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Situated in henan province north of XiuWuXian yuntai mountain peaks is 12 km ZhuYu peak, altitude 1304 meters, because, as a big pot isolated mountain peaks, covering the above, in ancient called "and because it overburden busan" high mountain, dense woods, mountain often cloud curl up, so it is called "yuntai mountain". From geography's point of view, in yuntai mountain terrain belongs to the south part of the taihang mountain land, so it is also called "mountain in shansi yuntai mountain".

Since yuntai mountain is famous, now has built up north, but also a scenic yuntai mountain national forest park and national geological parks. Now the main scenic spots have: open WenPan valley, ZhuYu peak, old tam ditch, small village ditch, etc.

Well, friends, we are now in the WenPan valley scenic area, it is because crustal movement left over from the fracture of the fracture structure traces, seem to be very narrow line canyon, which is "the sight". We want to visit along anti-seeping plank road, so everyone in the appreciation of scenery, while also pay attention to safety.
Into the valley, you are feeling inside to warmer than the outside? You see, two test escarpment, surrounded by mountains, thus make valley surrounded not easily, and internal and external air circulation caused valley inside unique climate characteristic, is warm in winter and cool in summer, the average temperature is about 10 ℃, so called "WenPan valley".
WenPan valley 1 km wide stretches nearly 3-10 meters, valley stream clear brook within, there are some strange stone, on both sides of a long wall, a compound GuaGua bead shade type springs global-positioning pour, forming the waterfall, plus the cliffs waterfalls landscape lichen, wild chrysanthemum and other floral ornament, appear vitality and pleasing to eye, so are known as "miniascape canyon".
Good, tourists, we continue to west lake line, after the ovary and fill with water bridge, what you saw a written entrance, "old tam ditch" three big word. Legend for save a tianhe dragon king folk drought bitter, ignoring the jade emperor will, under heavy rainfall, secretly exiled, perched on earth in a deep pool here called "longtan", this erdaogou called "longtan ditch," said after the respect of dragon human, "dragon" word instead of "old" word, became "old tam ditch".
Because the geological history here, there was a severe faulting, formed the thing trend "u-shaped" appeared cliffs, thus here of the thing alignment, and valleys landscape tall and steep cliff wall landscape, everyone see, here with high peak waterfalls nasty, mountain male water show, visible nature how clever offers.
At the end of the old tam ditch, is the famous yuntai mountain waterfalls, it divide achieve 314 meters, the width about 5-7 meters, is the biggest fall in Asia now find the waterfalls, therefore, also called "waterfall", it is day yuntai mountain landscape most. You see, the waterfall, and like at the top where the clouds float, leisurely clouds of batt, voluminous, as lower fly splash jade, throwing up one metre high and splash water mist, put into one regiment in crept waterfall cover fog. It is showed strength, and embodies the soft, feeling letting a person is full of vitality.
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