The Rio São Francisco basin, with an area of 631,133km2, covers 7.4% of Brazil. It is situated between 21°and 7°S latitudes and receives precipitation ranging from 350 to 1,900 mm in average years. The Rio São Francisco has an average annual discharge of 100 ×109 m3 with an average flow of 3.150 m3/s at its mouth(PLANVASF 1986). The 2,900-km river crosses fiveBrazilian states and is the 31st longest river in the world (Welcomme 1985). Its water is used for electricity generation, irrigation, urban and industrial supplies,navigation, and fisheries (Diegues 1994).
The Rio das Velhas is the longest tributary in the São Francisco basin. It is oriented in a southwest to northeast direction and extends 761 km from its headwaters,
at an altitude of 1,520 m, to its confluence with the São Francisco River, at an altitude of 478 m.The estimated average annual flow is 300 m3/s (Q95%= 103.69 m3/s) with a drainage area of 29,173 km2 and a mean width of 38.3 m (CETEC 1983).
The headwaters of the Rio das Velhas are located in a transition zone between the Atlantic rainforest and cerrado, which is a common savanna-like vegetation of central Brazil. Both biomes are identified as world biodiversity hotspots because they have exceptional concentrations of endemic species undergoing rapid habitat loss (Myers et al. 2000). Below its headwaters to its mouth, it flows only through cerrado.Another vegetation formation occurs near high elevation headwaters:the“campos rupestres,” or rocky shrublands, such as seen in the Rio Cipó, one of its most important tributaries. This formation is very rich in floral and faunal species, with high diversity and endemism (Costa et al. 1998). 展开
The Rio São Francisco basin, with an area of 631,133km2, covers 7.4% of Brazil. It is situated between 21°and 7°S latitudes and receives precipitation ranging from 350 to 1,900 mm in average years. The Rio São Francisco has an average annual discharge of 100 ×109 m3 with an average flow of 3.150 m3/s at its mouth(PLANVASF 1986). The 2,900-km river crosses fiveBrazilian states and is the 31st longest river in the world (Welcomme 1985). Its water is used for electricity generation, irrigation, urban and industrial supplies,navigation, and fisheries (Diegues 1994).
The Rio das Velhas is the longest tributary in the São Francisco basin. It is oriented in a southwest to northeast direction and extends 761 km from its headwaters,
at an altitude of 1,520 m, to its confluence with the São Francisco River, at an altitude of 478 m.The estimated average annual flow is 300 m3/s (Q95%= 103.69 m3/s) with a drainage area of 29,173 km2 and a mean width of 38.3 m (CETEC 1983).
The headwaters of the Rio das Velhas are located in a transition zone between the Atlantic rainforest and cerrado, which is a common savanna-like vegetation of central Brazil. Both biomes are identified as world biodiversity hotspots because they have exceptional concentrations of endemic species undergoing rapid habitat loss (Myers et al. 2000). Below its headwaters to its mouth, it flows only through cerrado.Another vegetation formation occurs near high elevation headwaters:the“campos rupestres,” or rocky shrublands, such as seen in the Rio Cipó, one of its most important tributaries. This formation is very rich in floral and faunal species, with high diversity and endemism (Costa et al. 1998). 展开
圣弗朗西斯科河流域面积大约631133平方千米,占巴西总面积的7.4%,位于南纬7°和21°之间,平均年降水量在350毫米到1900毫米之间,平均年流量达100 ×109 m3,河口水流量达3150m3/s(PLANVASF 1986)。圣弗朗西斯科河长约2900千米,是世界上第31长的河,流经巴西五个州(Welcomme 1985)。经开发,圣弗朗西斯科河用于发电,灌溉,生活和工业用水,航运以及渔业等(Diegues 1994)。
韦利亚斯河是圣弗朗西斯科河最长的一条支流,它从西南流向东北,从海拔1520米的源头处延伸约761千米,与圣弗朗西斯科河在海拔478米处交汇。据估计,它的年流量达300 m3/s (Q95%= 103.69 m3/s),排水面积达29,173 km2,平均宽度有38.3 m (CETEC 1983).
韦利亚斯河发源自大西洋热带雨林和位于巴西中心的赛拉多草原交汇处。这两处的生物群落区都被认为是世界生物多样性的热点地区,因为它们具有高度集中的地方物种,且正经历着栖息地的迅速流失(Myers et al. 2000)。从水源到河口,韦利亚斯河只流经赛拉多草原。另一种植被的形成发生在高海拔水源地附近:“坎普斯草原”或岩石灌木林地,就像在韦利亚斯最重要的支流之一Rio Cipó看到的一样。这种地貌有着丰富的植物和动物物种,带有高度的多样性和地方特有性(Costa et al. 1998)。
韦利亚斯河是圣弗朗西斯科河最长的一条支流,它从西南流向东北,从海拔1520米的源头处延伸约761千米,与圣弗朗西斯科河在海拔478米处交汇。据估计,它的年流量达300 m3/s (Q95%= 103.69 m3/s),排水面积达29,173 km2,平均宽度有38.3 m (CETEC 1983).
韦利亚斯河发源自大西洋热带雨林和位于巴西中心的赛拉多草原交汇处。这两处的生物群落区都被认为是世界生物多样性的热点地区,因为它们具有高度集中的地方物种,且正经历着栖息地的迅速流失(Myers et al. 2000)。从水源到河口,韦利亚斯河只流经赛拉多草原。另一种植被的形成发生在高海拔水源地附近:“坎普斯草原”或岩石灌木林地,就像在韦利亚斯最重要的支流之一Rio Cipó看到的一样。这种地貌有着丰富的植物和动物物种,带有高度的多样性和地方特有性(Costa et al. 1998)。

2025-01-20 广告
翻译SCI论文的语言能力要求包括以下几个方面:1. 良好的语言基础:SCI论文翻译要求语言通顺易懂,符合规范,用词造句应符合本族语的习惯,要用科学的、民族的、大众的语言。因此,译员需要具备良好的语言基础和语言驾驭能力,包括全面的英文语法知识...
圣弗朗西斯科盆地里,面积631,133km2巴西,覆盖7.4%。它坐落在21°和7°的纬度和接收降水从350至1900 mm平均年。里奥圣弗朗西斯科已经平均每年×100的排放,109立方米,平均流动的3.150立方米/秒(PLANVASF在河口1986年8月初版。2,900-km河的传中fiveBrazilian第31状态,而且是世界上最长的河流Welcomme(1985)。水用于发电、灌溉、城市和工业用品、导航、、渔业(Diegues 1994)。
在海拔1520 m,它的融合与圣弗朗西斯科河,在海拔478米。年平均流量估计300立方米/秒(Q95% = 103.69立方米/秒)了排水面积平均平方公里,29,173 383 m(CETEC宽度1983年6月初版。
在海拔1520 m,它的融合与圣弗朗西斯科河,在海拔478米。年平均流量估计300立方米/秒(Q95% = 103.69立方米/秒)了排水面积平均平方公里,29,173 383 m(CETEC宽度1983年6月初版。