
1库存量控制的问题:库存都占用企业的流动资金,如果库存量过大,流动资金占用量过多,就会影响企、事业单位的经济效益;库存量过小,又难以保证生产持续正常进行。因此,库存量的多... 1库存量控制的问题:库存都占用企业的流动资金,如果库存量过大,流动资金占用量过多,就会影响企、事业单位的经济效益;库存量过小,又难以保证生产持续正常进行。因此,库存量的多少必须掌握适度定额和合理库存周转量。
3库存管理中存在的问题 :为了保障企业的准时生产,很多企业都存在库存量过高的问题,造成这种现象的主要原因在于: 销售预测不准确是影响库存居高不下的主要原因 ;货策略的失误和及时控制的能力较差 ;订货周期的不稳定 ;库存失衡
4库存的作用 :缩短订货提前期 ;稳定作用 ;分摊订货费用和调整准备费用;防止短缺 ;防止中断 ;需求方订货量少
5随库存量增加而上升的费用 :资金成本 ;仓储空间费用 ;物品变质和陈旧 ;税收和保险
6随库存量增加而下降的费用 :订货费 ;调整准备费;购买费和加工费 ;生产管理费;缺货损失费
7库存控制的定义 :库存控制,是对制造业或服务业生产、经营全过程的各种物品,产成品以及其他资源进行管理和控制,使其储备保持在经济合理的水平上
库存量过小所产生的问题:造成服务水平的下降,影响销售利润和企业信誉;造成生产系统原材料或其他物料供应不足,影响生产过程的正常进行;使订货间隔期缩短,订货次数增加,使订货(生产)成本提高;影响生产过程的均衡性和装配时的成套性 :
11零库存的形式 :委托保管方式 :接受用户的委托,由受托方代存代管所有权属于用户的物资,从而使用户不再保有库存,甚至可不再保有保险储备库存,从而实现零库存
协作分包方式 :主要是制造企业的一种产业结构形式,这种结构形式可以以若干企业的柔性生产准时供应,使主企业的供应库存为零;同时主企业的集中销售库存使若干分包劳务及销售企业的销售库存为零。
看板方式 :在企业的各工序之间,或在企业之间,或在生产企业与供应者之间,采用固定格式的卡片为凭证,由下一环节根据自己的节奏,逆生产流程方向,向上一环节指定供应,从而协调关系,做到准时同步
无库存储备 :库存的储备,是仍然保持储备,但不采取库存形式,以此达到零库存
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2011-04-28 · 超过31用户采纳过TA的回答
1 inventory control problem: the inventories of liquidity occupant enterprise, if inventories, floating capital ZhanYongLiang too too much, it will affect enterprises economic benefit; Inventories is too small, and to ensure the production continuing normal. Therefore, how many must master the inventories of fixed and reasonable inventory turnover moderately.
2 what is the inventory: inventory, warehouse storage is the actual goods. Can be divided into two kinds: one kind is the production of inventory, namely direct consumption materials of grass-roots enterprise, business, it is for the stock material guarantee enterprise, institution consume materials can uninterrupted supply and storage; One kind is circulation inventory, namely production enterprise fg inventory, production departments at various levels of inventory and materials department inventory
3 inventory the problems existing in the management: in order to ensure enterprise's just-in-time production, many enterprises have caused the problem of high inventories, the main reason is that this phenomenon: sales forecast not accurate is the main cause of high impact inventory; Goods strategy of failures and timely control ability is poor; Ordering cycle unstable; Inventory imbalances
4 inventory role: to shorten the time; the order advance Stable effect; Share order cost and adjusting preparation costs; To prevent short; Prevent interrupt; Less home-textile order
5 increases with stocks rising costs: cost of capital; Storage space charge; Deterioration and old; Tax and insurance
6 decreases with inventory cost: order fee; Adjust prepare fee; 购买费 and processing; Production management fee; Stock losses
7 inventory control definition: inventory control, is to the manufacturing or services production, management of the whole process of the various items, finished goods and other resources management and control, make its reserves remain in the economic reasonable level
8 inventory control role: to guarantee enterprise production and management on the premise of demand, make inventories often maintain in reasonable level; Master inventory dynamic, timely, and a ChaoChu or proposed order, avoid stock; Reduce inventory space occupied, reduce inventory total cost; Control inventory nbre, speed up the capital turnover
9 the reasonable control: stock inventory generated problem: excessive warehouse and inventory increase the storage charges, thereby improving the product cost; Occupy a lot of liquidity, causing the funds, which increased payment glazed other burdens, and interest will affect the time value of money and opportunity income; Cause products and raw material tangible depreciation and intangible loss; The large number of idle caused enterprise resources, affect the reasonable configuration and optimization; Cover the enterprise production and management of the whole process of the various contradictions and the question, go against enterprise raise the level of management
Inventories too small problems arising: cause a decrease in the level of service, affect sales profit and enterprise credibility; Production system raw materials or other materials supply, affect the normal production process; To shorten, order interval times of order increase, make order (production) costs rise; The production process of balance and influence of assembling complete sex:
10 zero inventory: zero inventory meaning is stored form of a warehouse or some kind of goods storage quantity is low a concept, can even as "zero", i.e. not keep inventory
11 zero inventory form: entrust custody means: accept user, commissioned by the entrusted party generation custody of the ownership with user, thus no longer retain user materials inventory, even can no longer keep insurance reserve inventory, thus realize zero inventory
Collaboration subcontractor is mainly manufacturing enterprise way: a kind of industry structure form, this structure can form of flexible production in some enterprises on the supply, makes advocate enterprise for zero; supply of inventory Meanwhile the Lord centralized sales inventory make enterprise some subcontracting of services and sales enterprise sales inventory is zero.
