
情境教学以促进儿童全面发展为目标,把儿童发展的许多因素统一在语文教学中,提出了促进儿童发展的“五原则”。(一)诱发主动性教学过程,准确地说,应该是促进“自我发展”的变化过... 情境教学以促进儿童全面发展为目标,把儿童发展的许多因素统一在语文教学中,提出了促进儿童发展的“五原则”。
(一)诱发主动性 教学过程,准确地说,应该是促进“自我发展”的变化过程。教学过程只有通过学习者本身的积极参与、内化、吸引才能实现。教学的这一本质属性决定了学生是教学活动的主体,学生能否主动地投入,成为教学成败的关键。把儿童带入情境,在探究的乐趣中,激发学习动机;又在连续的情境中,不断地强化学习动机。探究心理的形成,对具有好奇心、求知欲望的儿童来讲,本身就是一种满足,一种乐趣。其过程可简单地概括为:探究——满足——乐趣——产生动机。具体操作时,教师有意识地把儿童一步步带入课文描写的相关情境,让儿童感到“情境即在眼前”,“我即在情境中”。儿童可涉足其间,仿佛进入了其人可见、其声可闻、其景可观、其物可赏的境地。客观的教学情境一环环引人入胜;儿童进入情境后的热烈情绪又反过来丰富情境。他们发自内心的微笑,忍不住的哭泣,震动心灵的义愤,争先恐后表述的感受、见解……都使儿童的学习动机在这种“情”与“境”相互作用的持续下得以强化。教学终于成为“我”高兴参与的有趣的、有意义的活动。在这种热烈的内驱力推动下,学生群体为求知而乐,为探究而兴奋、激动,到达了一个比教学预期目标还要丰富得多、广阔得多的境界,真正变被动学习为自我需要。情境教学将诱发主动性放在促进儿童发展的首位,正是因为人的主动性在养成教育中对克服怠惰,激扬奋发的良好的素质具有至关重要的意义
(二)强化感受性 半个多世纪来,我国的教学习惯于“分析法”,使师生陷入烦琐哲学,导致了小学教学的形式主义。情境教学提倡小学教学“强化感受,淡化分析”,即通过优化情境引导儿童从感受美的乐趣中感知教材。优化的情境向儿童展示的可感的生活场景,生动的画面,音乐的旋律,角色的扮演或实物的演示,这些具体生动的形象,为儿童理解语言作好认识上的准备,而且是笼罩着情感色彩的认识的准备。在进入情境后,儿童作为审美主体,通过感官与心智去感受、去体验,引导儿童用他们的眼睛去凝望……在形象的感染中他们渐渐地感受到课文蕴涵的美,或是一种轻柔的美,或是一种壮阔的美,或是一种崇高的美…… 儿童的视觉、听觉、运动觉就在这不断的有指导的兴奋中,在儿童感官可塑性极大的时候就变得敏锐、完善起来,这将直接影响儿童的直觉和悟性的提高。为了强化感受,情境教学注重儿童的观察活动,有计划地结合作文教学将“指导观察——发展思维——训练语言——陶冶情操”结合起来进行,指导儿童观察做到“选择美的事物”、“逐步增加难度”、“拓宽想象空间”。大自然是儿童理想的永恒智慧的源泉。——春夏秋冬、日月星辰、风云雨雪、冰雾雷电、山川田野,都是儿童观察的极美的对象。随着学生年级的升高,还必须逐步地让学生感受社会生活的美,选取那些生动的、形象鲜明的、健康的美的情境为学生提供描写美的人和事的作文题材,强化感受性,让 儿童在感觉中训练感觉。感觉的训练,使儿童对周围世界日渐留心、敏感,这就开拓了源泉,积累了丰富的表象,并有效地提高了儿童的语言素养、情感素养。这是提高儿童素质的重要的基础。
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2011-03-14 · TA获得超过199个赞
Situational teaching to promote the comprehensive development of children as the goal, the unity of many factors that a child's development in language teaching, child development is proposed to promote the "five principles."
