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镇江国际饭店 于繁华的市中心,地理位置得天独厚,交通极为便利。外型巍峨挺拔,是镇江地区的标志性建筑,饭店高档的设施和优质的服务将是您来镇商务、旅游的上佳之选。1997年开业,2006年装修,楼高31层,共有客房总数410间套。镇江国际饭店是一家五星级涉外旅游饭店,位于镇江市区最繁华的商贸闹市区,毗邻16000平方米的绿地--城市客厅,距火车站约10分钟的车程,距南门汽车站步行仅需5分钟,市区各大购物中心近在咫尺。 饭店总建筑面积56000平方米,地下3层,地上31层,总体设计具有强烈的现在欧式风格,豪华典雅,是镇江标志性建筑。 饭店地下两层为大型停车场,一层为宾客大堂和西餐厅;四、五层为宴会厅、零点厅、多功能厅与特色包厢及各种会议室;六、七层为休闲娱乐中心。八至二十七层为标准客房、豪华套房(包括总统套房),共有430间(套);二十八层为商务俱乐部;裙房顶设屋顶花园、游泳池,二十九层为旋转餐厅。
Zhenjiang International Hotel in the heart of the city, the unique geographical location, transportation is very convenient. Shape towering tall and straight, is a landmark in Zhenjiang, hotel facilities and high quality service to the town will be your business, a good choice for travel. Opened in 1997, renovated in 2006, 31-story tall, a total number of 410 sets of rooms. Zhenjiang International Hotel is a five-star foreign-related tourism hotel, located in the most prosperous business in Zhenjiang urban downtown, close to 16,000 square meters of green space - urban living room, away from the railway station about 10 minutes, just walk away from the south gate of the bus station 5 minutes, the major urban shopping malls nearby. The total construction area of 56,000 square meters, the hotel, underground 3 floors, 31 floors on the ground, now the overall design has a strong European style, luxury and elegant landmark in Zhenjiang. Hotel underground layers for large car parks, one for the guests to the lobby and restaurant; four, five for the banquet hall, zero hall, function rooms and special boxes and a variety of meeting rooms; six or seven for the leisure and entertainment center. Eight to twenty seven standard rooms, luxury suites (including the presidential suite), a total of 430 rooms (sets); twenty-eight levels for the Business Club; skirt roof design roof garden, swimming pool, twenty-nine for the revolving restaurant.
Zhenjiang International Hotel in the heart of the city, the unique geographical location, transportation is very convenient. Shape towering tall and straight, is a landmark in Zhenjiang, hotel facilities and high quality service to the town will be your business, a good choice for travel. Opened in 1997, renovated in 2006, 31-story tall, a total number of 410 sets of rooms. Zhenjiang International Hotel is a five-star foreign-related tourism hotel, located in the most prosperous business in Zhenjiang urban downtown, close to 16,000 square meters of green space - urban living room, away from the railway station about 10 minutes, just walk away from the south gate of the bus station 5 minutes, the major urban shopping malls nearby. The total construction area of 56,000 square meters, the hotel, underground 3 floors, 31 floors on the ground, now the overall design has a strong European style, luxury and elegant landmark in Zhenjiang. Hotel underground layers for large car parks, one for the guests to the lobby and restaurant; four, five for the banquet hall, zero hall, function rooms and special boxes and a variety of meeting rooms; six or seven for the leisure and entertainment center. Eight to twenty seven standard rooms, luxury suites (including the presidential suite), a total of 430 rooms (sets); twenty-eight levels for the Business Club; skirt roof design roof garden, swimming pool, twenty-nine for the revolving restaurant.
Zhenjiang International Hotel in the heart of the city, the unique geographical location, transportation is very convenient. Shape towering tall and straight, is a landmark in Zhenjiang, hotel facilities and high quality service to the town will be your business, a good choice for travel. Opened in 1997, renovated in 2006, 31-story tall, a total number of 410 sets of rooms. Zhenjiang International Hotel is a five-star foreign-related tourism hotel, located in the most prosperous business in Zhenjiang urban downtown, close to 16,000 square meters of green space - urban living room, away from the railway station about 10 minutes, just walk away from the south gate of the bus station 5 minutes, the major urban shopping malls nearby. The total construction area of 56,000 square meters, the hotel, underground 3 floors, 31 floors on the ground, now the overall design has a strong European style, luxury and elegant landmark in Zhenjiang. Hotel underground layers for large car parks, one for the guests to the lobby and restaurant; four, five for the banquet hall, zero hall, function rooms and special boxes and a variety of meeting rooms; six or seven for the leisure and entertainment center. Eight to twenty seven standard rooms, luxury suites (including the presidential suite), a total of 430 rooms (sets); twenty-eight levels for the Business Club; skirt roof design roof garden, swimming pool, twenty-nine for the revolving restaurant.