
39.Inthelateseventeenthcentury,Dr.Nooth’sApparatuswasfoundinalmosteverywell-to-doEngl... 39. In the late seventeenth century, Dr. Nooth’s Apparatus was found in almost every well-to-do English household. It was designed to maintain good health and restore the health of those who had lost it. What did the apparatus do?
Produce soda water. People had long believed that naturally carbonated waters were healthy. Those suffering from kidney stones, arthritis, and “lack of vigor” flocked to spas to partake of the waters. But individuals who were unable to get to the source were out of luck. That is , until Joseph Priestley came along.
Priestley, best known as the discoverer of oxygen, lived next to a brewery and was intrigued by the bubles of carbon dioxide he saw rising in the beer. This gave him the idea of carbonating water artificially. Joseph Black had already produced carbon dioxide- or “fixed air,” as it was called- by reacting chalk (calcium carbonate) with sulfuric acid. Priestly designed a clever apparatus that linked a glass vessel containing these reagents to a pig’s bladder. The bladder was connected to a tube that fed into a water-filled bottle that sat inverted in a basin of water. The gas was generated, and it filled the bladder, which was then squeezed to pump pressurized gas through the water. Using this method, Priestley was able to dissolve enough of the gas to produce an acceptably bubbly beverage. Salts such as sodium carbonate or sodium tartarate could be added to produce mineral water.

John Nooth, a Scottish physician, wondered why the curative properties of Priestley’s water had not been extensively investigated. He suspected that it had to do with the fact that the water had an unpleasant, urine-like flavor, so he designed an apparatus made entirely of glass, eliminating the pig’s bladder. Priestley did not take the criticism of his water very well. He maintained that neither he , nor anyone to whom he’d served his water, had ever noted a urine smell or flavor. If Nooth had found his water unpalatable, Priestley suggested, it must have been because a servant had played a cruel trick on him and urinated into the water he’d brought to fill Nooth’s carbonation apparatus. Priestley had no foundation for this accusation, and he eventually gave up his attack on Nooth and conceded that Nooth ‘s apparatus was superior to his own.
Later, Swiss inventor Johann Jacob Schweppe scaled up the apparatus, making carbonated water available to all. Today, the debate over the health benefits of such waters continues. But the financial benefits are beyond dispute- the lucrative soda pop industry relies on artificially carbonated water.
2011-05-07 · TA获得超过503个赞
. In the late seventeenth century, Dr. Nooth’s Apparatus was found in almost every well-to-do English household. It was designed to maintain good health and restore the health of those who had lost it. What did the apparatus do?
Produce soda water. People had long believed that naturally carbonated waters were healthy. Those suffering from kidney stones, arthritis, and “lack of vigor” flocked to spas to partake of the waters. But individuals who were unable to get to the source were out of luck. That is , until Joseph Priestley came along.
Priestley, best known as the discoverer of oxygen, lived next to a brewery and was intrigued by the bubles of carbon dioxide he saw rising in the beer. This gave him the idea of carbonating water artificially. Joseph Black had already produced carbon dioxide- or “fixed air,” as it was called- by reacting chalk (calcium carbonate) with sulfuric acid. Priestly designed a clever apparatus that linked a glass vessel containing these reagents to a pig’s bladder. The bladder was connected to a tube that fed into a water-filled bottle that sat inverted in a basin of water. The gas was generated, and it filled the bladder, which was then squeezed to pump pressurized gas through the water. Using this method, Priestley was able to dissolve enough of the gas to produce an acceptably bubbly beverage. Salts such as sodium carbonate or sodium tartarate could be added to produce mineral water
John Nooth, a Scottish physician, wondered why the curative properties of Priestley’s water had not been extensively investigated. He suspected that it had to do with the fact that the water had an unpleasant, urine-like flavor, so he designed an apparatus made entirely of glass, eliminating the pig’s bladder. Priestley did not take the criticism of his water very well. He maintained that neither he , nor anyone to whom he’d served his water, had ever noted a urine smell or flavor. If Nooth had found his water unpalatable, Priestley suggested, it must have been because a servant had played a cruel trick on him and urinated into the water he’d brought to fill Nooth’s carbonation apparatus. Priestley had no foundation for this accusation, and he eventually gave up his attack on Nooth and conceded that Nooth ‘s apparatus was superior to his own
Later, Swiss inventor Johann Jacob Schweppe scaled up the apparatus, making carbonated water available to all. Today, the debate over the health benefits of such waters continues. But the financial benefits are beyond dispute- the lucrative soda pop industry relies on artificially carbonated water.
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