
1、我不知道选择买什么礼物。2、那个窗边的孩子还需要10分钟完成制作飞机模型。3、你该起床了吗?不要这么懒惰。4、七一班的学生正在进行一场时装秀为希望工程筹款。5、我也想... 1、 我不知道选择买什么礼物。
2、 那个窗边的孩子还需要10分钟完成制作飞机模型。
3、 你该起床了吗?不要这么懒惰。
4、 七一班的学生正在进行一场时装秀为希望工程筹款。
5、 我也想帮助老人,你呢?
6、 他们准备在哪里向我们展示上世纪60年代到90年代的衣服?
7、 我希望王老师梳20世纪80年代的发型。
8、 那个驾驶员穿着长的红皮靴很漂亮。
9、 你叔叔今天看上去多么神气和时尚啊!
10、 我认为软底运动鞋穿起来很舒适轻便。他们是年轻人最爱的那种。
11、 今天是会议就到这里。你认为这个会议怎样?能给些我你的建议吗?
12、 请问我可以要求你帮助我们为贫困地区筹款吗?
13、 那个学生准备在哪儿讨论为贫困儿童募集资金的事?
14、 冬去春来。
15、 你裙子是什么材料的?是棉的吗?不,是皮做的。
16、 他的发型在20世纪90年代是很流行的。
17、 你妈妈穿紫色套装戴白色围巾很好看。
18、 他的风格与我很不同。
19、 在我许愿之前我可以关掉电灯吗?
20、 你可以让我仔细看看时装表演的照片吗?我可以借用你的照相机吗?
21、 时装表演上她穿着深蓝的裤子。
22、 听!我和父母正谈论选择穿什么呢?
23、 你妈妈准备去旅游还是参加宴会?
24、 牛仔裤适合体育课吗?不,牛仔裤不适宜体育课。
25、 我认为软底运动鞋不会使我的脚发热。
26、 我们老师穿黑色神气,黑色使他看上去时尚。
27、 这红色的围巾很配他的西装,那西装很适合他。
28、 我们经常谈论做衣服的不同料子。
29、 这个包上什么做的?它是皮革做的。皮做成了包。它是哪里制造的?它产自北京。
30、 每个学生不得不设计一只张海报来展示彼此的朋友。
31、 我肯定你会选择那款自行车的。
32、 穿棉制的衣服是很舒适的。它们穿在任何人身上都很受欢迎。
33、 那条裤子的颜色使你看上去很干净。它也配任何一种别的颜色。
34、 我希望这鞋子不大也不小。
35、 我爸爸不想要他的眼镜戴起来太紧,他想要他的戴起来舒适。
36、 你鞋子是浅绿的还是深褐色的?浅绿的。
37、 我设计的时装必须轻便又舒适。它们也将是年轻人的最爱。
38、 你鞋子是浅绿的还是深褐色的?他希望有更多业余爱好的时间。
39、 什么使他们难过了?谁能使他们高兴些?
40、 王老师希望看到我们最好的作品。
 我来答
1, I do not know what gift to choose to buy.
2, that the window Children need 10 minutes to complete production of the aircraft model.
3, you should get it? Do not be so lazy.
4, seven students are engaged in a group fashion show raising funds for Project Hope.
5, I would like to help the elderly, do you?
6, where they are ready to show us the last century 60's 90's clothes?
7, I hope Wang comb the 20th century, 80's hair.
8, the driver wearing a long red leather boots is beautiful.
9, look how much air your uncle and fashion today, ah!
10, I think the soft bottom shoes are comfortable and easy to wear. They are the kind of young love.
11, is meeting here today. What do you think this meeting? I can give you some advice?
12, can I ask you to help us raise funds for poor regions it?
13, where the student plans to raise funds for poor children to discuss things?
14, winter to spring.
15, what materials you dress? Is the cotton? No, it's leather done.
16, his hair 90 years in the 20th century is very popular.
17, your mother wearing a purple suit wearing white scarves look good.
18, his style is very different to me.
19, I wish I could turn off the lights before it?
20, you can make me a closer look at a fashion show photos? Can I borrow your camera?
21, fashion show, she wore dark blue pants.
