请帮我改写这个英语句子 (用高级语法)
Folk cultere is a isolated, conservative,nearly self-sufficient group that is homogeneous in custom and race with a strong family or clan structure, and highly developed rituals.
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先不论这句里的拼写和语法错误(可能是打字时引入的),这句原话出自一本书,Human Mosaic,作者是Terry G. Jordan-Bychkov, Mona Domosh, Roderick P. Neumann。原句是:
Folk cultures are rural, cohesive, conservative, largely self-sufficient groups that are homogeneous in custom and ethnicity, with a strong family or clan structure and highly developed rituals.
托福考试自作聪明地把复数改成了单数,rural改成了small, largely改成了nearly, ethnicity改成了race,意思上就差多了。你这句又被谁改过,而且乱放逗号,所以不好懂。
这里culture的意思不是我们所理解的文化,而是一个部落。不然主句cultures are groups就不对了。
Folk cultures are rural, cohesive, conservative, largely self-sufficient groups. These groups are homogeneous in custom and ethnicity, have a strong family or clan structure, and follow highly developed rituals.
Folk cultures are rural, cohesive, conservative, largely self-sufficient groups, characterized by their homogeneity in custom and ethnicity, a strong family or clan structure, and highly developed rituals.
Folk cultures are rural, cohesive, conservative, largely self-sufficient groups that are homogeneous in custom and ethnicity, with a strong family or clan structure and highly developed rituals.
托福考试自作聪明地把复数改成了单数,rural改成了small, largely改成了nearly, ethnicity改成了race,意思上就差多了。你这句又被谁改过,而且乱放逗号,所以不好懂。
这里culture的意思不是我们所理解的文化,而是一个部落。不然主句cultures are groups就不对了。
Folk cultures are rural, cohesive, conservative, largely self-sufficient groups. These groups are homogeneous in custom and ethnicity, have a strong family or clan structure, and follow highly developed rituals.
Folk cultures are rural, cohesive, conservative, largely self-sufficient groups, characterized by their homogeneity in custom and ethnicity, a strong family or clan structure, and highly developed rituals.