
1.成长过程一直跟父母生活在一起,父母在我身上花费了很多精力,所以不仅教我养成了好的学习习惯,而且教育我要自力更生。初中的时候虽然性格内向,但从高中开始参加了篮球社团,我... 1. 成长过程

一直跟父母生活在一起,父母在我身上花费了很多精力,所以不仅教我养成了好的学习习惯,而且教育我要自力更生。初中的时候虽然性格内向,但从高中开始参加了篮球社团,我也渐渐开朗起来。进入大学后,学习了一年多韩语专业,很喜欢韩语所以来到了韩国。在韩国认识了很多新朋友,与韩国老师、同学相处融洽,一起制造了很多有趣快乐的回忆,形成一串串脚印,在阳光的照映下,它成了金色,它是通向成功,通向快乐的脚印。 感谢成长的脚印,让我自信满满。

2. 性格的优缺点

优点:做事谨慎小心,脚踏实地,个性稳重、具高度责任感,帮助朋友,做事也比较勤奋,上进心很强,为人可靠,身体健康,性格开朗,不仅在国内结交了很多朋友 在韩国留学期间也结交了许多朋友


3. 特技事项

熟悉计算机基本知识、掌握CAD、photo shop、PLC等制图软件,与同学间有良好的沟通协作能力成熟稳重,能承受工作压力,可适应长期出差,有较强的沟通交流、业务拓展以及团队管理能力,适应不同环境的能力,快速学习的能力,2011年通过国家大学三级考试,2013年通过韩国语能力三级考试,脚踏实地,上进心很强。对于自己的工作充满兴趣和热忱,有克服挫折的勇气和毅力,对自己的能力满怀信心。

4. 志愿动机及入社后抱负


 我来答
2014-05-10 · TA获得超过9071个赞
1 the growth process
一直跟父母生活在一起,父母在我身上花费了很多精力,所以不仅教我养成了好的学习习惯,而且教育我要自力更生。初中的时候虽然性格内向,但从高中开始参加了篮球社团,我也渐渐开朗起来。进入大学后,学习了一年多韩语专业,很喜欢韩语所以来到了韩国。在韩国认识了很多新朋友,与韩国老师、同学相处融洽,一起制造了很多有趣快乐的回忆,形成一串串脚印,在阳光的照映下,它成了金色,它是通向成功,通向快乐的脚印。 感谢成长的脚印,让我自信满满。
Have been living with my parents together, parents in me to spend a lot of energy, so not only taught me to develop good study habits, but also education I want to rely through one's own efforts. Junior high school of time, although the introverted, but from the beginning of high school joined in the basketball club, I also gradually open up. After entering the University, learning more than one year Korean professional, like Korean so came to korea. In South Korea to know many new friends, get along with Korean teachers, students, working together to produce a lot of interesting and happy memories, a string of footprints, in the sun shine, it became golden, it is the path to success, the road to happiness. Thanks to the growing footprints, let me full of confidence.
2. 性格的优缺点
The advantages and disadvantages of the 2 character
优点:做事谨慎小心,脚踏实地,个性稳重、具高度责任感,帮助朋友,做事也比较勤奋,上进心很强,为人可靠,身体健康,性格开朗,不仅在国内结交了很多朋友 在韩国留学期间也结交了许多朋友
Advantages: cautious, stand on solid ground, a stable personality, high sense of responsibility, helping friends, things are more diligent, aspirant, is reliable, healthy, cheerful personality, not only in the domestic made during many friends in Korea also made many friends
Disadvantages: sometimes do not seriously, not careful, often wrong, can say that they are not sensitive to figures, the statistics, survey data need to be checked repeatedly, can rest assured that no mistakes, not good at the printer equipment operation, often need colleagues help.
3. 特技事项
3 special issues
熟悉计算机基本知识、掌握CAD、photo shop、PLC等制图软件,与同学间有良好的沟通协作能力成熟稳重,能承受工作压力,可适应长期出差,有较强的沟通交流、业务拓展以及团队管理能力,适应不同环境的能力,快速学习的能力,2011年通过国家大学三级考试,2013年通过韩国语能力三级考试,脚踏实地,上进心很强。对于自己的工作充满兴趣和热忱,有克服挫折的勇气和毅力,对自己的能力满怀信心。
Familiar with basic computer knowledge, master CAD, photo shop, PLC and other mapping software, and the students with good communication and coordination skills mature, able to work under pressure, can adapt to long-term business, good communication, business development and team management ability, ability to adapt to different environments, the ability to learn fast, adopted in 2011 the National University three level of test, in 2013 through the Korean proficiency test level three, stand on solid ground, highly motivated. Full of interest and enthusiasm for their work, have the courage and perseverance to overcome setbacks, full of confidence in their own ability.
4. 志愿动机及入社后抱负
4 volunteer motivation and after the club ambition
I'm in Yongjin university learned your company, know your company from its inception, has been to development and production of high quality products, good treatment of your company, commitment, hope to join your company.
Enter your company, I will be in accordance with the company to give me trying to work, I hope the staff I can and your company together, for your company to create better products, as well as for your company in the future to strive and struggle, strive to do better.
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