
中学生对支配压岁钱的自主程度就今年而言,有60%的中学生压岁钱在500元以上超过去年,其中,压岁钱超过了1000元的也不在少数。但不同的家庭对子女支配压岁钱的限制及子女支... 中学生对支配压岁钱的自主程度
一、 逛街购物。春节期间,大大小小的商店、超市都热闹非凡,逛街便成为了30%的中学生消遣的首选。每次逛街会购买一些日用品、零食等,而每次购物消费都约在150元左右;
二、 购买学习用品。35%的中学生都将压岁钱用于购买学习用品,如书包、笔、本子等,还会购买一些喜欢的课外书。调查中,一位中学生表示:压岁钱是唯一可以由自己支配而且其数目还比较多的,因此要好好利用来买一些平时父母不会轻易买给你而自己又很喜欢的东西
三、 用于个人爱好。60%的高中生会把压岁钱花费在个人的爱好上,如:买杂志、买碟片、买衣服、玩游戏、上网等等.而且在调查中发现,35%的高中生觉得自己的压岁钱并不够用,常常花完了却依然不能完全满足自己的需求,而这其中有70%的高中生花钱是没有计划的。
四、 用于交际。20%以下的中学生将压岁钱用于同学、朋友的交际中,如请客吃饭、聚会、给亲戚、朋友、同学赠送礼物等,总消费在200~300元间。
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2011-02-19 · TA获得超过486个赞
Middle school students to dominate lucky money autonomous degree
This year is concerned, 60% of middle school students lucky money in 500 yuan and no more than more than last year, among them, the New Year's money more than 1000 yuan is not in the minority. But different family on children dominate lucky money and limitations of children of autonomous dominate lucky money degree is different, the main performance for two points: first, 30% of middle-school students enjoy full of power, money is controlled independently and this mainly comes from many families are the parents hope that through rational dominate lucky money to educate children financial capability; Second, more than 40% of the middle school students can is controlled independently part lucky money (universal in 30-40% of the total money within), of which 50% of middle-school students will also by the parent's supervision. These parents think children still no reason governs the ability of self-control and New Year's money, lest, for their wrong use lucky money but to develop "extravagance" bad habits. Third, below 30% of middle-school students are basically no dominant lucky money in full freedom, they will be lucky money the hands of her parents or by parents demanded money stored for will future need.
Middle school students consumption lucky money approach
Different students for New Year's money view is different, and with the New Year's money is increasing and about how to reasonable consumption this hundreds yuan became adolescents and parents concern. In my investigation, middle school students consumption lucky money approach roughly divided into four: A, shopping shopping. During the Spring Festival, greatly small shops, supermarkets boisterous, shopping became 30% of high school pupils pastime of choice. Every time shopping will buy some daily necessities, snacks, and each time shopping consumption all about 150 yuan or so, Second, the purchase study materials. 35 percent of middle school students will be lucky money used to buy school things, such as bag, pen, notebook, and also will buy some favorite kinds of extra readings do. Investigation, a middle-school student said: "lucky money" can only be controled by myself and the number is more, so should take advantage of to buy some usual parents won't easily bought you and oneself again very like Third, used for personal interests. 60% of high school students will take lucky money spent on personal hobby, such as: buying magazines, buy a CD, buy clothes, play games, Internet, etc. And on the survey found, 35% of high school students feel lucky money is not enough, often spent still cannot completely meet your own needs of which 70 percent of high school students spend money is no plan. Four, used for communication. 20% under high school student will lucky money used to classmates and friends of the communication, such as a dinner party, party, give your relatives, friends, classmates gifts etc., total consumption in 200 ~ 300 yuan between. Through this investigation, I also found nearly one-third of middle-school students almost don't care how much money, and the receipt of the use of money will have a detailed plan of middle-school students at 40%, occasionally schedule of middle-school students also have 30%, visible most students treat lucky money attitude is good. In short, the New Year's money is our country New Year's tradition, but also the seniors of a caring, hope broad middle school students can really use reasonably good every penny to pay much more meaningful!
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