(A) of the teaching process induced by the initiative, rather, should be to promote "self-development" process of change. Only through the process of teaching the learner's own active participation in, attracting can be achieved. Teaching students the essential nature of the decision is the main teaching activities, students can take the initiative to put into education the key to success. Into the situation of children in the joy of exploration, stimulate learning motivation; again in a continuous context, continue to strengthen the motivation to learn. Explore the psychological formation, with curiosity, desire for knowledge of children is concerned, is in itself a satisfaction, a pleasure. The process can be simply summarized as follows: to explore - to meet - fun - have motivation. Specific operations, the teacher consciously put children into the text step by step description of the relevant context, so that children feel "situation that is in front," "I that in context." Children involved in the meantime, as if into its visible to everyone, its sound could be heard, the King considerable, and its properties can enjoy the situation. Objective of a ring engaging teaching situation; children into the situation after the warm rich emotional context in turn. They smile from the heart, could not help crying, shaking indignation mind scramble to express feelings, opinions ... ... all the motivation of children in this "love" and "environment" to be strengthened under the ongoing interaction. Teaching has finally become a "me" happy to participate in interesting, meaningful activities. The internal driving forces in this lively, driven by student groups for the knowledge and music, to explore the excitement, emotion, reached a target than teaching but also much richer, much broader realm, the real change from passive learning to self- needs. Situational teaching will induce the development of the initiative on the promotion of children first, it is because people's initiative to develop education in overcoming laziness, and boosting the quality of the good work hard paramount importance
(B) strengthen the sensitivity over half a century, accustomed to the teaching of "Analysis", so that teachers and students into scholasticism, leading to the formalism of the primary school teaching. Situational teaching to promote primary school teaching "strengthen feelings fade analysis", that is, by optimizing the situation to guide children from feelings of pleasure in the perception of beauty materials. Optimal situation can be shown to children a sense of life scenes, vivid images, music, melody, or play the role of physical presentation, these specific vivid image for the children to understand the language well understanding on the preparation, and is enveloped Emotion knowledge of preparation. Into context, the children as the aesthetic subject, through the senses and mind to feel, to experience, guiding children to stare with their eyes ... ... in the image of infection implies that they gradually feel the beauty of the text, or a gentle the United States, or a magnificent beauty, or a sublime beauty of the ... ... children's vision, hearing, motion perception to have been guided in this excitement, the great plasticity of the child when the senses become sharp, perfected, it will directly affect children's intuition and understanding improved. In order to strengthen feelings of situational teaching activities focus on observation of children, there are plans to integrate writing instruction will "guide the observation - the development of thinking - Training Language - cultivates the" combine to guide the children to do observation, "select a beautiful thing" , "and gradually increase the difficulty," "expand the imagination." Nature is ideal for children, the source of eternal wisdom. - Seasons, moon and stars, the situation snow, ice fog, lightning, mountains and fields are very beautiful children, the object of observation. The higher grades as students must also gradually enable students to experience the beauty of social life, select those vivid, vivid, and the health of the U.S. context to provide students with an essay describing people and things of beauty theme, enhanced sensitivity, training children in the sense of feeling. Sense of training, increasing the child care around the world, sensitive, and this opened up the source of the appearance of accumulated wealth, and effectively improve children's language literacy, emotional literacy. It is important to improve the quality of children's foundation.
2011-03-14 · TA获得超过1833个赞
Situational teaching to promote the comprehensive development of children as the target, unified in the children's development of a number of factors in language teaching, put forward for the development of children "five principles". (A) induced initiative teaching process, specifically, should be to promote "development" as it evolves. Only through the process of teaching learners themselves, internalization, attract the active participation can be achieved. This property determines the student is the essence of the teaching body of teaching activities, students can take the initiative to invest, become the key to the success of the teaching. Bringing children into the situation, in the fun of exploration, stimulate learning motivation; also in a continuous situation of constantly strengthening motivation. Formation of psychological inquiry, on children with curiosity, desire to learn, is itself a meeting, a pleasure. The process can be briefly summarized as: fun------met produces motive. When a specific operation, teacher consciously step children into the text description of the relevant situations, children are "situation is now", "I that is in the situation." Children can set foot there, seem to have entered person visible and the sound of audible, its King, its appreciation of the situation. Objective teaching situation of a fascinating ring ring; after entering the situation of children of warm emotions turn rich context. Their heartfelt smiles, could not help but cry, and indignation of the soul, scrambling to express feelings and opinions of sth Children's learning motivation in this "love" and "nature" continued to be strengthened under the interaction. Teaching finally became "I" pleased to participate in interesting and meaningful activities. In this warm internal incentive driven by student groups to learn music, excitement, excited for the research, reached a much more rich than the teaching target, much broader realm, changing passive learning to self in genuine need. Induced by the situational teaching initiative in promoting the development of children the first place, it is because of people's initiative in education to overcome inaction, good quality is of crucial significance for boosting energy (ii) strengthen the feelings of more than half a century, our teaching is used to "analysis", the teachers and students into Scholasticism, resulting in a primary school teaching of formalism. Situational teaching to promote teaching in primary schools "enhanced feel, play down the analysis", that is by optimizing scenarios guide children from feel the joy of beauty in perception textbooks. Optimization of scene situation to show children a sense of life, vivid images, rhythm of the music, role play or real shows, these concrete and vivid image, ready for children to understand language for the understanding, but also over the awareness of the emotional color of preparing. After entering the situation, as aesthetic subject in children, through the senses and the mind to feel, to experience, lead children to use their eyes to gaze at sth In the image of infection they gradually feel the text contained in the United States, or a gentle beauty, or a magnificent beauty, or a noble beauty of sth Children with Visual, hearing, motion perception in this constant guidance of excitement, sensory plasticity in children a great deal of time becomes sharp and perfect, and this will directly affect the child's intuition and understanding improved. In order to strengthen the experience, observation of situational teaching focusing on children, systematically combining the teaching of composition "language guide--development thinking--training--edifying" combine, observation of guiding children do "select beautiful things", "gradually increasing difficulty", "broadening imagination." Source of the eternal wisdom of nature is ideal for children. --Clothes, am the fog, rain and snow, ice lightning fields, mountains, the objects are all very beautiful children watch. With the rise of student grades, must also gradually expose students to the social life of the United States, select the image of those vivid, sharp, describing the health situation of the United States to offer beautiful things and people writing themes, enhanced sensitivity, training in making children feel feeling. Training that children around the world become more attentively, sensitive, and this has opened up the source, has accumulated a wealth of imagery, and effectively improve the child's language and literacy, emotional literacy. This is the important basis for improving children's quality.