22, listen! My parents and I are talking about choice to wear what?
23, or your mother prepared to travel to the party?
24, jeans for physical education it? No, jeans inappropriate physical education.
25, I think the soft bottom shoes will not make my feet hot.
26, we have an air of teachers wearing black, black made him look fashionable.
27, which is equipped with a red scarf to his suit, that suit is suitable for him.
28, we often talk about the different material to make clothes.
29, the bag, what to do? It is made of leather. Made from the skin of the package. It is where? It is produced in Beijing.
Who did this package? It is the aunt of a young system.
30, each student had to design a poster to display each other's friends.
31, I'm sure you would choose that section of the bicycle.
32, wear cotton clothes are very comfortable. Any person to wear them very popular.
33, the color of those pants make you look very clean. It is also equipped with any other color.
34, I hope this shoe is not much smaller.
35,My dad does not want too tight to wear his glasses, he wanted him to wear comfortable.
36,Your shoes are light green or dark brown? Light green.

38, Your shoes are light green or dark brown? He hopes to have more time for hobbies.
39, what makes them sad? Those who make them happy?
40,Miss Wang would like to see our best work.
2011-04-21 · TA获得超过159个赞
1, I don't know what choose to buy gifts.
2, the window edge children need 10 minutes to complete production model plane.
3, you this up? Don't so lazy.
4, 71th class student is a fashion show fundraising for the project hope.
5, I also want to help the old man. And you?
6, they are ready to show us where in the 1960s through 1990s clothes?
7 and I hope teacher wang comb hair in the 1980s.
8, the driver wearing long red boots are very beautiful.
9, your uncle how cocky today looks and fashion!
10, I think of trainers very comfortable and deft. They are young love the sort of.
11, today's meeting is here. How do you think of this meeting? Can give some me your advice?
12, may I ask you to help us in the poor areas fundraising?
13, the students to prepare for poor children where discuss raising money?
14, winter passed.
15 what is the material, the skirt? Is cotton? No, it's skin.
16, his hair in the 1990s is very popular.
17, your mother to wear purple suit wear white scarf is very good-looking.
18, his style and I are very different.
19, before I wished I could in turn off the lights?
20, you can let me look at fashion shows photos? May I borrow your camera?
21, fashion show deep blue trousers she wore.
22, listen! My parents and I were talking about choose what to wear?
23, your mother is going to travel or to the party?
24, jeans for PE class? No, jeans not suitable for PE.
25, I think of trainers will not make me feet fever.
26, our teacher to wear black dull, black make him look fashionable.
27, the red scarf is well-suited for his suit, it suits fit him.
28, we often talk about the different material making clothes.
29, this bag? What do It is made of leather. Skin make it a packets. It is where manufacturing? It produced from Beijing.
This packet of who did it? It is a young aunt system.
30, every student has to design a posters to show each other friends.
31, I'm sure you will choose the kind of bicycle.
32, wear cotton clothes are very comfortable. They wear in different people are very popular.
33, those pants color, make you look very clean. It also match any kind of a different color.
34, I hope it is also big shoes.
35, my dad didn't want his glasses wear too tight, he wants his wear comfortable.
36, your shoes are shallow green or brown? Shallow green.
37, I design fashion must be light and comfortable. They also will be young favorite.
38, your shoes are shallow green or brown? He wants more of the hobby of time.
39, what makes them sad? Who can make them happy?
40, teacher wang hope to see our best works.
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2011-04-21 · TA获得超过292个赞
1, I don't know what choose to buy gifts.
2, the window edge children need 10 minutes to complete production model plane.
Three, you this up? Don't so lazy.
Four, seven class student is a fashion show fundraising for the project hope.
5, I also want to help the old man. And you?
6, they are ready to show us where in the 1960s through 1990s clothes?
7 and I hope teacher wang comb hair in the 1980s.
8, the driver wearing long red boots are very beautiful.
9, your uncle how cocky today looks and fashion!
10, I think of trainers very comfortable and deft. They are young love the sort of.
11, today's meeting is here. How do you think of this meeting? Can give some me your advice?
12, may I ask you to help us in the poor areas fundraising?
