
所有的人都期待奇迹发生,所有的人都在盼望yan重生的那一刻。很多市民来到医院看望yan,网上很多网民都在问候这位可怜的孩子,她的生命让陌生的世界撒满了光明。那段时间,病房... 所有的人都期待奇迹发生,所有的人都在盼望yan重生的那一刻。很多市民来到医院看望yan,网上很多网民都在问候这位可怜的孩子,她的生命让陌生的世界撒满了光明。
这封遗书的最后一句,让记者无法停止哭泣,“我来过,我很乖 。”
8月22日,由于消化道出血,几乎一个月不能吃东西而靠输液支撑的yan,第一次“偷吃东西”,她掰了一块方便面塞进嘴里。很快消化道出血加重,医生护士紧急给她输血、输液……看着yan腹痛难忍、痛苦不堪的样子,医生护士都哭了,大家都愿意帮她分担痛苦,可是,想尽各种办法还是无济于事。 8岁的yan终于远离病魔的摧残,安详离去。
 我来答
2011-05-09 · TA获得超过2537个赞
Everyone was expecting a miracle. Everyone was looking forward to the rebirth of Yan. Many citizens visited Yan in the hospital, while numerous netters sent their regards to the poor child through the internet. Her life shone on all corners of this world, with which she had not familiarized yet.

During that period, her ward was packed with flower and fruit, perfuming the air within and beyond.

Her two-month chemotherapy treatment was marked by 9 clinical hurdles, including infectious shock, blood poisoning, hemolysis, alimentary tract hemorrhage, etc. She survived every one of them. The chemotherapy treatment scheme jointly designed by provincial and national authoritative experts in children hematopathy worked well. The leukemia was finally brought under control. Everyone was expecting the good news of Yan's recovery.

However, chemotherapy may lead to horrible complications. Yan was physically weaker than many of the children with leukemia and had become even weaker after the operation.

In the morning on 20th August, she asked T: "Can you tell me why they are donating money to me, auntie?"

"Because they are kind persons."

"I will be a kind person too, auntie."

"Of course you are. Kind persons should help each other and will hence become even kinder."

Yan then took an arithmetic exercise book from under her pillow and handed it to T. "This is my testament, auntie."

The open-mouthed T immediately looked inside the book and did find the post-death arrangements of Yan. That, was a three-page "testament" wirtten with a pencil by an eight-year-old possibly dying kid, crouching on her bed. The kid was so young that many words were either unknown to her or erroneously written. It was also obvious that the "testament" was not composed in a continuous manner. It was divided into six paragraphs, which were filled with "please" for her after-death wishes and the "thank you" and "fare well" she wanted to say through the reporter to all those who had been caring about her.

"Good bye, auntie! We shall meet again in your dreams. My father's house is about to collapse, Auntie T. Don't get upset, father. Don't jump from high buildings. Auntie T, you must take good care of my father. Auntie, please give some of the money intended for my treatment to my school, and thank you auntie for telling this to the president of the Red Cross. After my death, please give the remaining money to those having the same illness as mine, so that they can get well..."

The last sentence in the testament triggered unstoppable tears from the reporter; "I have been here. I have been well-behaved."

On 22nd August, after almost one-month's infusion to remediate her inability to eat naturally due to alimentary tract hemorrhage, Yan stealthily took her first bite on a piece of instant noodle she broke off from a pack. This quickly worsened her alimentary tract hemorrhage. All emergency measures were immediately taken. In view of the pain Yan was suffering, doctors and nurses wept. Everyone was willing to relieve her by taking over the pain if they could. However, all practicable measures and efforts were in vain. The eight-year-old Yan was finally relieved from all her sufferings and made her final departure peacefully.

After reading all this, you may conclude that what I have written is unrelated to the subject of my article. It is related however. If I am the master of money, I will certainly share my money with all those in need. Should Yan be in a wealthy family, things may have been different. In front of wealth, people may lose ther rationality, abandon their relatives or become selfish and greedy. How many can do what an eight-year-old girl had done. If I am the master of money, I will definitely share my money with those in need and those with a kind heart because, at least, they will not use money as a tool to perform indecent deeds. That way, this world may become a better place to live.
2011-05-09 · TA获得超过230个赞
All the people are expecting a miracle, all people are looking forward to the moment yan rebirth. Many people came to the hospital to visit yan, online many netizens are greeting the poor child, her life make strange world shaman to the light.
At that time, the ward heaped flowers and fruit, was filled with the fragrance of intoxicate.
Two months of chemotherapy, yan has come through the nine times difficulties, septic shock treatment, sepsis, hemolysis, gastrointestinal hemorrhage... Bad all the time. From the province and even domestic authority haematology expert to jointly determine the children the chemotherapy for consultation, the effect is very good, "leukemia" itself has been completely control! Everyone in the news yan expects recovery.
However, the chemotherapy drug use may cause complications very terrible. And with many other leukaemiastricken children comparison, SheYan constitution sent a lot. Through this surgery her body worse.
20 August morning, she asked T: "aunt, you tell me, why should they give me donations?"
"Because they are good people."
"Aunt, I also do good people."
"You nature is good people. Good people to help each other, will become more kind."
Yan from under her pillow touched a math homework origin, handed T: "aunt, this is my suicide..."
T frightened, hurriedly open on see, indeed as expected is yan arrangement of matters. This is a critical only eight years old in children bed in pencil, lie prone wrote three pages of "suicide". Because the child is too small, some words can't write, and have individual wrong character. See the whole text and not one written proudest, divided into. Here is all about her departure of "please" after, and she thought through the reporter to whole society cared about her people express "thank you" and "goodbye".
"Aunt good-bye, we saw in a dream. T aunt, my dad house collapsed. Daddy don't angry, not jump. T has to read my dad aunt you. Aunt, cure my money to our school a little, thanks to the American Red Cross President said aunt. After my death, and the remaining money to people like me, who let their disease is the disease good up..."
The closure of the last sentence of suicide, let reporters can't stop crying, "I'm here, I'm good."
August 22, because gastrointestinal bleeding, almost a month can't eat and rely on transfusion support yan, the first "steal to eat," she snapping a instant noodles in his mouth. Soon gastrointestinal bleeding is aggravating, doctors and nurses emergency gave her a blood transfusion, infusion... Looking at yan abdominal pain unbearable, pain, the way doctors and nurses were crying, and everybody is willing to help her share painful, but try every way or useless. Eight-year-old yan finally away from by the onset of left, serene.
Could you finish reading will feel this with my subject is not conform to, actually otherwise. If I am Lord of money, I would put the money to these points are in need. If yan family is not so poor, probably a lot of things will be different. Before the money, someone lose reason, somebody abandoned family, someone selfish greed, how many people can do it, do it with an eight-year-old girl the same. If I were money master, I will put money among necessary, kind-hearted people, at least, they won't put money as a tool, do something unethical thing. The world will be more beautiful some!
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