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Situation teaching so as to promote children's all-round development as the goal, take your child in the development of many factors, unified in Chinese teaching are proposed to promote the development of children "five principles".

(a) evoked initiative teaching process, accurately say, should be to promote the changing process of self development ". The teaching process only by learners itself active participation, and internalization, attract to accomplish. The essence of teaching students is determines the subject of teaching activities, whether students actively input, become teaching key of success or failure. Keep the children into the situation, exploring the fun, learning motivation; And in the continuous context, and constantly strengthen the learning motivation. Explore mental formation, to with curiosity, seeking knowledge desire of children speaking, itself is a kind of satisfaction, a pleasure. The process can simply summarized as: explore - meet - fun - produce motives. Specific operation, the teacher consciously placing children into the text describes related step by step, let children feel "situational context in sight," "that," in the situation I namely. Children can be involved in meantime, as if entered whose visible and its voice can smell, the scene is considerable, its content can reward situation. Objective teaching situation a HuanHuan fascinating; Children entered the situation the warm emotion in turn after rich situation. They hearted smile, cannotted help but weep and vibration heart rush indignation, the feeling and opinions expressed... Make the child's learning motivation in this "feeling" and "landscapes" interaction under the continuous was strengthened. Teaching finally become the "I" glad to participate in interesting and meaningful activities. In this warm, pushed by driving student group for knowledge but joy, for exploring and excitement, excited, reached a anticipated target also rich than teaching much, much larger state, real self need for studying passively. Situation teaching will induce initiative on promoting the development of children first, precisely because people's initiative to overcome in education in the form of idleness, encouraging make good quality has vital significance

(2) strengthening feeling sex more than half a century, our teaching used to "to bring teachers and students in analysis, led to a gorgeously philosophy of primary school teaching formalism. Situation teaching advocate primary school teaching "aggrandizement feeling, desalination analysis", that is, through the optimization situation guide children from aesthetic experience to perceive materials. Fun Optimization of the situation to children of life scenes show, becomes to notice the distinctness vivid appearance, music melody, role to play or physical demonstration, these specifically vivid image, providing the children understand language well known, and is ready for the understanding of the emotional colors blanketed the preparation. After the entered the situation as an aesthetic subject, children, through senses and mental to feel, to experience, guide child with their eyes to stare... The infection in image they gradually feel the beauty of the implication, or a kind of soft beauty, or a grand beauty, or a kind of noble beautiful... Children's vision, hearing, motion perception in this guide is constantly in the excited, children's senses when they become greatly plasticity sharp, perfect up, which will directly influence children's intuition and understanding improved. In order to strengthen children feel, situation teaching pay attention to the observation of activities designed to combining the composition teaching will "guiding observation, training of thinking - language - edify sentiment" combine, guide children observe do "choose beautiful things", "gradually increase the difficulty", "broaden imagination space". Nature is children's ideal eternal the source of wisdom. Chun xiaqiu winter, stars - rain and snow, ice fog, wind field, lightning, mountains are all children observe extremely beautiful objects. Along with the student grade rise gradually, still must let the students feel the beauty of social life, select the vivid, vivid, healthy beautiful situation provides students with the composition of the things and people describe beauty theme, strengthen sensitivity, let children feel in training in feeling. Feeling of training, causes the child to pay around the world, sensitive, growing the open source and accumulated a wealth of representation, and effectively improve the child's language literacy, emotional literacy. This is the important quality of raising children based.
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2011-03-15 · TA获得超过143个赞
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