时间,当球赛完时避免走在路上,因为球迷在赢球时欢天喜地(如果你看到开车的人在乱按喇叭,你不用听报告就知道赢球),输球时则沮丧愤怒,两种结果都是疯狂毕露。有些血气方刚的小伙子更常做一些奇怪的事。有一点要强调的是,如果不是在发泄情况下,绝大部分的美国人都是很守规矩、不骚扰别人的。
美国人囗中的朋友定义比较广泛,而且有区隔性;譬如说工作上的朋友、打球的朋友、学校的朋友、喝酒的朋友等等。 另外美国地域广大,人口流动性也高,而且朋友之间绝少吐露私人的事情,所以友情是比较"温水"性。中国人的友情通常是"牵一发而动全身",一言不合就尽量避免跟对方碰面,"起落"性比较大。中国人朋友之间借钱是相当普遍的,而美国人朋友之间借钱是凤毛麟角的。
可能因为美国多年来的兴盛及教育重点在某方面仍有偏颇,美国人多数 "以本国为中心",对于别国的认识十分肤浅。美国人对世界地理的无知是令美国国家地理学会 (National Geographic Society) 十分痛心的事情。在美国流传一个笑话:东北部的某一个州的某居民,写信去州政府询问关于New Mexico的情形,答复居然是:关于别国的情况我们不大熟悉,无可奉告。
The nationality of metaphor translation of words is the basis of metaphor in the similar or related associations, it is like a mirror which reflects the social mentality and metaphor used more image description, borrow etc, make the person produces large lenovo's vocabulary. Because of the historical development of different nationalities, each with particular parables people or things to reflect the words of the national history and culture, which gave parables color on distinctive national brand. Example: the English one 'S useful "Waterloo (from) in Waterloo, napoleon in Belgium town in the 19th century, the historical events - Waterloo is commonly used to describe it, while Chinese failure in a idiom" fail "refers to the Madison three days after the defeat cha guan yu shu Madison historical events, they are commonly used to describe now failure. These two words were derived from different historical events, in the expression "failure" mean in this layer is the same, although each has the same but overstepping languages of ethnic characteristics are very obvious. As Chinese idioms "with" the shiji, to not LiuHouLu, determined to slog. "One of the English burn boats, original refers to the Roman army crossed the Rubicon by Julius after all the ferry to burn that already cut back, soldiers, this world only desperate to burn the" Chinese "is similar. Be like again, in the han nationality culture, the rabbit is the symbol of fast, so in ancient Chinese "quiet, the DongReTuoTu", but in English is "chicken" rabbit, hence the symbol of a timid as timid as a hare (r), and with "in Chinese is to describe the coward. Describe someone in Chinese, "thin thin like monkeys," in English asthin said a shadow (thin like shadow), Describe someone in Chinese, "said the beggar," English as good as said in a churchmouse (as poor as a church mouse), Chinese "and" underwater miserly bottle ", the corresponding English is that money to spend money like water likewater (air) and fishing fishing (air). Above example, ethnic language expression distinct characteristics, are other language culture cannot replace. Therefore, in the process of translation, we should respect the ethnic culture words and characteristics of personality, retain their language and expression of form. 6 regional cultural differences of words, the influence of English translation is an island is the role of the state in the ocean history. Therefore, English, water price boat, etc and Marine and nautical concerned words often endowed with special feelings and implication. These words are can reflect the regional culture characteristics: under the water feel unwell feeling all at sea loss to one 's very big head above water to trim your sails unyielding and han nationality in Asia self-healing effcet life reproduction, mainland people cannot live without land, pine and bamboo, mei plant endowed with special feelings and meaning, which means "lyric, Daniel, such as" what is the matter of crane prolong "and" assurance ", etc. Different cultures that two kinds of language expression in some of the affected. Such as Chinese ", "said miserly extravagance, English is like water that money, Chinese have used to describe something new, "", the corresponding English are like mushroom is rising. Regional cultural differences make the same phenomenon or things on the language form, but also in other position and orientation of the different perceptions of correspondence. As in the han nationality orientation, east east for (a), west of El humbled (fall), south west El for honour, north humbled, people often say: "always" from south to north, and English culture "in Anglo-American instead, just come from the regional culture of English, so the understanding of southeast, northeast, northwest, southwest, southeast of shang is respectively: northeast, northwest, and.
美国人相当崇尚个人主义,东方社会 (当然包括中国人) 则强调家族及阶级层次。这是一个非常重要及有影响力的分别。美国人崇尚个人特质的例子很多,父母较少伸手干预子女的发展。
美国人在衣着娱乐方面,都比较随便。最重要的是人与人之间的交往都比较不拘礼,即使双方在年纪上或地位上有很大分别也不例外。这方面的例子多不胜数,例如很多学生对教授,及晚辈对老人家都直接称呼first name可见一斑。这种"越代","越身份"的不拘礼表现,在很多东方人眼中则认为是失礼的行为。
美国社会的发展依靠竞争来作为推动力。"Work hard, play hard"是大部分人的作风。他们在言语争辩时都喜欢压倒对手,这种"getting the last word in"的作风当然是竞争性的一种表现。他们的竞争挑战精神也显露在体育比赛方面,即使是他们所谓的"playing for fun"时也是蛮认真的。一般美国人对于一个球队都十分狂热,往往藉此发泄情绪。例如校队比赛时校警常常要检查进场的观众,不让他们带酒进场。球赛比赛时,观众都喧哗冲天,往往乱抛东西。有些助兴表演也有点莫名其妙,例如有一招是将一个女啦啦队员,从观众席的底层抛起,一级级的人将她接着又再抛上去,直到最高层又再抛下来;偶然也有失手受伤的事情发生。笔者也算是球迷,但都是在家看电视,免得在现场活受罪。而且要算准时间,当球赛完时避免走在路上,因为球迷在赢球时欢天喜地(如果你看到开车的人在乱按喇叭,你不用听报告就知道赢球),输球时则沮丧愤怒,两种结果都是疯狂毕露。有些血气方刚的小伙子更常做一些奇怪的事。有一点要强调的是,如果不是在发泄情况下,绝大部分的美国人都是很守规矩、不骚扰别人的。
美国人囗中的朋友定义比较广泛,而且有区隔性;譬如说工作上的朋友、打球的朋友、学校的朋友、喝酒的朋友等等。 另外美国地域广大,人口流动性也高,而且朋友之间绝少吐露私人的事情,所以友情是比较"温水"性。中国人的友情通常是"牵一发而动全身",一言不合就尽量避免跟对方碰面,"起落"性比较大。中国人朋友之间借钱是相当普遍的,而美国人朋友之间借钱是凤毛麟角的。
可能因为美国多年来的兴盛及教育重点在某方面仍有偏颇,美国人多数 "以本国为中心",对于别国的认识十分肤浅。美国人对世界地理的无知是令美国国家地理学会 (National Geographic Society) 十分痛心的事情。在美国流传一个笑话:东北部的某一个州的某居民,写信去州政府询问关于New Mexico的情形,答复居然是:关于别国的情况我们不大熟悉,无可奉告。