13, the students to prepare for poor children where discuss raising money?
14, winter passed.
15 what is the material, the skirt? Is cotton? No, it's skin.
16, his hair in the 1990s is very popular.
17, your mother to wear purple suit wear white scarf is very good-looking.
18, his style and I are very different.
19, before I wished I could in turn off the lights?
20, you can let me look at fashion shows photos? May I borrow your camera?
21, fashion show deep blue trousers she wore.
22, listen! My parents and I were talking about choose what to wear?
23, your mother is going to travel or to the party?
24, jeans for PE class? No, jeans not suitable for PE.
25, I think of trainers will not make me feet fever.
26, our teacher to wear black dull, black make him look fashionable.
27, the red scarf is well-suited for his suit, it suits fit him.
28, we often talk about the different material making clothes.
29, this bag? What do It is made of leather. Skin make it a packets. It is where manufacturing? It produced from Beijing.
This packet of who did it? It is a young aunt system.
30, every student has to design a posters to show each other friends.
And, I'm sure you will choose the kind of bicycle.
32, wear cotton clothes are very comfortable. They wear in different people are very popular.
33, those pants color, make you look very clean. It also match any kind of a different color.
34, I hope it is also big shoes.
35, my dad didn't want his glasses wear too tight, he wants his wear comfortable.
36, your shoes are shallow green or brown? Shallow green.
37, I design fashion must be light and comfortable. They also will be young favorite.
38, your shoes are shallow green or brown? He wants more of the hobby of time.
39, what makes them sad? Who can make them happy?
40, teacher wang hope to see our best works.
已赞过 已踩过<
评论 收起
1, I do not know what gift to choose to buy.
2, that the window Children need 10 minutes to complete production of the aircraft model.
3, you should get it? Do not be so lazy.
4, seven students are engaged in a group fashion show raising funds for Project Hope.
5, I would like to help the elderly, do you?
6, where they are ready to show us the last century 60's 90's clothes?
7, I hope Wang comb the 20th century, 80's hair.
8, the driver wearing a long red leather boots is beautiful.
9, look how much air your uncle and fashion today, ah!
10, I think the soft bottom shoes are comfortable and easy to wear. They are the kind of young love.
11, is meeting here today. What do you think this meeting? I can give you some advice?
12, can I ask you to help us raise funds for poor regions it?
13, where the student plans to raise funds for poor children to discuss things?
14, winter to spring.
15, what materials you dress? Is the cotton? No, it's leather done.
16, his hair 90 years in the 20th century is very popular.
17, your mother wearing a purple suit wearing white scarves look good.
18, his style is very different to me.
19, I wish I could turn off the lights before it?
20, you can make me a closer look at a fashion show photos? Can I borrow your camera?
21, fashion show, she wore dark blue pants.
22, listen! My parents and I are talking about choice to wear what?
23, or your mother prepared to travel to the party?
24, jeans for physical education it? No, jeans inappropriate physical education.
25, I think the soft bottom shoes will not make my feet hot.
26, we have an air of teachers wearing black, black made him look fashionable.
27, which is equipped with a red scarf to his suit, that suit is suitable for him.
28, we often talk about the different material to make clothes.
29, the bag, what to do? It is made of leather. Made from the skin of the package. It is where? It is produced in Beijing.
Who did this package? It is the aunt of a young system.
30, each student had to design a poster to display each other's friends.
31, I'm sure you would choose that section of the bicycle.
32, wear cotton clothes are very comfortable. Any person to wear them very popular.
33, the color of those pants make you look very clean. It is also equipped with any other color.
34, I hope this shoe is not much smaller.
35, my dad does not want too tight to wear his glasses, he wanted him to wear comfortable.
36, your shoes are light green or dark brown? Light green.
37, I designed to be lightweight and comfortable fashion. They will also be a favorite of young people.
38, your shoes are light green or dark brown? He hopes to have more time for hobbies.
39, what makes them sad? Those who make them happy?
40, Wang would like to see our best work.
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1、I don't know what present to choose.
2、The child who sitting near the window need anther 10 minutes to finish making the airplan model.
3、You should get up.Don't be so lazy.
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