Kanban way in enterprise's each working procedure, between enterprises, or in between, or in production enterprises and suppliers, the fixed format between the card for vouchers, by the next link according to own rhythm, inverse production flow direction, up a link, so as to coordinate relations designated supply on time synchronization, do
No inventory reserves: inventory reserves, is still maintain reserves, but don't take inventory form, this achieve zero inventory
2011-04-15 · TA获得超过171个赞
  1 inventory control problem: the inventories of liquidity occupant enterprise, if inventories, floating capital ZhanYongLiang too too much, it will affect enterprises economic benefit; Inventories is too small, and to ensure the production continuing normal. Therefore, how many must master the inventories of fixed and reasonable inventory turnover moderately.
  2 what is the inventory: inventory, warehouse storage is the actual goods. Can be divided into two kinds: one kind is the production of inventory, namely direct consumption materials of grass-roots enterprise, business, it is for the stock material guarantee enterprise, institution consume materials can uninterrupted supply and storage; One kind is circulation inventory, namely production enterprise fg inventory, production departments at various levels of inventory and materials department inventory
  3 inventory the problems existing in the management: in order to ensure enterprise's just-in-time production, many enterprises have caused the problem of high inventories, the main reason is that this phenomenon: sales forecast not accurate is the main cause of high impact inventory; Goods strategy of failures and timely control ability is poor; Ordering cycle unstable; Inventory imbalances
  4 inventory role: to shorten the time; the order advance Stable effect; Share order cost and adjusting preparation costs; To prevent short; Prevent interrupt; Less home-textile order
  5 increases with stocks rising costs: cost of capital; Storage space charge; Deterioration and old; Tax and insurance
  6 decreases with inventory cost: order fee; Adjust prepare fee; Purchase cost and processing cost; Production management fee; Stock losses
  7 inventory control definition: inventory control, is to the manufacturing or services production, management of the whole process of the various items, finished goods and other resources management and control, make its reserves remain in the economic reasonable level
  9 the reasonable control: stock inventory generated problem: excessive warehouse and inventory increase the storage charges, thereby improving the product cost; Occupy a lot of liquidity, causing the funds, which increased payment glazed other burdens, and interest will affect the time value of money and opportunity income; Cause products and raw material tangible depreciation and intangible loss; The large number of idle caused enterprise resources, affect the reasonable configuration and optimization; Cover the enterprise production and management of the whole process of the various contradictions and the question, go against enterprise raise the level of management Inventories too small problems arising: cause a decrease in the level of service, affect sales profit and enterprise credibility; Production system raw materials or other materials supply, affect the normal production process; To shorten, order interval times of order increase, make order (production) costs rise; The production process of balance and influence of assembling complete sex:
  10 zero inventory: zero inventory meaning is stored form of a warehouse or some kind of goods storage quantity is low a concept, can even as "zero", i.e. not keep inventory
  11 zero inventory form: entrust custody means: accept user, commissioned by the entrusted party generation custody of the ownership with user, thus no longer retain user materials inventory, even can no longer keep insurance reserve inventory, thus realize zero inventory Collaboration subcontractor is mainly manufacturing enterprise way: a kind of industry structure form, this structure can form of flexible production in some enterprises on the supply, makes advocate enterprise for zero; supply of inventory Meanwhile the Lord centralized sales inventory make enterprise some subcontracting of services and sales enterprise sales inventory is zero. Kanban way in enterprise's each working procedure, between enterprises, or in between, or in production enterprises and suppliers, the fixed format between the card for vouchers, by the next link according to own rhythm, inverse production flow direction, up a link, so as to coordinate relations designated supply on time synchronization, do No inventory reserves: inventory reserves, is still maintain reserves, but don't take inventory form, this achieve zero inventory
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