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2023-01-20 · TA获得超过290个赞
Earthquake (earthquake) also known as the earthquake, ground vibration, vibration caused by the crust is the rapid release of energy in the process, a kind of natural phenomenon during the seismic waves can be generated. Earthquakes occur around the world each year about five million five hundred thousand times. Earthquake often caused serious casualties, can cause fires, floods, toxic gas leakage, bacteria and the spread of radioactive material, may also cause secondary disaster of tsunami, landslide, collapse, ground crack.


The distribution of earthquakes can be divided into two aspects of time and geographical distribution


Time distribution


Seismic activity has certain periodicity in time. Performance for the frequent seismic activity, in a certain period of time intensity, called seismic active period; and another time period seismic activity is relatively less frequency, intensity, called seismic quiescence.


Geographic distribution


Geographic distribution -- seismic belt


The geographic distribution of earthquakes is under the control of certain geological conditions, has certain regularity. The subduction boundary between plates, forming active seismic zone, seismic activity. The whole world has three main seismic belts: one is the Pacific seismic belt, surround the Pacific plate in the earth, including the south, the North American Pacific coast, the Aleutian Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula, the Kuril Islands, Japan islands, via Taiwan to Philippines to the southeast until the New Zealand, is one of the most active earthquake area, concentrated more than 80% earthquakes worldwide, 5 earthquake, 4 times in this. This zone in the Pacific plate and the American plate, Eurasian plate, India plate and the subduction boundary, boundary of the Antarctic plate and the American plate die.


Two is the Eurasian seismic belt, roughly from West Indonesia, Burma through the Hengduan Mountains, China Himalaya mountains, crossed the Pamirs, the Central Asia to the Mediterranean Sea and the coast. The band at the boundary of Eurasia and Africa plate, India plate and disappearing.


Three is the mid-ocean ridge seismic belt, contains three of the world's oceans stretches (i.e., the Atlantic Pacific and India ocean and the Arctic Ocean ridge). Seismic mid-ocean ridge seismic zone containing only about 5 ﹪ earthquake belt, here almost all earthquakes is shallow earthquakes.


China earthquake are mainly distributed in five regions: Taiwan, southwest, northwest, North China region, the southeast coastal areas.


Earthquake magnitude


The earthquake magnitude is determined according to the seismic energy released by the size of the. An earthquake release more energy, more earthquake level. The largest earthquake magnitude human record is May 21, 1960 Chile earthquake occurred in 9.5, the hydrogen bomb release energy equivalent to a 18000000 tons of explosive charge, or the equivalent of 1000000 kilowatts of power plant generating capacity of 40 years. Hydrogen released by Wenchuan seismic energy equivalent to about 900000 tons of explosive charge, generating capacity of 2 years or 1000000 kilowatts of power plant.

  国际上一般采用美国地震学家查尔斯·弗朗西斯·芮希特和宾诺·古腾堡(Beno Gutenberg)于1935年共同提出的震级划分法,即通常所说的里氏地震规模。里氏规模是地震波振幅以10为底的对数,并选择距震中100千米的距离为标准。里氏规模每增强一级,释放的能量约增加32倍,相隔二级的震级其能量相差1000 (~ 32 × 32)倍。

International general use the United States seismologist Charles Francis Richter and beno Gutenberg (Beno Gutenberg) magnitude division method proposed in 1935, commonly known as the Richter scale. The Richter scale earthquake wave is the maximum amplitude of the base 10 logarithm, and select 100 kilometres from the epicentre distance as the standard. The Richter scale increases by one level, the release of energy increased by about 32 times, two of the magnitude of the energy difference of 1000 separated (~ 32 × 32) times.


Less than a magnitude 2.5 earthquake, generally difficult to detect, known as the small earthquake or tremor; 2.5-5.0 earthquake magnitude, epicenter near the people will have different feeling, called felt earthquake, around the world each year hundreds of thousands of times greater than about; earthquake measuring 5 on the Richter scale, will cause damage to buildings in different degree, known as the devastating earthquake. The earthquake measuring 4.5 on the Richter scale above can be globally monitor. Since records began, the largest in the history of the earthquake occurred at nineteen eleven on May 22, 1960 Chile of South America, according to the United States Geological Survey, up to 9.5 on the Richter scale.
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